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Chapter 364 The Birth of Devouring Spirits

Enter the research institute.

Zhuang Cai looked at this research institute. Rather than saying that this was a research institute, it was better to say that this was a ruin in another space.

Entering the ruins of this alien space, what you see are the cracks in various spaces and the gaps connecting them to the outside world and unknown spaces.

This caused the space to be filled with violent energy, and things similar to lightning and distortion could be seen traveling through the space.

It's completely impossible to see anything related to research from here.

"Destroy it directly after leaving here? Leave no recorded information behind."

In this case, why are there still warning lines set up outside that require time and power to cross?

A trap?
Or is it just to let those who peek at him waste more time and energy here?
Zhuang Cai prefers the latter.

Because this research location really deceived Hongchenxian, one of the people closest to him.

It’s long gone. Any research site has been completely destroyed by the White God, leaving no trace for any analysis.

After Zhuang Cai looked at this place and observed it, he felt that it could not be regarded as without traces. At least the power that caused such damage to this space could be used to analyze some of the sources of the White God's power.

But Zhuang Cai didn't want that at all. What he wanted was research records.

"If it were anyone else, maybe there's really nothing we can do, but it's different for me." Zhuang Cai smiled.

Since he has mastered the power of time, the easiest way to hide the secret from him is not to let him know the location.

Let him know the specific location, and the secret will no longer be a secret.

Thinking like this, Zhuang was ready to use his power. The whole person's figure became illusory until it disappeared.

Zhuang Cai came to the long river of time.

It's just that the place he entered is where the space is, so it's at a certain node on the long river of time.

The concept of the power of time appeared in his hand, and he waved it forward.

The place Zhuang Cai was in at that moment was no longer in the real world, but in the shadow of space.

The image in the space shadow began to regress.

The method he used was exactly the same method he had used to check his own figure in the long river of time, to see what he had experienced in the past.

It's just that before he could only see the things he knew, the things he had been to, and the past in his memory. Now, he can see the past related to the node from any node.

Unless those who want to hide erase the past together.

It would not be so easy to erase even such unrealistic things, let alone the past of a different space.

Not to mention that research has been conducted here, which has brought a grand impact to the world. The more important something is, the harder it is to erase it.

Just like the Red Dust Fairy.

This is what Zhuang Cai noticed after meeting Hongchenxian and having a detailed chat with him and observing him carefully.

Zhuang Cai can be very sure that Hongchenxian does not have time-related power, and even if it does, it can be said to be very superficial.

But he was still able to withstand the annihilation caused by the White God's sneak attack. It could even be said that if he hadn't wanted to contain most of the White God's energy here, he might have been able to walk out on his own.

Of course, this has certain circumstances, because he is very strong.

There is another situation, that is, the White God's obliteration cannot obliterate the Red Dust Immortal.

Quite simply, Hongchenxian is an important existence in this world. What it would take to erase his past is simply unimaginable.

Obviously, the White God's operation to kill the Red Dust Fairy actually got himself involved.

He was forced to have a stalemate with him.

Zhuang Cai looked at the image in front of him. As the image receded, everything that had happened in the laboratory began to unfold to him.

However, the figure in the experiment could not be seen clearly, and only a vague figure could be seen operating inside.

There is no doubt that this person is the White God, but he hides his figure in time

Zhuang Cai observed carefully, and it was obvious that he had not hidden all his past figures, but only the past figures from this period.

And it was very dirty to hide.

Now the status can be confirmed. The White God does have a certain amount of time power, but obviously his talent in this area is not very good.

In other words, it is very possible that his control over time is rapidly regressing.

He should have focused all his energy and energy on the power related to obliteration.

In terms of detailed manipulation of time, there is not much, and there is no such ability.

Almost all of Zhuang Cai's talents focus on time. After fully mastering the power of time, Zhuang Cai can be sure that his talent is to master time.

The talent in space and the talent in divine words are all complemented by the talent of time.

Compared with the talent of time, they are two completely different concepts. Rather, it is precisely because of the extremely strong talent of time that these two talents are brought about.

Time and space are inseparable concepts to a certain extent. The two intersect and are compatible in a very wide range.

This is why Zhuang Cai is gifted in space.

The talent for divine characters only shows one direction, that is, Zhuang Cai can comprehend the divine characters infinitely.

