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Chapter 352 Memory and Power

Just like Andrina said.

She didn't do anything to Alice, she just asked Alice some questions and reflected the state of Alice's mind through a piece of equipment.

"Do you know why I say there is a missing piece in my heart? It's just like what's shown in this mirror."

She turned the mirror to herself.

Andrina's figure was reflected in the mirror, but the entire figure had a black and white background.

The white color that represents the whole person has a small gap in the center where it is black.

"You see, an unspeakable piece is missing."

She pointed and narrated: "In order to find the reason why I am like this? I have found many people, and I have also found people who have really lost their source.

There is such a missing piece in their hearts, but the problem is that they know why it is missing. Even if they don't want to mention it, they know it clearly.

And for those who got up again, their missing piece was filled. "

Alice just stared at the iridescent pupil, looking at the iridescent pupil's eyes, she silently moved her eyes away.

She said that a harmonious and happy family must have parents. "

"You know what's right, Alice?"

In other words, her happiness is not misplaced, but missing.

But the problem is that she doesn't remember such a person at all.

Rainbow Eyes just kept listening to Andrina's words, and she kept thinking.

The source of happiness is indeed that you, the mother, are indeed this family, but this family is missing something. "

Alice flew into Rainbow Tong's arms without hesitation, hugged Rainbow Tong's neck and kissed her hard on the face.

Rainbow Eyes thought about this journey.

You can think of it as a collapsed half, like a bottle filled with water. A hole was opened at the bottom, but the hole is protected by a film to prevent the water inside from leaking out. But there is always a gap there. Notched. "

Among the endless librarians, there are the most people like this, and this place is almost becoming a gathering place for people whose hopes have been shattered. "Speaking of this, she even smiled to herself.

The rainbow pupil looked at itself in the mirror, and a round thumb-sized hole also appeared in the center of its body.

"Of course it's mom, of course it's Alice's home."

"Yes, Alice said before that she once lived in an orphanage and wanted a harmonious and happy family.

But she clearly said that a harmonious and happy family must have a father and a mother, but the gap in her heart happened to be only half missing. "

Most of them have become sinecures, staying in inconspicuous and quiet positions in various three-color fields, just like me now.

The only difference between Alice and them is that her hollow is a color between black and white, gray, giving people a foggy feeling.

Andrina asked, looking at Alice.

Look at Alice.

"It's like Alice, half missing but not completely missing.

She said: “In order to find out why I am like this, I have visited many people whose hopes have been shattered.

"You two have such a problem at the same time. Have you thought of anything?"

"Your hole is not small either."

At this point, Andrina spread her hands: "But look, she only has her mother now, and she doesn't remember that she has a father.

Rainbow Eyes suddenly felt something and turned to look at Alice.

Although she was still at home and wanted to rest, Alice said she wanted to go play with Sister Avril and the elves.

Andrina has almost become an expert in this area because of her own problems.

Alice shook her head fiercely: "No, Alice doesn't know."

"This means that your daughter also has a hole in her heart, but unlike you, her hole has not completely collapsed.

Then the mirror looked back at Alice.

It has reached the point where the so-called long-term illness becomes a cure.

"She...should have a father?"

Then she pointed at Alice.

"I have a, I have a husband that I have forgotten?" Although she was a little embarrassed to say it, Rainbow Tong still said it.

"Anyway, I finally gained some experience and information from getting to know them."

For Andrina, who has been ill for a long time, she can already deduce some information from this.

Then Rainbow Eyes came over.

"Alice, for you, where is your happiest place that you most want to guard?"

As she said that, she handed the mirror to Iridescent Eyes.


After coming over, Avril did discover her problem, but Alice didn't play with the elves.

Andrina’s name was mentioned inexplicably again.

Alice is guiding herself.

For example, that jade coin, I didn't even know there was such a thing in my ring.

Although Alice has the authority to rummage through her storage equipment, why does she have to take this jade coin out of her storage equipment to play with?
"Can't you say..."

Alice silently nodded her head twice, a light of hope flashed in her eyes.

Andrina looked at the two of them, and she suddenly felt hope in her heart.

"It seems like you guys know something, that's really great."

Alice silently flew to Rainbow Eyes' side and reached out to touch her hand.

A jade coin appeared in Alice's hand.

Alice placed it in Rainbow Eye's palm again.

Rainbow pupils looked at this jade coin.

