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Chapter 326 Summoning Spirits in the Daytime

On the desolate Gobi desert, the scorching sun sheds scorching light.

In this place without any shelter, the sand and mud are blazing hot in the sun. From a distance, you can even see the air becoming distorted by the heat.

Mike, who was wearing a leather cowboy suit, was already extremely hot. He opened his collar, picked up his cowboy hat, and kept fanning himself.

From time to time, he put his cowboy hat on his head, trying to block the sun.

The walking route gradually changed to walking in the shadows, trying to avoid the sun.

"Why is it so hot? It was so cold last night that I couldn't sleep. It's not summer yet."

Mike said and continued walking forward.

Zhuang Cai and Alice followed behind and were not affected by the sun. After all, both Zhuang Cai and Alice are already advanced life forms, and it is difficult for the external environment to affect them anymore.

Unless the external environment is extremely bad.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for them to be affected by heat, cold or other conditions. After all, their current body is a core.

The exterior is woven from the core.

At this time, Zhuang Cai was actually looking at the world map.

One day has passed, and the first batch of people who went out to investigate have returned the first-hand intelligence, including the map.

Thanks to the current level of society, which is probably in modern times, coupled with the gradual openness and freedom, the collection of some intelligence has become easier.

Many locations on the world map have been marked with names, and various annotations are obtained through intelligence analysis.

But after all, it’s only one day, so this information is some basic information about the background of the world.

Including some conflicts between races and ethnicities, and the sphere of influence of the country.

Zhuang Cai looked at the place where they were now. There were several names marked, but the most practical one was the Great Gobi.

The sphere of influence it belongs to is a territory called the Ark Alliance.

However, it can be seen from the gathering places on the map that the alliance does not seem to care about this vast Gobi. After all, there are few resources here and it is extremely desolate.

Not to mention that it was quite dangerous here, and over time I became too lazy to pay attention to it.

The gathering places around the next door are also sparsely distributed, and they are all small towns. There is only one city outside the desert called Gordon City.

After understanding the information transmitted on the first day, Zhuang Cai looked up again and looked ahead.

Looking at Mike who was walking on two legs in front of him, Zhuang Cai asked with some confusion: "Why don't you ride that skeleton-like horse like yesterday? You have to walk on two legs.

The way that horse fell apart is very strange. It must not be alive, but it was you who caused it. "

Hearing this, Mike turned his head in surprise and looked at Zhuang Cai with slightly widened eyes.

"Did you see it?"

Zhuang Cai nodded: "Of course, I saw it from a distance."

This shows that Zhuang Cai and the others discovered themselves very early, but only came over when they were about to be surrounded.

Thinking of this, Mike couldn't help but sigh. He was already discovered, so why did he try to hide it?

He said helplessly: "After all, not many people can endure the technique of binding the undead, even if it is just a horse.

I thought you couldn't accept it either. "

Zhuang Cai shrugged. He didn't care much about this aspect. It would be better to say that he was quite curious.

Mike said and suddenly walked back: "I just saw a nice corpse there. If you don't mind, I'll go there and wake one up."

As he said that, he walked back, and not long after walking he saw a corpse almost buried under sand and gravel at the bottom of a mountain wall.

It's not just one horse, there are several, but the exposed parts are different, and you can even see a human skull.

Obviously what died here was a convoy, or several knights or something like that.

Mike walked over, just under the scorching sun.

He took out something that looked like powder from his pocket. Zhuang Cai took a closer look and saw that it seemed to be some kind of powder made from bones.

He muttered something in his mouth, then spread his palms to blow out the powder and sprinkle it on the place where the bones were.

He took out his knife from his waist, picked a good spot on his palm, and swiped it.

The sharp blade instantly cut the skin, and blood leaked out.

He seemed to be already familiar with this step, and the cuts were neither too big nor too small, just right.

The blood did not flow out much and gradually dried up.

Elongated and shallow scars scab over quickly.

The blood dripped out onto the sand where ashes and bones were mixed.

These things were rolled together, and the blood could no longer be seen.

"Ghost... nature's ghost, listen to me... get up, get up and run again..."

Godly words came out of his mouth.

The surrounding atmosphere became slightly darker, and there seemed to be a biting chill coming out.

Under the scorching sunlight, a shadow suddenly appeared where they were.

