Chapter 114 Chapter 114, Yun Yun

After entering the cave.

The man in black robe took out a fire stick from the storage ring and lit it, making the originally dark cave suddenly become much brighter.

Everything in the cave can be seen clearly.


Soon, the face of the man in black robe became condensed, and he stopped completely, because in front of him, there was a figure standing there motionless. The man in black robe was 120% alert!

"Don't panic, he has lost his life breath." At this time, an old voice sounded.

"Lost the breath of life?!" The man in black robe looked startled, and then he slowly walked towards the other party, being cautious throughout the process and always being on guard.

When he walked in front of the other party, the man in black robe lightly kicked him.


His slight touch was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. The other person immediately lost his balance and fell directly to the ground.

However, even if the other party fell to the ground, they still maintained their previous demeanor and movements.

"Teacher, he is really dead!" The man in black robe breathed a sigh of relief.

"I already told him that he has lost his life breath. You still don't believe it, Xiao Yan, how cautious he is." The old voice was slightly dissatisfied.

The two of them were Xiao Yan and Yao Chen. Yao Chen had also accepted Xiao Yan as his disciple.

Now he is taking Xiao Yan to the Warcraft Mountains for training.

"Be careful!" Xiao Yan touched his nose in embarrassment, and then he said: "Teacher, this man died in a strange way. There were no injuries on his body. Judging from his expression, he seemed to have died too." There is no sign of pain, and looking at his current appearance..."

Xiao Yan knocked on the opponent's hand with his hand, and felt that the opponent was as hard as a stone statue. He tried to change the opponent's body movements, but failed.

"His condition seems to be that of a corpse puppet, but his skin is fundamentally different from that of a corpse puppet.'s really weird, so be careful!" Yao Chen nodded, with a solemn expression on his transparent body. expression.

"Keep going inside, be careful..." Yao Chen said.

"Yes!" Xiao Yan nodded, then bypassed the body of the person just now and continued forward.

Soon, he found another corpse, which was exactly the same as the one just now. In the end, he found a total of seventeen corpses along the way.

The dozen or so corpses behind them all had expressions of doubt or confusion, and their movements also seemed to be running towards the cave in unison.

It's just that there seemed to be a sudden force that made them freeze at a certain moment.

Xiao Yan and Yao Chen both retreated in their hearts.

"Teacher, do you know what such a method is?!" Xiao Yan said in shock. He had already arrived outside the stone room.

But looking at the stone chamber with the door open, Xiao Yan stopped.

Hearing Xiao Yan's words, Yao Chen shook his head slightly. He could indeed kill dozens of fighters in an instant.

But he couldn't kill the opponent and freeze the opponent in place at the same time.

Such methods were simply unheard of for him.

"Teacher, do you want to enter this stone room?!" Xiao Yan swallowed, a little undecided.

"Come in!" Yao Chen said.

"Really?!" Xiao Yan said.

"Well, judging from the reactions of these people, they all ran towards this stone room. I think the danger did not come from this stone room. If the danger came from this stone room, they would have all run out!" Yao Chen pointed at the door of the stone room. The five or six corpses at the place spoke.

"It makes sense!" Xiao Yan's eyes lit up and he agreed with Yao Chen's point of view.

So he took a deep breath and walked slowly towards the stone chamber. Of course, he was still tiptoeing during the whole process, and he was ready to retreat at any time.

He moved forward bit by bit, and finally entered the stone chamber.

"It seems that there is no problem!" Xiao Yan stepped into the stone chamber with one foot. After waiting for a while and nothing happened, he walked directly into the stone chamber.

The moment he entered the stone chamber, Xiao Yan's eyes began to look around the entire stone chamber.


Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed, and he saw Mu Li's body. Mu Li's head was separated directly, and the cut part was smooth and flat.

"There should be some kind of treasure in this cave. As expected, it should be this corpse."

Xiao Yan looked at the skeleton on the seat in the center of the stone room and said: "Then they entered this cave to hunt for treasure. The treasure was too tempting, so the spoils were unevenly divided, and there were internal differences..."

In an instant, a very ridiculous and very realistic story came to Xiao Yan's mind.

"Look there quickly."