This is precisely because Zhuang Cai has unlimited time.

Revisit your past and turn your existence into a circular paradox.

Zhuang Cai was able to look at his past self from another perspective.

All changes actually come from spiritual magic.

Zhuang Cai is basically certain that spiritual magic is a very strange and outrageous thing.

It can be regarded as a manifestation of the rules of time in a certain way, somewhat similar to the divine word.

But it is manifested by the power of the soul of a spiritual creature.

This special thing directly enabled Zhuang Cai's talent to be realized, but Zhuang Cai's talent in time could not be carried at that time, so he needed to be incubated slowly.

But when this spiritual technique appears in the loading body, the talent of time has already begun to show.

In other words, from this moment on, Zhuang Caicai indeed had additional talents in terms of divine characters and space.

Similar to a manifestation of potential.

It can be said that spirituality is a very advanced power that involves the mixture of will, emotion and soul.

It's a pity that I don't actually have any talent in this area, otherwise the seeds wouldn't be planted until the end.

He just waited until he became an advanced life form before he fully manifested himself.

Why did it only fully appear at this time?

Because he has truly reached an advanced life form, Zhuang Cai's time talent will be fully realized.

So the process of just letting the talent appear all at once has become a process of slowly manifesting it, allowing it to be expressed even when it is weak.

From a side perspective, Alice may have a great talent in this area.

Of course Andrina and Milia also have this talent.

This is why the world they live in obviously cannot become the world of the Ally series, but many well-known beings still emerge from it.

After withdrawing these thoughts, Zhuang Cai completely focused on the image in front of him and waved his hand.

I found that I still couldn't completely see the whole picture of the black shadow.

"You're so cruel, you're not afraid of really erasing yourself."

He found that it could not be restored because the White God had erased part of his image during this period.

It's also because he can't erase it. He can only erase himself during this entire period, otherwise not even the black shadow will appear.

This also shows that the White God's talent is all about erasing people from spiritual creatures.

It is certain that this is a special attack skill against people. Looking at the passage of time in the picture, it began to show Zhuang Cai in a backwards way what this research institute had been studying.

Time is getting faster and faster.

Fortunately, here is the long river of time, even if this period of research may span thousands of years.

Zhuang Cai also has plenty of time to watch here slowly, because in the long river of time, Zhuang Cai's time can expand from a certain node to infinity.

Zhuang Cai didn't stop until he finished reading it and saw Bai Shen building this laboratory.

"Phew, what a paranoid lunatic."

Zhuang Cai was certain that when White God was studying here, he had completely gone to extremes and paranoia.

The more I look back, the more I feel that the White God was conducting research in an almost crazy state at that time. Perhaps it was at the later stages of the research that he finally stabilized his state a little.

Especially during the period when he started to build the laboratory, he was almost like a madman, and could even be said to be an evil god.

Does it turn out that the prototype of the evil god is himself?

No, you can say that he is the father of the evil god.

Zhuang Cai watched the entire research process, albeit in reverse.

According to the correct time, when the laboratory was initially set up, Zhuang Cai saw many evil entities in it.

There are many evil gods among them, not the kind of evil gods that eat souls.

Demons, demons, creatures of the abyss, demonic creatures.

He has studied almost all the evil creatures from various worlds and planes that he can think of.

In addition, he has conducted in-depth research on the power of emotions.

Zhuang Cai just watched how he researched the original soul-devouring spirit.

Watch how the original Devourer becomes whole.

Until he saw the first product, it completely met his conditions.

At this time, I looked at the status of his experiment and knew what he needed at this time.

As we know from Hongchenxian and Zhuang Cai himself, the ultimate goal of the White God is to change all spiritual creatures, that is, all creatures that call themselves human.

He wants to remove all the negative and dark sides of human nature, leaving only positive emotions, thoughts, and emotions.

In other words, spiritual castration of everyone.

Zhuang Cai does know how many civilizations of spiritual beings there are in this world.

It's simply impossible to do it on his own.

There is no possibility of mass production of Soul Eater at this time, and how could such a thing born out of evil listen to him.

The probability of losing control can be said to be 100%, but it is just a matter of time.

This is of course not in line with the purpose of the White God. What he wants is a large enough number of powerful enough chess pieces under his control.

