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Chapter 333 Not Covering Up

In a wilderness camp.

At this time, Liu Yue Liu's team did not continue their journey, but were making some preparations here.

"We have to intervene in this matter and see why they need so many clergy?"

Facing the information in his hand, Liu Yueliu tapped his fingers on the table next to him and said.

This is normal. Currently, there are only two people who are in need of clergy. One has a very bad reputation, and the other has a reputation that is not much better.

However, the information obtained is that there are some people with good reputations who are also doing this kind of thing.

From the information dug out of the woman in black's mind, it can be known that they are not the only ones arresting clergy today.

Although heaven is falling, after all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, so they don't dare to be too arrogant.

But the church power in this country is indeed not that good either.

So they came up with a brilliant idea.

Everyone tacitly agreed to start at the same time and not give the churches in Vikara a chance to react.

Anyway, the church power in Vikana is gradually declining, and it is very likely that the church power will be completely swept away after this battle.

This is in everyone's interest.

Liu Yueliu's intuition told him that this matter must be important, even if there was no intuition, it was just from the appearance.

They are people with a bad reputation. It is difficult not to think about evil and hell when arresting clergy.

Although they have only been here a few days, among the information they collected, the one most likely to be related to the evil god is Hell.

No way, it's too easy to mix these two things together.

It was a match made in heaven.

Some subtle information infers that after the fall of heaven, hell did become more and more rampant, although this may be a very normal phenomenon.

Since Liu Yueliu and his team wanted to conduct reconnaissance in this area and had the ability to intervene when they arrived, why not?

The one who can give Liu Yue Liu confidence is naturally the Valkyrie Yu Guang who follows their investigation team.

At this time, Liu Yueliu looked at Yuguang: "Based on your ability, do you feel confident?"

Yuguang nodded without hesitation and said with a smile: "Of course, captain, I am very confident in this aspect. It shouldn't be a problem to deceive those strong men they say."

Hearing this, Liu Yueliu nodded. She actually felt that it should be possible.

It's just that she is not that familiar with the Valkyrie in front of her, and she doesn't know what level her skills are.

"Then I leave this matter to you, take action."

After saying that, the two of them walked out of the main tent together. At this time, in another tent, the nuns were either resting and changing clothes inside, or taking a breath of fresh air outside.

The rain light came directly in front of these nuns.

"Everyone, please come to me and I will check it for you." Yu Guang said in a gentle voice.

Coupled with her gentle and beautiful big sister face, most of these nuns were very fond of her.

After hearing this, they lined up in front of her and asked her to check them one by one.

Yuguang also took advantage of this opportunity to scan their bodies and treat minor injuries.

After she was done, she left with a smile and came directly to the group of horse bandits whose hands and feet were tied.

Squatting down and hugging his knees, he looked at the group of people in front of him with a smile and said, "You will be under my control for a while. I have something for you to do, and I want you to follow me to do it."

Scarface nodded without hesitation, his voice sonorous and powerful: "No problem, sir."

Whatever these people say now is what they say.

The others who took the slow shot also nodded.

"I knew you were very current."

Yuguang said and waved his hand.

A long mechanical object flew out from her sleeves.

If you look closely, you can see that these mechanical objects are about the size of a small fingernail and look like some kind of mechanical patch.

However, these mechanical patches are covered with fine pins.

Before anyone could react, the center of each person's shoulder blade under their neck was penetrated by the fine pins of these mechanical chips.

This feeling was not painful, just a numb and itchy feeling that subsided quickly.

Some of the gangsters became a little panicked.

After Scarface felt it for a while, he looked at Yuguang with doubtful eyes.

"Don't worry, just a little trick to prevent you from doing something illegal.

That thing has been integrated with your body. It will monitor your thoughts, observe your behavior, and can dissolve you into blood when necessary. "

Hearing this, everyone shuddered and felt a little cold.

But they were licking blood, not to mention that these dozen horse bandits were specially selected by Scarface and had robbed him many times.

Just saving one life was a surprise to them.

With a wave of Yuguang's hand, the ropes binding them disappeared instantly.

"Now, go get your horses."

Mainly because of their group of horses, Liu Yueliu and the others really didn't take care of them because they were really not familiar with horses.

However, the dozen or so horses didn't run around, they just gathered around the camp and ate grass on the ground.

