Text-savvy, explore the copy

Chapter 320 Making a copy

The manufacturing hall of the Divine Word Research Institute.

Zhuang Cai and Hui Ling were talking to each other here, and Alice had disappeared into the room and got into the private space in Zhuang Cai's hands.

At this time, the palm of Hui Ling's hand was a cage ball that was covered with densely packed divine characters.

What was inside was the evil god that Zhuang Cai had captured before.

“This forms a perfect core embryo. As long as other external restrictions and output components are added, a perfect replica core can be made.

Equipped with the Energy Illusion Generator, you can meet the core requirements of the dungeon. If nothing else, this dungeon should be your experience. "

Listening to Hui Ling's narration, Zhuang Cai listened very seriously and nodded from time to time.

Because Zhuang Cai is indeed very interested in this aspect, he is now witnessing the creation of a copy. This kind of copy runs through everything in the early and middle stages of Zhuang Cai's life.

At that time, not only Zhuang Cai, but also everyone on earth would be wondering on what principle the copy was based on? How was it made?

No one will be curious.

And now Zhuang Cai will really watch it here for the first time.

Hui Ling seemed to notice that Zhuang Cai was very interested in this aspect, so he slowly started to talk about the process one by one.

"The first thing we have to do is seal it. You also know how powerful the evil gods are. Their ability to invade us without anyone noticing is so difficult to guard against.

Once our emotions begin to gravitate towards the extreme emotions corresponding to this evil god, we will almost not realize that we are being affected, and slowly move towards the extreme. "

As he spoke, he shook the ball that was still sealing in his hand.

"You may wonder why so many layers of sealing are required, which is different from sealing it inside your body.

You see, the seals constructed by many of the divine characters above are not complete seals. Some of them extract energy and create a gap so that the energy of the evil god can be forcibly extracted.

Otherwise, it is an eternal seal. As long as it is a seal, there is no possibility that it will not be broken forever. It is just a matter of time. "

Even so, with Gray Spirit's technology, such a not-so-powerful evil god core was perfectly sealed.

Zhuang Cai couldn't understand the complex and changeable divine characters posted on it.

He could understand these fonts, but the fonts were so densely packed together that he couldn't understand some of them, but at least he could understand most of them.

This is much better than knowing nothing.

"Such a seal is the first step, and a solid seal is the foundation of everything."

As he spoke, he suddenly lowered his voice and whispered: "Actually, you should have noticed that sealing should be done by people who specialize in magic circles, which is your master's job.

But, you also know that your master has become the acting master of the Red Palace, so this job has recently fallen on me. "

"Recently?" If Zhuang Cai remembered correctly, Hui Ling was just talking about some seal he had handled 200 years ago.

"Forgot, forgot that your concept of time has not changed yet, I mean in the past thousand years."

Is it the last millennium? Even if it's an immortal species, it wouldn't be so exaggerated, right?

Hui Ling was indeed old. Zhuang Cai couldn't help complaining in his heart, but he couldn't say it out loud.

"Look, you interrupted again. We are still talking about the core issue." Hui Ling couldn't help scolding Zhuang Cai.

Yes, yes, I'm interrupting.

Zhuang Cai looked calm and nodded, not wanting to say anything more.

After clearing his throat, Hui Ling changed the topic again.

“Such a sealed prototype will be sent to the real place where the copy is made, which is a top-secret forbidden area of ​​the Tri-Color Alliance, and ordinary people are not allowed to enter.

But you should be able to get in, but it's actually not interesting in there. It's mainly because you're afraid of people destroying it. The technology inside is boring.

It won't do anything for you.

To put it simply, it is to apply it layer by layer through the various methods we have set up before.

Until the power of the evil god can be completely separated, and then use illusory devices to turn the energy into reality through dungeons and clearance. The energy is then converted into energy that humans can use and transformed into rewards.

In order to strengthen human beings themselves, it can also permanently eliminate the power of evil gods. "

Having said this, Hui Ling looked at Zhuang Cai with a serious expression: "Do you know why? Is the evil god known as the nemesis and natural enemy of mankind?"

"I probably know a little bit." Zhuang Cai knew that Hui Ling was off topic again, but he was indeed interested in this topic, so he nodded and replied.

"The evil god has no entity, but is a spiritual body, a higher-level existence that is a mixture of spirit and energy.

The spirit of its dominant energy represents the extreme of human emotions. Through this extreme emotion, humans can be invaded and changed very easily.

Especially weak humans can even carry out a rapid and large-scale invasion of an entire civilization, extremizing it and directly falling into destruction and degradation that ordinary people cannot bear.