Yao Chen suddenly made a sound. Xiao Yan looked up and saw Yao Chen arriving at the stone room. There were two black scrolls in front of him.

Xiao Yan came over. He opened the two black scrolls and took a look. His expression suddenly froze, and a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

He cried out in shock, with a deep surprise in his voice: "Xuan-level advanced fighting skills! Teacher, these are two volumes of Xuan-level advanced fighting skills!!"

"Oh?!" Yao Chen was also a little surprised.

Xuan level advanced fighting skills are already pretty good.

"Teacher, these two scrolls were randomly discarded here?!" Xiao Yan said in confusion: "This is an advanced Xuan-level fighting skill!"

"Obviously the other party doesn't like these two profound level advanced fighting skills!" Yao Chen told the truth!

Even he doesn't like it.

"Uh...! This is an advanced Xuan-level fighting skill, and the opponent actually looks down on it?!" Xiao Yan's eyes widened.

"Xiao Yan, you need to know that the opponent's method of killing those outside is far beyond what can be achieved by advanced Xuan-level fighting skills. Let alone Xuan-level, even Earth-level fighting skills cannot do it! "

Yao Chen spoke with determination, which made Xiao Yan's heart tremble, and even his breathing became a little short, and he couldn't even do it on the ground level!

"Hurry up and collect the things that are useful to you here, and then leave. You can't stay here for long! I just took a look at these dead people. They all have a wolf-head badge. They are obviously members of a mercenary group. Now You are still too weak, so it is best not to get involved in the disputes of other forces. It is the last word to develop steadily!" Yao Chen said calmly.

"Yes, teacher!" Xiao Yan was stunned and nodded quickly.

So he quickly packed up the things in the stone room and prepared to leave directly.


Just when Xiao Yan was about to leave directly, Yao Chen suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong, teacher?!" Xiao Yan looked at Yao Chen in confusion.

However, Yao Chen's illusory and transparent body was seen floating directly over the skeleton on the seat.

Yao Chen waved his hand gently, and the skeleton's arm bones suddenly fell. In an instant, a black scroll fell out along with the skeleton's arm bones.

Yao Chen moved his hand, and immediately, a black scroll appeared in Yao Chen's hand.

"Teacher, what is this?!" Xiao Yan's eyes widened: "Is it also an advanced Xuan-level fighting skill?!"

"No!" Yao Chen shook his head: "In front of it, advanced Xuan-level fighting skills are nothing!"

"Ah?!" Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed. He looked at Yao Chen who looked solemn and a little happy. He tentatively said: "Teacher, is this an earth-level fighting skill?!"

"No!" Yao Chen shook his head again, and then said directly: "This is a map about strange fires!"

"What?! The map of the strange fire!!" Xiao Yan shouted in horror, and then his face showed joy.

Because the "Burning Technique" that Yao Chen gave him to practice was to swallow the strange fire!

"It's just a pity. This is just a broken picture, not complete!" Yao Chen shook his head with some regret.

"It's better than nothing." Xiao Yan grinned: "Teacher, how did you discover the existence of this map?!"

Xiao Yan looked at Yao Chen and asked puzzledly. This map was very well hidden. He had looked at the skeleton for a long time before but never found this map.

"It's my strange fire - Bone Spirit Cold Fire, which senses its existence. There are some connections between the strange fires. Maybe there is a little bit of the strange fire on this map, which is sensed by my Bone Spirit Cold Fire. We’re here.” Yao Chen smiled.

"So that's it." Xiao Yan nodded, and then asked: "Teacher, which strange fire is recorded on this residual picture?!"

Hearing what Xiao Yan said, Yao Chen thought for a few breaths before giving an answer: "If I guessed correctly, it should be the Pure Lotus Demon Fire that ranks third on the list of strange fires!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yan's eyes widened and he shouted excitedly: "The third pure lotus demon fire!! It ranks higher than the teacher's bone spirit cold fire!!"

"Yeah!" Yao Chen smiled, and then said: "Let's go quickly!"


Then Xiao Yan quickly left the stone room and ran towards the outside of the cave. Just when Xiao Yan walked out of the cave, Xiao Yan met someone.

The moment he saw the other party, Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed.