Much more leisurely than their master.

By the time they each found their horses and brought them over, Yuguang had already arrived at a huge horse.

It was one of the two horses that was pulling the horse and running wildly.

"Tieju, come to me." He patted the giant horse's front legs out of the corner of his eye.

Unexpectedly, the horse glanced at her sideways and said casually: "I am not Iron Hurricane, I am Iron Shoe."

However, Yuguang ignored him at all and just looked at him with a smile.

"It's boring. Are all Valkyries so boring?"

The talking tall horse had already shocked the horse bandits behind. They looked at this scene with wide eyes and surprise, but they suppressed not to scream in surprise.

Although they have seen all kinds of extraordinary powers, they have never seen a talking horse.

And this horse can also joke.

"Hey, what are you looking at? You are really a bunch of bumpkins and ignorant guys."

Tie Ju glanced at the group of horse bandits following him and the surprised expression on his face.

Enough is enough. Can the world still be a place for individualism?
Especially individualism in animal form.

Yes, these two horses are brothers, and they are individualistic animal-type intelligent life forms.

Because of their special appearance, Liu Yueliu pulled them into his investigation team.

After complaining for a while, Tie Ju shook his body. As he shook, a large amount of silver powder spread out from his body. The iron sand gathered together and turned into a tall horse exactly like him.

It's just that the body is completely made of various metals, without a layer of bionic leather plating like him.

"My clone cannot separate the bionic coating. After all, this thing was added when I left. You have to add a layer to it yourself."

Yuguang nodded and waved twice casually at the iron horse which had almost no spirituality.

There was a flash of light, and the horse turned into a bright black horse.

There is an obvious difference in skin color from the brown Tie Hu.

"I'll treat you to a high-grade concentrated energy snack when I come back." Yuguang smiled and got on the horse.

Unexpectedly, Tieju snorted in disdain: "Who eats that stuff? Now I'm obsessed with beans, those yellow beans with a certain amount of energy in them."

"Okay, wait until I get back."

Yuguang smiled and greeted the people behind him.

Only then did the group of horse bandits come to their senses and follow behind.

Until they left the sight of the camp.

"Now you lead the way, I am one of the nuns." He said and dismounted directly, and the horse followed around the team like this.

Yu Guang, who dismounted, instantly changed his appearance and became the leader among the group of nuns. His expression instantly became miserable and sad.

Before this scene could shock Ma Ma Bandit and the others, Yu Guang suddenly waved his hand, and one after another phantom lights appeared around them.

They turned into that group of nuns, with just the right number of people, not too many, not too little, and everyone looked alive and like real people.

One girl even timidly buried her head in the arms of the mother-in-law next to her after seeing the horse bandit's eyes.

This scene was so real that a horse bandit was standing nearby and couldn't help but reach out and touch it.

But he did touch the nun's hair.

"This...is this true?!"

His voice was full of disbelief, because he even pinched a hair in his hand while touching his hair.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly screamed and used his hands to pull at his back frantically.

But this pain only came for a moment.

"When acting, you have to perform the whole thing, otherwise you will die here. If one more gangster dies, I believe no one will care."

"Yes, sir, I realize my mistake." The horse bandit nodded quickly as the pain eased.

The rest of the people stopped talking and began to move forward slowly, as if the long episode between them didn't exist.


After the problem with the horse bandits was resolved, the team set off again.

Even the more than 20 clergy nuns were crammed into the carriage. The problem was that even if another 20 nuns were crammed into it, it would not be too crowded.

This unprecedented sight surprised the group of nuns, and even the elders looked at it curiously.

And now that the woman in black, who had completely lost her ability to resist, entered the room, she was even more surprised and speechless.

She couldn't imagine what she had kicked.

It's not an iron plate at all, it's kicked on the magma.

The carriage disappeared and sped again.

"Sister Andena, you also know that your arrest this time is not a small problem. We are new here and don't know much about this place.

So I suggest that you still follow us. It is best to hide for the time being and not to show your face.

Or how about simply changing the appearance and making other decisions after you understand the situation clearly? "

After hearing what Liu Yueliu said, the nun named Andna quickly made a blessing gesture to thank Liu Yueliu.

"Thank you, sir, for lending a helping hand. We will follow your arrangements in the future."