A weak evil god can easily destroy countless human civilizations, not to mention that there are not many such evil gods. "

This is Zhuang Cai's understanding of the evil god, and it is also what everyone who comes to the Three Color Alliance should understand.

Gray Spirit nodded, this was just a standard answer.

"The evil god or the Devouring Soul, they are a kind of spiritual construct, a powerful spiritual construct.

Their most conspicuous feature is actually that they feed on the human spirit and the human soul that can produce emotions.

The so-called invasion makes human beings fall to the extreme of their emotions. It is actually a cooking method. Can you understand it?

Make us more to his taste. "

Zhuang Cai nodded, understanding that the description was very vivid.

"The reason why they devour us is because the evil gods themselves need to grow, just like we need to eat and drink water to grow.

Evil gods will not die if they do not devour human souls, but they will stagnate and be unable to grow.

The instinct of growth will make them pursue the devouring of human beings, traveling from the stars, alien spaces and even many planes to prey on human civilization and eat them all. "

Having said this, Hui Ling couldn't help but look at the corner in front of him with a serious, but somewhat dazed look.

He said calmly: "Their existence seems to be deliberately created to hurt us.

After more and more samples were collected, we found that some powerful individuals even consciously kept humans in captivity.

We have discovered similar phenomena on many planets, and on some planets the phenomenon has even reached a terrifying level. Almost the entire planet has been turned into a feed factory.

The evil gods continued to devour and grow the endless stream of human beings, turning them into terrifying existences. "

To put it simply, the restraint properties of the Soul Eater on humans are very outrageous, and few people can resist it, whether it is temptation or something else.

"Back to the topic, knowing this situation, how do you think the mechanism of a copy works?

How do we construct the energy of the dungeon into a dungeon, and why do we need to create a way to pass the level like training.

Wouldn’t it be better to instill this energy directly into the right people?
Why do you need to use the anti-locking method of clearing the dungeon? You should have thought about it this way, right? "

Zhuang Cai nodded, no one has thought about this.

After all, if this is really the case, there are too many ways to deliver such energy to humans and make them stronger.

Hui Ling smiled, nodded, looked at Zhuang Cai and asked, "Did you notice this when you were clearing the dungeon?

Enemies, yourself and those who need saving.

Everything except yourself is constructed from the core infused energy of the copy.

In fact, although we can intervene in the structure of the copy, the degree of intervention is limited.

The intervention of some people constructs the entire world of the copy, that is, the people you need to save. "The significance of this method is that it is easier to steal more energy from the evil god and use it for consumption."

Having said this, Gray Spirit waved his hand, and a tree diagram similar to a copy appeared in front of him.

“The first is the original copy generator created by the core, and what needs to be done is to build a real copy of the copy generator.

The reason why I chose the experience of sealing the evil god is because it is equivalent to telling the evil god how he was sealed. Only in this way can it be easier to absorb the evil god's energy. This can be regarded as a helpless exchange.

And a replica core will not generate only one replica, but only a higher-level replica.

The remaining energy will be split into lower-level copies, forming a progressive cycle.

Depending on your own narrative, this time may be divided into three stages.

The first is a time period when teams of explorers search for information and deal with the mechanical life forms affected by the evil god.

The second step is to find the problem and find the time period where the evil god's body is located.

Finally, it is time to construct a magic circle and cleanse the evil gods.

Of course, although there will be these three stages, the things and tasks that happened may not be like this. It is just to apply to the background you experienced at that time. "

Listening to Hui Ling's detailed explanation, Zhuang Cai was able to correspond one by one and understand more quickly.

While Hui Ling was talking, other pictures appeared in his hands.

"The power extracted from the evil god cannot be completely transformed. At this time, they must be allowed to cancel each other out. Through a special structure, enemies and ordinary natives were produced in the copy.

The enemy is equivalent to the uncontrollable part extracted, carrying the energy of the evil god's will. Ordinary friendly indigenous people are equivalent to still being enemies, but they no longer have the will of the evil god.

No matter which one, humans cannot use it at will, and then there is the way to clear the dungeon.

Participating in it through customs clearance is a process of mixing your own energy into it and letting these energies slowly adapt to your body.

In this process, the more enemies you kill and the more ordinary people you save, the more energy you gain.

If you simply kill too many enemies in the dungeon instead of saving more existences, the energy gained will be slightly limited.