There is no obstruction above the head.

Is it really okay to summon the undead like this under the bright sun?
Zhuang Cai couldn't help but wonder.

No matter in which world, as long as there is the sun, in most cases, the sun is the most holy and flaming existence.

It has always represented light and heat, and in some worlds it also has the meaning of life.

Zhuang Cai himself understood rituals and their abstract meanings.

When summoning the undead under this kind of sunshine, let alone the success rate, whether it can be implemented is a question.

But now the problem is indeed successful.

Suddenly the entire Gobi became slightly darker, and the clouds in the sky blocked the sun, bringing a brief shade to the Gobi.

Taking this opportunity, Mike roared loudly and raised his hands upward.

The surrounding sand and gravel cracked, and then the horse's bones began to break away from the ground, joining together and standing up unsteadily.

The bones of the standing horse can be seen covered with mud, and there are traces of the passage of time and various scratches on them.

Fortunately, after the horse died, the bones on its body did not seem to be taken away by anything, and it seemed to be somewhat intact.

As he stood up completely, the dark aura was like gauze, covering the horse's body, giving the surface of his body a film like skin.

It clings closely to its body, completely denting its bones.

It looked like an unusually thin horse that had grown close to its bones. It was at least slightly better than a complete skeleton, although not much better.

"Huh, I finally got it done. Summoning during the day is really troublesome."

Mike said as he began to examine the skeletal horse.

Zhuang Cai touched his chin and began to think.

The ceremony could be successful in broad daylight, but under the scorching sun. If there was not that cloud blocking it, the ceremony would also be successful this time, it would just take a little more effort.

From here it can be concluded that this world has a plane that holds souls.

Different souls in the world dissipate and return after death in slightly different ways.

The fastest way to judge this situation is to use necromancy.

The necromancy spell that cannot be resurrected once dead shows that the rules for the dissipation of dead souls in that world are very strong and fast.

It almost means that there is no interface specifically for dead souls in that world, and the specific dead souls will immediately die and be broken into the world.

It can be awakened through necromancy for a period of time after death, which means that this world may not have an interface to carry the soul of death.

But it takes a while for the soul to dissipate.

If you have been dead for a long time, your corpse can be awakened, and there are also things like ghosts and ghosts in the world. Then this world is almost 100% certain to have a death interface that carries the soul.

This interface may be hell, the underworld, or of course the underworld. Each has its own name, but they probably mean the same thing.

In this world, there are not only two interfaces, but they are even very close to each other.

There is a thin layer between life and death, which is why it is so easy to summon the undead.

So it can be said that it is very easy for all kinds of ghosts and ghosts in this world, and all kinds of undead souls to leave their bodies and emit spiritual energy.

Similarly, soul-related spells may be more prosperous, and it is almost 100% certain in this world that there will be those beings who can extremely extend their lifespan by transforming themselves.

In this world where the boundaries between life and death are very thin and very close, this is almost inevitable.

This means it is easier to break the cycle of life and death.

At this time, Mike looked at Zhuang Cai. He was wondering if he should spend some effort to summon one for them. After all, there were several horse bones here.

Then he has to summon another skeleton horse? Still during the day, this does take some time and effort.

After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth: "How about we ride on the same horse together..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Zhuang Cai walking to the hole where the bones had just come out.

He stretched out his right hand and pressed it on top.

Circles of dense formations suddenly expanded from his feet, forming a circle around the place where the bones were.

The dense formation carved the fonts on the ground firmly into the ground, leaving a deep mark.

There are no spells, nothing magical.

Zhuang Cai just stretched out his hand, grabbed it, and lifted it up sharply.

With the sound of clicking, cracks appeared on the ground, and bones flew out quickly one after another, even forming two war horses.

Zhuang Cai even had the leisure to burn the bones that flew out.

The bones that had been ravaged by time and looked like they could break with a single knock became as white as new, as if they were forged from jade.

The bones were combined with each other, and the two bone horses stood perfectly in front of them.

Zhuang Cai looked at the two bone horses and seemed not to be very satisfied, so he waved at them.

Dark, soul-like gauze covered the skeleton's body, entwining layer after layer.

As the ghost's gauze completely obscured the skeleton, the two horses became like the ghost's war horses.

His eyes were flashing with orchid flames, and there were no bones on his body, only a dreamlike black gauze covering it.