Looking at this 30-year-old nun with an ordinary face, but gentle and gentle, Liu Yueliu nodded.

She has determined that most of these nuns possess extraordinary powers.

I also roughly know some of the situation in this country, and I have already thought about how to operate it.

It just so happens that these nuns might be of some use.

Speeding all the way, they soon approached the limits of the Free City.

After he was about to get close, Liu Yueliu thought about it and decided not to become invisible at all, and drove the carriage directly towards him.

The situation outside has already been revealed inside the carriage. To be honest, this city of freedom did not shock anyone.

It is also a very ordinary city, which can even be described as chaotic. If there is any difference, it may be that it covers a very large area, with all kinds of messy buildings piled up and expanding around it.

Freedom is true freedom.

You need to pay a small amount of money to enter the gate of the real original Free City.

But if they were just outside, no one would care about them at all, and the carriage would attract a lot of people's attention.

According to the information they knew, they wanted to find a place to stay. There were two ways. One was to find a hotel where they could rest, but they had to be prepared to be harassed.

Second, just find an open space and build it yourself.

This is why Liberty City is so big anyway.

Liu Yueliu was thinking of the second method, and having prepared in advance, they fully understood the distribution structure of the city from the air.

Walking straight around the perimeter, we came to an empty space inside.

Logically speaking, this place should have been occupied a long time ago, but the only problem is that there is a forest here.

Many bones were once buried in the woods, and the place was often used to discard bones.

This leads to a problem, ghosts often appear here.

Ghosts are very annoying. In the eyes of some people, they are even more annoying than the creatures in hell.

Because the boundary between life and death in this world is relatively weak, some ghosts may give you new tricks to make your death unclear.

Over time, this area became a place dedicated to discarding bones.

The main reason why I chose this place is that it is remote and quiet, and it can be regarded as part of the Free City.

And no one has taken it from them.

They have space to camp, so they don't need to occupy a large area. They can just choose a small area to make a temporary camp.

As for ghosts really harassing them, they don't need to be afraid.

The main reason is that Liu Yueliu is not prepared to keep a low profile here at all, she is prepared to act in a high profile.

Even on the way here, he had collected his thoughts into information and sent it back to the headquarters.

and have received a reply.

After finding the place, everyone quickly got off the carriage, set up tents, and placed the camp here.

One of the old nuns had been staring at the woodland since she got off the car.

Although they were allowed to show their faces at this time, their various clothes had already been changed and some simple disguises had been carried out.

"In that woodland, countless souls were wailing and crying, and the screams were about to pierce my old man's ears."

Several nuns also looked over there after getting out of the car.

Liu Yuliu ignored them for the time being, but discussed with other team members.

"Depending on the level of chaos in this place, we don't need to hide it, we can just form a small force directly.

If conditions permit, we can also let local people join in and let them help us collect information. "

This is the case in the Free City, or in other words, this is the case in the entire Vikara. Whoever has the biggest fist listens to whoever has the power.

Of course when you come here, you have to do as the Romans do. Hiding and tucking is like saying something.

"If we form a small force, what are we going to do externally? We must have some business." Verpais said next to him.

Liu Yueliu thought about it and looked at the group of nuns next to her, and then came up with an idea: "Hospital, open a hospital. I think opening a hospital will definitely help us collect intelligence.

With our technology, most treatments in this world are definitely dimensionality reduction attacks.

Just enough to get these nuns moving too. "

After hearing Liu Yueliu's thoughts, Verpais thought for a moment and then nodded.

But I still reminded you: "Although the invasion rate of this world is only about 20%, it was still invaded by evil gods after all.

If we really want to recruit local members in the future, how can we make sure that their minds have not been affected? "

After all, Zhuang Cai was not with them.

If Zhuang Cai is there, of course these problems can be easily solved.

“Recruiting local personnel is something that will happen after we have established a foothold, so there is no rush to discuss it now.

Ah, and Zhuang Cai is also planning to catch one or two people who are really affected by the evil god, and lock in the fluctuations. When the time comes, he will personally make targeted spells.

When those talismans arrive, we will naturally be able to check who are the minions affected by the evil god. "

Hearing that Liu Yueliu had already had a certain idea, Verpais nodded.

"But before that, let's teach those who stare at us a lesson and don't take their lives."

"No problem." (End of chapter)

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