Chapter 108 108, I heard you are very capable

Wutan City, Junlan Inn.

An industry owned by the Nalan family.

At this time, in a nice guest room of the inn.

There are three women among them.

They were sitting around a guest table in the inn.

Sitting on the left is a beautiful woman wearing college clothes. She has a delicate face and a slim and graceful figure. Her long, straight and round legs are close together under the table. She has a long sword at her waist. She is Xiao Yu.

Sitting on the right side of the guest table is Xue Ni, who is wearing a red dress, has pretty cheeks and fair skin.

Snowy's brown ponytail was placed next to her grand and proud career line.

Sitting at the head of the guest table was a woman wearing green clothes.

The woman now had a warm smile on her face. Her facial features were three-dimensional, but her eyes were like gentle water waves. She had a plump and exquisite figure, and her body was filled with a mature charm that had been polished by the years.

At first glance, one would think that she is a woman from a Jiangnan water town.

"That Ye Lang is really as handsome, strong, and capable as you said?!"

The woman in green spoke, her voice was very soft, so soft that it made people feel as if she was tipsy.

Her eyes looked at Xiao Yu and Xue Ni, making them feel like a clear spring flowing in their hearts.

"Teacher Ruolin, we didn't lie to you. My husband is not only powerful..."

Xiao Yu looked at the woman in green, a blush flashed across her face, she paused for a moment, pursed her lips slightly before speaking: "And my husband is very handsome and very capable!"

"Yes, Tutor Ruolin, what we said is true!" Snowy also echoed from the side.

"He can allow you two to break through to Douzong, and he himself is extremely strong." Ruolin murmured, and she was a little distracted: "Is there really such a strange man in the world?!"

"Yes!" Xiao Yu and Xue Ni said in unison: "He is the husband!"

Hearing the sound, Ruolin smiled, her smile was very gentle.

This gentle smile made both Xiao Yu and Xue Ni feel stunned.

Ruolin smiled: "Hearing what you said, I can't wait to see how capable he is."


Ruolin changed her words and looked at Xiao Yu and Xue Ni with her tender eyes: "Can he accept me?!"

Hearing Ruolin's words, Xiao Yu and Xue Ni both smiled.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this time, a knock on the door sounded in the inn room.

Ruolin looked up, and Xiao Yu and Xue Ni had smiles on their pretty faces. They looked at instructor Ruolin and spoke softly.

"It's my husband, he's here!"

After saying this, Xiao Yu stood up and went to open the door. Ruolin was a little nervous, then she took a deep breath and stood up as well.

The door opened.

Ye Lang and Ya Fei walked in, and Xiao Yu closed the door.

Ruolin's gentle eyes looked at Ye Lang, and at that moment Ye Lang also looked at her.

What a beautiful and charming pair of eyes!

Ruolin was stunned.

She was attracted in an instant. She had never seen such a pair of eyes, which looked extremely clean and clear. But for a moment, you felt that these eyes seemed to have experienced the vicissitudes of endless years, and were as deep as the endless starry sky.

For a moment, Ruolin's eyes were a little confused.

"Hello, are you okay?!"

A chuckle rang out in Ruolin No. 2 Middle School. When Ruolin came back to her senses, she saw Ye Lang's eyes as deep as the stars looking at her.

"Ah...Hello, I'm fine."

Ruolin spoke warmly, her pretty face flushed and she looked unique.

She seemed at a loss. Yafei smiled and found a seat to sit down.

"Uh, sit down!"

Ruolin didn't know what was wrong with her at this time. She always felt that her heartbeat was speeding up. She pointed to where she was just now and spoke to Ye Lang.

Ye Lang was not polite and sat down directly. Now, there was no room left. The stool in this inn could only seat one person. Ruolin looked left and right.

"Let's sit together."

Before Ruolin could come to her senses, Ye Lang stretched out his hand and pulled Ruolin to sit down.


Ruolin's whole body froze and she didn't know what to do at all.

Xiao Yu chuckled: "Teacher Ruolin, didn't you just ask your husband if he would accept you? Isn't it obvious?"

"Yes, Tutor Ruolin." Snowy also cast a knowing look at Ruolin.

" made fun of the teacher!" Ruolin blushed, took a deep breath, and her slightly stiff body became more natural.

Thinking of the decision she had made in her heart, she leaned directly into Ye Lang's arms and let Ye Lang hold her.

"Hello, sister Ruolin, I am Yafei. From now on we are a family, just call me sister Yafei." Yafei introduced to Ruolin.

"Hello, sister Yafei." Ruolin's gentle voice sounded, making Ye Lang's eyes flash.

In terms of gentleness alone, Yan Lingji cannot compare to Ruolin.

Yan Lingji is as gentle as water and charming, and Zi Nu is also gentle, but there is nothing about them, whether it is their eyes or their movements.

It's all natural with a hint of charm.

People like Xu Xin and Tang Yongqing are young and pure.

Ruolin is simply gentle, just like the clear spring in the mountains, sweet and delicious.

"I'm Ye Lang." Ye Lang whispered behind Ruolin.

Hearing the sound and feeling the heat coming from her ears, Ruolin felt her ears itching, causing her to involuntarily move her legs closer together.

"How strong are you?!" Ruolin asked in a low voice.

"Guess!" Ye Lang smiled.

"Douzun... no... Dou Sheng?!" Ruolin said.

In her eyes, the strong men of Douzong were already super invincible.

But if Ye Lang can make both Xiao Yu and Xue Ni become powerful Douzong warriors in a short period of time, they must be very powerful.

So, she directly talked about Dou Sheng.

Now in Dou Qi Continent, the strongest person is Dou Sheng.

"No, guess again!"

Ye Lang's chuckle sounded in Ruolin's ears, making Ruolin feel itchy in her heart.

But Ruolin was also shocked. She was not a Dou Zun or a Dou Sage, so could it be...

Thinking of this, Ruolin's eyes flashed with disbelief, but at this moment, her whole body froze, and she glanced at Ye Lang's hand.

Forget it, let him do whatever he wants.

Ruolin asked nervously: "Dou Di?!"

"Forget it, I won't tease you anymore, you are above Dou Di!" Ye Lang chuckled.

"Above Dou Di?!"

Ruolin's beautiful eyes widened with a look of disbelief on her face.

Dou Emperor is a legendary realm in the Dou Qi Continent. Are you telling me that you are above Dou Emperor? !

"Teacher Ruolin, you heard me right, my husband's current strength is indeed above that of Emperor Dou in our world." Xiao Yu and Xue Ni explained.


She is indeed a little confused now, and she is deeply shocked by the words Dou Di Shang.

Suddenly, she felt a cool breeze blowing, which brought Ruolin back to her senses. She became nervous and secretly glanced at Ya Fei, Xiao Yu, and Xue Ni.

After seeing that none of them noticed, Ruolin breathed a sigh of relief. She asked Ye Lang blankly: "How old are you?"

The realm above Dou Di, then he must be very big!


(End of this chapter)

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