It's like they radiate from them and represent a part of their soul.

The two horses seemed to have come to life. They paved the ground with their hooves uneasily, and even snorted and sprayed out blue sparks.

Just like that, he started walking, walking around Zhuang Cai as if he wanted to get close to him.

Alice seemed to like the ghost horses very much, so she jumped up, sat on one of them, and touched it with her hands.

The ghost horse, who looked very bad-tempered, didn't mind Alice at all. He even stabilized his body, turned his head and rubbed her.

Mike watched this scene blankly.

Although he only knows simple necromancy, he usually only uses it to summon horses, mice and other gadgets to help him.

But he is a witcher after all, and he has fought against many necromancers who were truly evil and disgusting.

Naturally, he clearly knows some of the standards of necromancy, and also knows how to judge the strength of necromancy spells, so as to understand the strength of the enemy.

Look at the two ghost horses in front of them. The blue flames are flashing in their pupils. They are full of spirituality and behave like living horses.

This is an extremely perfect awakening of the undead, and can even be called the transformation of the undead.

Because these two war horses have been dead for who knows how long, it is almost impossible to wake them up as ghost horses.

Not to mention that it was still daytime, no materials had been used, and no ceremony had been held.

It's actually quite difficult to wake it up into a skeletal horse that only has bones and is completely controlled. In order to prevent the skeleton horse from falling apart after running a few steps, Mike will also wrap it in a layer of fake leather.

As a result, the Zhuang Cai in front of him was better, and he was directly changed into a higher-level ghost horse, or even a spiritual ghost horse.

This kind of operation can completely call Zhuang Cai in front of him the master of the dead.

But the whole process of the behavior just now showed to Mike that Zhuang Cai in front of him was obviously not good at necromancy, and it seemed like it was just a curious attempt.

It doesn't have the exquisite ingenuity of necromancy, and is a little unfamiliar.

Looking at the dense circle of magic circles on the ground, Mike rubbed his feet. To be honest, he couldn't understand it at all.

Although he knew something about this thing, it was only because he needed to use it professionally. He only knew a few simple professional magic circles.

It's so densely packed that it's a headache to look at, let alone to complete it in an instant.

In Mike's mind, he has gradually improved Zhuang Cai's strength by several knots.

This man is definitely not as young as he looks on the surface, he must be an old guy who has changed his appearance.

"How is it? My skills should be pretty good."

Hearing Zhuang Cai's words, Mike smiled: "Very good, to be honest, I have never seen such a sophisticated method."

"Really? Then you can lead the way and don't worry about us."

Mike shook his head helplessly, mounted the skeleton horse and started running wildly in the direction of the pointer.

Zhuang Cai and Alice each followed behind him on a ghost horse.

Alice, who had hardly ever ridden a horse, seemed very excited about riding a ghost horse.

Childlike laughter kept passing through.

Zhuang Cai took a few glances, took out the crystal and took freeze-frame photos of several pictures.

Then he sat on the horse and started thinking.

His operation just now has made Zhuang Cai understand a part of this world.

The boundary between life and death is indeed very close, almost only one level.

With this thin layer, let alone people with certain extraordinary powers, even ordinary people are likely to be able to use the power of death under certain circumstances.

Under such circumstances, it is simply incredible that no undead natural disaster has erupted in this world.

Logically speaking, with such a thin boundary between life and death, all the extraordinary power in this world should be directed towards the undead.

Because it is very simple, learning soul-related techniques will make it easier to use than other extraordinary powers, and the effect will be more obvious.

In this case, various undead and life-death spells will greatly overwhelm other forces.

Gradually it will evolve into respecting the dead, and everyone will change and learn in this aspect.

But looking at Mike's look, it was obvious that this situation did not occur, but it appeared that such a situation had occurred again.

Because as a witcher, Mike seems to be also good at simple necromancy.

But the transcendence he mainly uses is obviously not this kind.

This situation shows that there are still forces in this world that can fight against the Necromancer, and there are even more than one.

Because this world has also developed modern technology, including steam engines and various power machines.


Zhuang Cai thought about it, summarized today's information, and then passed it back.

Waiting for the intelligence summarized by the headquarters to be sent back tomorrow to see if there are any differences.

Zhuang Cai began to become more and more interested in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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