The entire second half of the research was spent thinking about how to mass-produce the Soul Eater.

And the mass production method he came up with was what Zhuang Cai thought he was crazy about.

He transformed himself into the most powerful and top spirit eater, and then he used himself to separate a different spirit eater.

In some weird way that Zhuang Cai couldn't understand, a new spirit-eating was created by combining with this spirit-eating one.

Then he cultivated the first naturally born Devouring Soul, and then Zhuang Cai was shocked.

He adopted a certain kind of "reproduction", a kind of reproduction that is similar in rules to human reproduction, but the appearance of reproduction is different.

But the bottom line is reproduction.

Yes, breed with the first naturally born Devourer in the universe, and then produce offspring.

These descendants are the newly born Devouring Souls that Zhuang Cai saw before. They are ignorant and have only the extreme essence of Devouring Souls.

If nothing unexpected happens, the first Devouring Soul and the White God born through natural reproduction, combined with the Devouring Souls that reproduced all the descendants, are the huge planet-like, black hole-like thing that Zhuang Cai saw in the void before. Devouring souls.

Perhaps the only Ghost Eater to have a gender in concept.

Zhuang Cai really didn't expect that the White God could do such a thing.

With some authority and status as a father, he firmly controls all the Devouring Souls.

If the Devouring Souls are made of flesh and blood, and are human-like creatures, it can be compared to the way that the White God uses blood to control and control these Devouring Souls.

All the Devouring Souls are his descendants, and the huge Devouring Soul is their mother, a Devouring Soul Womb that has been completely transformed into a breeding tool.

And Zhuang Cai saw the birth of Heavenly Father here.

Heavenly Father is the “child” of the first white God.

Not surprisingly, he has inherited the justice deliberately instilled by the White God.

Became the ultimate eater of justice.

However, from Zhuang Cai's experience, we can know that this first soul eater obviously did not meet the needs of the white god. After all, he defected.

Betrayed his father.

No wonder there was such a conversation at that time, no wonder the Heavenly Father was so cautious.

Even in Zhuang Cai's projection of the past time, he was very cautious. Obviously he also knew that his father had some kind of time power.

This makes him always vigilant about time, and he can even break away from the phantoms of the past and behave differently at a certain time.

It's hard to say whether this is a certain time talent inherited from the White God.

However, after reading the entire research process, Zhuang Cai was troubled.

Because it is very simple, the White God completely controls the Devouring Souls in this way. Although Zhuang Cai is undercover behind the enemy, he cannot cause chaos in the rear.

Because all the Devouring Souls are completely controlled by the White God, they will almost never betray. After all, there is a precedent set by the Heavenly Father. Such loopholes have already been closed.

Originally, Zhuang Cai was undercover in the rear. In addition to collecting intelligence and discovering weaknesses, he also wanted to see if he could instigate some soul-eaters to rebel.

After all, he had seen the presence of Heavenly Father before

As a result, I now know that Heavenly Father is special.

Then it can be concluded that all Devouring Souls need to be destroyed, and all Devouring Souls are enemies.

Because as long as it wasn't the enemy's soul-devouring spirit, those who could hide and run would have already found a way to hide and run away.

Just like Heavenly Father.

If it were not for his own actions, it would be almost impossible for the Heavenly Father to be exposed to the eyes of the White God.

"Oh, we can only go head-to-head."

We have no choice but to do this. It seems that we will have to go out and analyze those soul-devouring souls more carefully in the future, trying to find the fatal weakness that can target these soul-devouring souls.

Only in this way can the casualties in the three-color domain be reduced. After all, in the face of the Devouring Souls, the casualties in the three-color domain are really not low.

After obtaining the information he wanted, Zhuang Cai erased all traces of himself, including the traces of the time he had been here.

Leave this broken space.

Return to the planet you need to invade and continue to stay on that planet.

By the way, he paid attention to all the information at all times, and even began to study these soul-eating spirits in detail.

"It seems that if I want to deal a major blow to the White God in the end, my strength is not enough. I must increase it to a level that can cause fatal damage to him."

Zhuang Cai thought this way.

Simply turn the evil god into a shell and make him a clone. He once again fell into the long river of time.

He plans to use his unlimited time in time and space to quickly improve his strength. Although the improvement is limited, it is better than nothing. (End of chapter)

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