Chapter 106 106, Yafei: Do you three want to be together?

Ye Lang and Yafei's side.

Yafei held Ye Lang's hand with her left hand and held another woman's hand with her right hand, walking towards the Miter family.

Along the way, people from the Mittel family saw the three people from time to time, and they all became respectful.

Now, Yafei's status in the Miter family is terrifyingly high.

All of this stems from Ye Lang, and it also stems from the fact that Yafei has now become a nine-star warrior in the Douzong.

"Husband, sister Xuemei looks okay, right?!"

Yafei looked at Ye Lang and smiled, her red lips parted slightly. After taking a look at the woman on the right, she smiled charmingly and asked.

After Yafei asked this question, the face of the woman Yafei pulled quickly turned red. Her watery eyes glanced at Ye Lang secretly, and then quickly looked away.

"Well, Miss Xue Mei is naturally very beautiful. She is just as beautiful as "hibiscus emerges from clear water and is naturally carved away"." Ye Lang chuckled lightly and glanced at Xue Mei with his eyes.

Xuemei has long silver-white hair, and her body exudes a cold and noble temperament involuntarily.

Her eyebrows are as clear as the cold springs on the snow-capped mountains, her facial features are exquisite, her skin is fair and delicate, and her slender eyebrows. Her tall and exquisite figure is covered with a tight silver dress. This silver dress makes her The perfect figure was outlined, making her look even more charming.

"Ye... Mr. Ye is so complimentary." Xuemei smiled shyly after hearing Ye Lang's words.

"Sister Xuemei, why should I call you Mr. Ye?" Yafei looked at Xuemei with a smile: "It's time to call me husband later!"

Hearing this, Xuemei's cheeks suddenly turned red. She bit her red lips gently, looked at Yafei and asked: "Sister Yafei, do you really not mind?!"

"What do I mind? You will understand my feelings later." Yafei smiled and said.

Hearing this, Xuemei nodded, and she glanced at Ye Lang quietly. At this moment, Ye Lang also looked at her, and Xuemei quickly lowered her head.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the residence of the Miter family and Concubine Ya.

"Ya Fei!"

At this time, a shout suddenly sounded from behind.

Yafei was stunned for a moment. She turned her head and glanced. She was startled for a moment, and then a smile appeared on her face.

"Miss Xiao Yu, when did you return to Wutan City?!"

Ya Fei looked at the person coming and smiled. The beauty looked at the person and asked.

Xiao Yu brought Xue Ni and Xiao Mei to Ye Lang and the others. She first glanced at Ye Lang and Xuemei, then looked at Ya Fei and smiled:

"I just arrived in Wutan City, and before I went home, I came to your Mittel family."

"Oh?! Miss Xiao Yu hasn't come home yet?!" Yafei was startled, then looked at Xiao Yu and the others and said, "Sister Xiao Yu, who is this?!"

Yafei's eyes fell on Xue Ni. Xiao Mei knew that Xue Ni's face was very unfamiliar, but looking at the college clothes worn by Xue Ni and Xiao Yu, she also had some guesses in her mind.

"Hello, my name is Xu Ni, from Canaan College." Xu Ni took the initiative to extend her hand towards Ya Fei.

"Hello, my name is Ya Fei." Ya Fei also extended her jade hand.

Xueni looked at Yafei's hand, something strange flashed in her eyes, and then she immediately held it. Yafei was startled for a moment, and then Yafei took a deep look at Xueni.

"Miss Xiao Yu, Miss Xue Ni, and if I remember correctly, your name should be Xiao Mei. Do you three want to go in with us and do something?!"

Concubine Ya invited Xiao Yu and the others. Ye Lang's eyes flashed, looking at Xiao Yu and the others, he couldn't help but nodded.

"Okay!" Xiao Yu agreed directly.

Then several people entered Ya Fei's residence.

After arriving here, Xiao Yu and Ya Fei chatted for a while, and the topic naturally turned to Ye Lang.

"Sister Yafei, why don't you introduce this person to me? I just saw that you behaved intimately with him. When did you find a good man?" Xiao Yu said with a smile. "Ye Lang, my husband." Yafei said simply and directly.

"Ye Lang?!" Xiao Yu glanced at Ye Lang with feigned surprise, and then looked at Xiao Mei in confusion: "Sister Xiao Mei, did you just tell me that Xun'er's husband is also named Ye Lang?!"

Xiao Mei twitched the corners of her mouth and rolled her eyes, "What are you preparing for?" !

At any rate, I just said it in advance. You asked this unexpectedly and almost scared me.

"Uh...yes!" Xiao Mei glanced at Ye Lang secretly and had no choice but to answer.

"Haha, sister Xiao Yu, please don't test me."

Xiao Yu's acting skills were completely unsatisfactory in front of Yafei, who said directly: "Sister Xun'er, sister Yanran, sister Xuemei, and me, we are all my husband's women now."

Xuemei: ",,,"

Xuemei glanced at Ya Fei blankly, then blushed again on her face, forget it, it will be over soon anyway.

Xiao Yu was startled by Ya Fei's frank and direct answer.

"No..." Xiao Yu looked at Ye Lang in confusion: "What charm do you have, Sister Rang Xun'er, Nalan Yanran, and Sister Yafei."

Having said this, Xiao Yu looked at Xuemei: "You must be Xuemei."

Xuemei nodded.

"How did you make them all want to be your woman?"

Xiao Yu and the three of them were puzzled.

"Haha." Yafei chuckled: "Because my husband is powerful. Since ancient times, beauties have loved heroes. My husband is strong. Isn't it normal for us to like him?"

"Awesome?! Strong?!"

Xiao Yu looked at Ya Fei blankly, and suddenly she remembered what Xiao Mei said just now, whether it was Xun'er or Nalan Yanran, now they both have the strength of Douzong.

"Sister Yafei, how strong are you now?!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu looked at Ya Fei and asked impatiently.

"Douzong Nine Stars."

Ya Fei didn't mean to hide it, she just hung up in the air, looking at Xiao Yu and the others with a faint smile on her face.

At this time, Xiao Yu, Xue Ni, and Xiao Mei all had blank expressions on their faces, and their minds were obviously greatly affected.

If Xun'er and Nalan Yanran became Douzong-level powerhouses, they might think it was their own fault.

Xun'er's background is mysterious. She is not from the Xiao family, and Xiao Yu knows something about it.

She believed that the fact that Xun'er became a Douzong-level powerhouse at such a young age must have something to do with the forces behind her.

Nalan Yanran is a disciple of the Yunlan Sect. After being out for so many years, she may have become a strong person in the Dou Zong because of her high talent and the training of the Yunlan Sect.

But the details of Ya Fei are not top secret in Wutan City.

Now her strength has suddenly become a strong one in Douzong, which is incredible.

Thinking that the three women are all Ye Lang's women, Xiao Yu now overturned the previous conclusion in his mind, that is, the reason why the three women became strong in Douzong must be related to Ye Lang.

" strong he is." Xiao Yu asked.

However, Yafei did not answer this question directly. She chuckled, approached Xiao Yu, and exhaled like a blue breath:

"Do you want to be like me and easily break through to a strong Douzong warrior?!"


(End of this chapter)

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