The reverse is also true, so moving forward side by side is the fastest way to level up. "

"For example, your faster upgrade method is like this. You save more people, kill more enemies, and gain more energy in the dungeon. Naturally, the more power you will increase. ”

After listening to Hui Ling's series of narrations, Zhuang Cai finally had a very intuitive understanding of the copy.

In this way, Zhuang Cai stayed here for almost a day or so, and then watched Gray Spirit seal the entire evil god's sealing ball firmly.

As soon as we came outside, a member came over.

Looking at Hui Ling and Zhuang Cai next to Hui Ling, he nodded to them, then quickly came to Hui Ling's side and said, "The vice-captain of the stage drama team is here to see you again."

Hearing this, Hui Ling rolled his eyes, but shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"It seems that the people coming here are troublesome to you?" Zhuang Cai asked curiously from the side.

Gray Spirit nodded: "This is not the first time they have come. They hope that I can solve some problems for them, but I have to be honest, it is almost impossible."

As he talked, he came to a living room, and Zhuang Cai discovered that the stage drama team was the team that observed the earth.

The deputy captain was standing half a mile behind Andrina.

At this time, she looked haggard. When she saw Gray Spirit approaching, she quickly came up to greet him.

"Master Gray Spirit, have you found a way to save our captain?"

Hearing this, Hui Ling shook his head: "No, and you should know that there are almost no means to solve these problems.

No one can help her but herself, it's a matter of the soul. "

The man sighed: "I just have hope, but I still thank Master Gray Spirit for his answer."

Looking at the leaving figure, Hui Ling sighed.

Then looking at Zhuang Cai's eyes, he couldn't help but ask: "Do you know him?"

Zhuang Cai nodded: "I know, they are the team responsible for observing my hometown.

"I see, that's quite fate."

After finishing speaking, Gray Spirit said: "The problem comes from their captain, White Andrina, who is also a genius girl among the White Stars.

It is probably the same type as our golden Pete, and even comes from the same civilization, but the time is different.

But for such a talented girl, I don’t know what happened some time ago. Suddenly, her mood was drastically reduced, and she couldn’t get it back.

The whole person also became a little depressed. After inspection, it was found that there was a lack of emotional color cast.

And she herself is a person with white emotions. White means happiness, and lack means that happiness lacks its main existence, and the object on which happiness depends is no longer there.

In such a situation, the emotions will be greatly reduced, and a hole will be left in the heart, which means that it is easy to be controlled by evil spirits. "

Having said this, Hui Ling shook his head helplessly, looking very regretful.

Zhuang Cai couldn't help but frown when he heard this. He keenly felt that he might know the reason for this, but he didn't know why.

This idea of ​​wanting to explore the root of it kept replaying in his mind, and was finally suppressed by his will.

He probably knows that it is related to his sealed memory. If that is the case, then don't think too much about it.

"Okay, I've finished reading. If you need anything, come to me. I have something to do now."

Gray Spirit said and disappeared.

Zhuang Cai left the research institute and began to run around the entire three-color alliance. After completing some procedures, he left the three-color domain and quickly jumped back through the portal.

Came to the planet of mechanical earth.

At this time, the forward base that was originally floating in the air has completely landed.

After Zhuang Cai went down, he found that Pete's team and others at the advance base were extremely busy, and something similar to a small spacecraft could be seen patrolling in the sky.

Many people filled their own space equipment with supplies and then threw them out box by box from their own space upon arrival.

After taking a few glances, Zhuang Cai arrived at the Heavenly Holy Kingdom.

After finding Nan Su Bei, he asked: "How is it? Is the recruitment of team members going smoothly?"

Nan Subei nodded.

“The manpower that can launch the spacecraft is basically complete, and Cross Star is training them.

What about you, brother? Is it possible to drive a spacecraft to a place near the three color fields? "

Zhuang Cai nodded: "Of course it can be done. I have completed all the procedures."

This is what Zhuang Cai did when he went to the Three-Color Alliance. After all, spaceships sometimes carry some high-power weapons.

Therefore, if you want the spaceship to be parked correctly, certain procedures are still required. The two are planning to wait for all their teammates to leave, then drive the spaceship to pick them up and give them a truly huge surprise. This is something no one could have imagined. surprise.

During the time they left, the team of Peter and others had already begun to help the development of this world.

Due to the lack of the extreme anthropomorphic sect of the Heavenly Saint Theocracy, the cooperation between the two parties gradually began to go on the right track under the operation of the Alpha Sect.

This civilization, with the help of Peter and the others, began to develop rapidly, and their own mechanical and high-tech advantages began to be quickly demonstrated.

After making sure, Zhuang Cai left here, he was going to pick up someone. (End of chapter)

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