His eyes shed tears again involuntarily.

"It's like this again." Rainbow Eyes said, wiping her tears.

Such a situation had just occurred when she was in the room, but Alice did not let her think about it carefully, but clamored to leave.

Looking at this jade coin, his iridescent eyes seemed to be about to know something.

There seemed to be some information flowing into her mind from the jade coins.

The inexplicable iridescent pupils opened their mouths, trying to pronounce a name.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Alice immediately covered Iridescent Eye's mouth with her hand.

"What can't be said, can't be said."

Rainbow Tong held it in forcibly, but a name already appeared in her mind.

Zhuang Cai.

When this name appeared in her heart, Rainbow Tong felt a lot more relaxed.

But the problem is that she only knows this name.

"You know something, right? Can you let me see this jade coin?"

Andrina asked from the side with hopeful eyes.

The iridescent pupils looked at Alice, who nodded.

"Yeah." Rainbow Tong handed the coin to her.

Andrina held the coin in her hand and suddenly burst into tears.

The opened mouth inexplicably wanted to say a name, but this time it was held down by two people at the same time.

She suppressed her name, but Andrina knelt on the ground, covering her face, tears pouring out uncontrollably.


"I remembered the name, I remembered the name..."

Even though it's just a name.

But the name is enough to make a difference.


in the long river of time.

A solidified body fixed in a certain river section.

There was a slight movement, and the sculpture-like head blinked.

The distant river section further back.

Zhuang Cai sat cross-legged in his own understanding space, and he was understanding the river of time with his own spirit.

In this place with no concept of time, he didn't know how much he knew about the river of time.

However, at this moment, Zhuang Cai opened his eyes.

A stone tablet lit up behind him.


The divine character tablet engraved with the word "luck" flashed with light.

Zhuang Cai opened his hands and looked at the lines extending from his body that represented luck. "The strength has been restored. Although not much has been restored, there is one more divine word that I once fully understood."

He began to think about the reason why his strength suddenly recovered.

"First of all, why is luck the first divine word to be restored?"

Over the years, Zhuang Cai has fully mastered the number of divine characters, not too many, but actually quite a lot.

But he has to admit that the suitability of word movement is actually not high for him, and he doesn't have much talent in this area.

The reason why I had to fully understand this divine font before was because it was so useful to have this font in a strange world.

Whether you are looking for someone or something, or giving you a direction when you are aimless, it is extremely useful.

It cannot give predictions, but it can give a certain direction.

"Is it a jade coin?"

Zhuang Cai couldn't help but think.

At this time, someone suddenly recalled him inexplicably, so it was very likely that Jade Coin's backhand was triggered.

As he thought this, a voice echoed in his mind.

"Zhuang Cai."

Someone called his name.

And the voice is iridescent pupils.

Sure enough, Jade Coin's backhand was triggered.

Zhuang Cai couldn't help but want to laugh and vent his happy mood in this depression.

Starting from Miliya, he knew that he had encountered some kind of conspiracy.

And he got caught up in it.

And after in-depth investigation and understanding, he knew that this incident was serious.

After his own investigation, he determined that many people had been wiped out, including many strong ones.

To be cautious, Zhuang Cai directly erased his memory and sealed it.

After erasing it from memory, a disconnection appeared.

He will also know some things in the future, but he will no longer think about erasing it.

This has pros and cons.

Now that he has complete memory, he can begin to review his past actions.

For example, I finally learned that the source of all erasures came from the White God.

One of the three top strong men.

It is he who is erasing others.

But it's obvious that he didn't know that he had already discovered that he was erasing other people.

Zhuang Cai didn't know whether the White God knew that his erasure actually had some problems, and it was very likely that it would be recalled by others under some coincidence.

He tends to know.

In that cemetery, when Zhuang Cai was collecting other people's relics, he found an item that did not belong to that relic.

It was from that item that Zhuang Cai began to understand the seriousness of the matter.

Although he had already removed his memory on the spot at that time, subsequent experiences confirmed from the side that someone was indeed observing.

Not surprisingly, this is the method used by the White God.

Which means he is sure there is one person in history who has escaped the influence of his erasure and is still spreading hope.

If the White God is aware of it in heaven and Zhuang Cai has not erased the memory, he will find that there are other problems with his erasure.

Then the backhand of the jade coin will not be triggered, because the backhand of the jade coin will definitely be erased.

