Chapter 111 Chapter 111, entering the hole

Hearing Ye Lang's words.

The little medical fairy's beautiful eyes widened, and she froze in place. Suddenly, she smiled sweetly: "What are you talking about, what kind of cave? Is there a cave down here?!"

With the light of the torch, looking at Ye Lang's side face, the little medical fairy moved his right hand to his arms without leaving any trace.

"Oh..." Ye Lang's voice lengthened: "So you don't know!"

"Of course I..." The little medical fairy looked at Ye Lang who was defenseless. As she spoke, she took out a handful of white powder from her arms and sprinkled it directly on Ye Lang.

Looking at Ye Lang who was enveloped in white medicinal powder, the little medical fairy clapped her hands, wiped away the remaining medicinal powder, and raised the corner of her mouth with a hint of curvature: "Of course I know."

"Oh?! I thought you didn't know!" A frivolous laugh sounded.

"You!!" The little medical fairy's beautiful eyes suddenly condensed.

The white powder was prepared by her herself. Even a strong fighting master would fall unconscious on the spot if he inhaled the powder without precautions.

Ye Lang is fine now. He has obviously been guarding against her. The way she thought Ye Lang was relaxed just now was obviously a disguise to show her.

"Surprised?!" Ye Lang suddenly approached the little medical fairy. The little medical fairy looked at the face so close, his pupils shrank, and his breathing froze.

However, the reaction of the little medical fairy was not slow. She came to her senses instantly and took out a delicate dagger from her arms and stabbed Ye Lang directly.

Ye Lang just stretched out two fingers gently and clamped the delicate dagger of the little medical fairy.

In the horrified eyes of the little medical fairy, Ye Lang just squeezed her dagger casually. Her dagger was as fragile as soft mud in Ye Lang's hands, and he casually squeezed it into a ball.

The scene immediately fell silent.

The little medical fairy looked at Ye Lang blankly. She was really shocked now.

Being able to mash her dagger into a ball, how strong is Ye Lang? !

"Let's go."

Before the little medical fairy came back to her senses, she only felt herself entering a fiery embrace.

Feeling the strong masculine aura, the little medical fairy suddenly felt a little dizzy. The torch in her hand was loosened and fell directly to the cliff, sparks dancing in the night sky.


The next moment, there was a sound of wind in my ears.

The little fairy doctor was stunned for a moment. When she came back to her senses, she only found that she seemed to be suspended in the air, and she had already arrived in front of the cave.

Flying in the sky…


The little medical fairy swallowed unconsciously.

Could it be that Ye Lang is a strong fighter? !

Both Dou Wang and Dou Huang can use Dou Qi to condense their wings and fly.

She looked back with a stiff neck, and the next second her pupils trembled again, because she found that there were no fighting spirit wings behind Ye Lang...

Dou Zong strong man! !

Even Dou Zun! ! !

The little medical fairy was completely horrified!

Only strong men from Douzong and above can control the power of space and fly in the air without the help of anything.

Before she had time to think about it, she felt herself stepping on solid ground.


Ye Lang casually lit a ball of flame that hung in the air and burned, illuminating everything around him.

The little medical fairy looked at Ye Lang's mysterious method and felt extremely nervous.

"How did you find this cave!" Ye Lang's voice came.

Hearing Ye Lang's words, the Little Medical Fairy opened her red lips and quickly replied: "I accidentally discovered this cave when I came to the Warcraft Mountains to collect medicine before, but I was in a hurry when I came last time, so I didn't enter it. "

Having said this, the little medical fairy glanced at Ye Lang, who was smiling, and said again: "I guess this cave should be left by a senior."


Just as the Little Medical Fairy finished speaking, several faint sounds broke through the air. The Little Medical Fairy became wary, and she looked in the direction of the sound.

His face suddenly darkened: "It's a rock snake!"

Rock Snake, this is a first-order snake-like monster that likes to live in the crevices of cliffs. This kind of monster can fly flexibly in the air with the help of its body that is as flat as wings. Moreover, this kind of monster can fly flexibly in the air because of Its attributes are mutated stone attributes, making its body as hard as stone. Ordinary swords cannot hurt this monster at all. Usually when encountering this kind of monster in the Warcraft Mountains, even the fighting master will choose to avoid it and try not to fight with the rock snake, because the rock snake is a kind of social monster. Once one is found, it means that there are dozens of others around it, or even Hundreds of them.

Now, with the light of the fire, she saw seven or eight rock snakes attacking her and Ye Lang.


Subconsciously, an idea flashed through the little medical fairy's mind.


But the next moment, the little medical fairy only heard a faint cold snort, and then she heard at least dozens of "bang bang bang" explosions ringing around.

She happened to see the seven or eight rock snakes that had just attacked her and Ye Lang explode into a ball of blood mist.

Is the crisis caused by the rock snake resolved just like that? !

A flash of joy flashed across the face of the little medical fairy at first, but the next moment.

The little medical fairy felt a chill in her heart. She looked at Ye Lang with some fear. Ye Lang was so powerful. If he didn't like her later...

The little medical fairy didn't dare to think about it anymore.

She glanced at Ye Lang secretly and found that Ye Lang was not looking at her.

"Let's go!"

After taking a look at the dark and mysterious cave, Ye Lang smiled softly regardless of what the little medical fairy thought.


After hearing Ye Lang's words, the little medical fairy looked up at the dark cave in front of him, and he seemed a little hesitant.

It's really dark inside.

But at this time, Ye Lang had already walked into the dark cave.

Soon, Ye Lang's figure disappeared at the entrance of the cave. The little medical fairy looked at the darkness behind her, and the roar of the monster came from the distant mountain forest. She only felt a chill on her back.

"Hey...wait for me!"

The Little Fairy Doctor stamped her feet and hurriedly chased after Ye Lang. The cave was so dark that only a vague passage could be seen.

The little medical fairy tightened her clothes and quickened her pace. It seemed that as long as she kept up with Ye Lang, she could feel a little safer.


After more than twenty breaths, the little medical fairy felt that she bumped into the back of a figure. The little medical fairy's whole body froze, but a blush flashed across her pretty face after she felt the familiar masculine breath.

The little medical fairy quickly took a step back and hurriedly explained: "Yes... I'm sorry, I... I can't see the road clearly..."


There was a chuckle, and the little medical fairy breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment, she felt her right hand being held by a big warm hand.

"Follow me."


The little medical fairy let Ye Lang hold her hand, her pretty face was stained with an inexplicable blush, and she didn't know what she was thinking in her heart.

There are countless people pursuing her in Qingshan Town, but Ye Lang is so strong that he even chooses to join Wanyaozhai's team.

Could it be that he was specifically trying to get closer to himself? !

Such thoughts flashed through the mind of the little medical fairy. She unconsciously raised her eyes and looked at the left side of Ye Lang's face, and her heartbeat speeded up unconsciously.

Such a strong man is also very handsome. If the other person is really coming for me, should I follow him? !

In this way, Ye Lang took the little medical fairy's hand and walked for nearly twenty minutes, and finally came to a stone door.

Originally, he could have brought the little medical fairy here in an instant, but he didn't.

Ye Lang stopped suddenly, and the little medical fairy had no time to stop, and suddenly hit Ye Lang's left back again.

"Ah...are we here?!" The pretty face of the little medical fairy suddenly turned red.

"Well, we're here!" Ye Lang said softly, and then his mental power swept away, and the stone door opened automatically.

As the stone door opens.

In an instant, a faint light shot out from behind the stone door.

(End of this chapter)

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