Because when he made this second move, Zhuang Cai also cleaned up this memory, and cleaned it very cleanly, without saving it.

That jade coin was made from the leftover materials of the jade seal when Zhuang Cai was still on the earth and had just started to use divine characters to engrave some small equipment.

At that time, some luck-related runes were engraved on it, but they were not yet at the level of divine characters.

I just made it casually at first, but later I saw Iridescent Eyes and I was interested in it, so I gave it to her.

And Rainbow Tong has been holding this jade coin, and from time to time she will put it in her hand and play with it.

Zhuang Cai can often be seen.

It has almost become an item that Iridescent can play with at any time, especially when she is thinking, she will take it out unconsciously.

When it was discovered that the previous world was some kind of experimental ground.

The restriction Zhuang Cai had set for his mind was opened, and he took back the memories he had cut out and preserved.

The entire process was subsequently adjusted.

What did he do at that time? He found an opportunity, touched the jade coin, and left some information in the jade coin.

Then he completely erased the memories he shouldn't have without hesitation on the spot, without even saving them.

The jade coin became the only triggering device.

He imagined that the jade coins would have different triggering methods, corresponding to Alice, Rainbow Tong, Nansu Bei, and himself.

Everyone will have a different location after triggering.

Because Zhuang Cai didn't know how the information on the jade coins would change once he was discovered and erased.

He added some hints that had nothing to do with him based on his own ideas and what he knew before.

If it is triggered by Alice, then Alice will get the names of Avril, Andrina and Zhuang Cai.

Because Zhuang Cai didn't know how these things would change after he was erased, giving him a name directly was the best way.

If given information, the information may automatically fill in the distortion.

He has already seen how other people's memories were distorted after Miliya was erased.

If it is triggered by iridescent pupils, the names that appear will be Andrina, Hui Ling, and Hu Yu.

He simply deleted his name.

Because Rainbow Eyes' spiritual talent is completely inferior to Alice's.

Alice's spiritual talent is such that both Hui Ling and Hu Yu would admire her.

So Zhuang Cai's worst plan was that only Alice would trigger it.

In the end, it was Alice who triggered it.

But Zhuang Cai didn't know that now. He only knew that Rainbow Tong knew his name and called him.

"With luck, let me see how to use it."

In the course of time, Zhuang Cai used this divine word, and now there are only a few threads of fate tied to him.

Everyone is born with countless threads of destiny connected to them. It does not determine a person's destiny, but determines the connection between people.

The so-called luck comes from the connection between them.

Zhuang Cai still looked at the few remaining ones he had.

Suddenly, I felt very lucky that my handwriting had recovered.

Because he can at least have an intuitive feeling about his current state and know who else in the outside world remembers him.

"This should be the master. Sure enough, he can remember me. Is this the Red Crane?"

He had seen it before when he was mastering luck. At that time, the toughness and thickness of the silk thread were much better than now.

But now, everything has shrunk by a circle or two, and the thickest thing among them is the connection with Hu Yu.

What he didn't expect was that the Red Crane would also remember him.

It seems that this uncle should be in the same group as his master.

"Hui Lao, huh, he talks about being a good student and apprentice every day, but you can't remember the result, right?"

The thread representing Gray Spirit is almost broken, which means that Gray Spirit knows his name and nothing else. It is basically certain that his master told him.

"But, maybe it has something to do with strength?" This was Zhuang Cai's speculation.

Among the three people he knew were the strongest, Gray Spirit was the weakest.

The second is Alice who still remembers him. The silk thread is very stable and can compete with Hu Yuyou.

Next is the iridescent pupil, and the silk thread is becoming stable with an efficiency visible to the naked eye.

Just checking like this, Zhuang Cai watched helplessly as a thread slowly spread from a distance and stuck to his body.

Then another thread spread from a distance and stuck to his body in a braided manner.


What the hell, who do these two belong to?

Zhuang Cai was sure that he was not doing anything behind the scenes.

Holding one of them, I don’t know whose it belongs to. There seems to be some obstruction, or there is some kind of problem on the other side.

And this one is slowly being woven.

Southern Jiangsu and Northern Jiangsu?
Then Zhuang Cai saw that this one had spread to his body and pulled it out, as if to remind himself.

Zhuang Cai also held it and pulled it toward him as a response.

"Awesome, Su Bei! You are such a genius!" (End of Chapter)

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