Because the other party also wore a wolf head badge, when the other party saw Xiao Yan coming out of the cave, he was also alert.

But Xiao Yan didn't want to stay here any longer, so Yao Chen directly took over Xiao Yan's body and jumped directly down the cliff.

When the members of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group saw this scene, their eyes widened. Finally they shook their heads, then they grabbed the rope in their hands and descended little by little to the cave. Looking at the dark cave.

Thinking that Xiao Yan also walked out of this cave just now, this member of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group looked down the cliff, and then a touch of greed flashed in his eyes.

The man just now looked like a master.

Did the other party leave any treasure in this cave? !

The other party will definitely not come back for a while, so it’s not too much to go in and get something now, right? !

Thinking of this, he took out a fire stick from his arms and lit it, and then went straight into the cave with excitement.

It takes half a stick of incense.

This member of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group came out of the cave with a pale face. He quickly took out something like a signal bomb from his arms.

Then he lit it with a fire stick.

"call out--"

A sharp and piercing sound sounded, and then a firework took off, rising hundreds of meters into the air, and then exploded, forming the shape of a wolf head.

For an instant.

The members of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group near him all looked here, and then they all quickly rushed in this direction.


"No matter who it is, I will cut him into pieces!!"

Mu She looked at the way his son Mu Li's body was separated, his eyes were red, and he said fiercely.

"Captain, I saw the opponent's appearance clearly!" said the member of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group who was the first to notice the situation.

"Let Wu Laosan come over immediately and draw the opponent's face. I want him wanted in the Warcraft Mountains!!"

Mu Snake immediately shouted loudly!

At the same time, Xiao Yan was still counting his gains, not noticing that the danger was quietly coming.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

"Husband, how strong am I now?!" the little medical fairy asked, leaning next to Ye Lang.

In the past month, she and Ye Lang have been practicing, and her strength has improved very quickly. Even now, she doesn't know what level she has reached.

"Let me see."

Ye Lang smiled and then opened his personal information panel.

[Name: Ye Lang. 】

[Physical body: Immortal (invincible). 】

[Soul: Hunyuan level (but you can only freely use the strength two levels higher than the body!)]

【Soul Bond Taoist Companion】

Meng Wu Yao: Immortality (Feng Wang Elementary School)

Soul: Eternal true god level, can only use power two levels higher than the physical body.

Irina: Immortal High Lord.

Venina: Prime of Immortality.

Enchanting: Elementary level of immortality.

Babata: Prime of Immortality.

Bertha: Elementary Immortality.

Atuka: Elementary Immortality.

Gu Yuena: Level 9 World Lord (Psychic Master: Immortal.)

Goddess of Life: Level 9 World Lord (Psychic Master: Immortal.)

Goddess of Kindness: Level 9 World Lord (Psychic Master: Immortal.)

Xu Xin: Elementary Immortality.

Liu Ting: Elementary Immortality.

Su Rou: Elementary Immortality.

Tang Yongqing: Level 9 World Lord (Spirit Master: Immortal).

Bo Saixi: Level 9 World Lord (Psychic Master: Immortal).

Bibi Dong: Level 9 World Lord (Psychic Master: Immortal).

Qian Renxue: Level 9 World Lord (Psychic Master: Immortal).

Farr: Immortal Prime.

Everyone is left in Douluo World: Level 9 World Lord (Psychic Master, Immortal).

Zhen Nan: Elementary Immortality.

Isadore: Prime of Immortality.

Su Aoxue: Elementary Immortality.

Jiang Fang: Elementary Immortality.

Janet: Elementary Immortality.

Avril Lavigne: Elementary Immortality.

Yun Caini: Level 9 World Lord (Psychic Master: Immortal.)

Zhao Ruo: Elementary Immortality.

Tang Zichen: Level 3 World Lord

Huo Ling'er: World Lord Level 3

Luo Xiaomeng: World Lord Level 3

Yan Yuanyi: Level 3 World Lord

Style: World Lord Level 3

Cao Jingjing: Level 3 World Lord

Zhu Jia: World Lord Level 3

Zhang Tong: World Lord Level 3

Chan Yinsha: World Lord Level 3

Li Wanji: Level 3 World Lord

Yao Xiaoxue: Level 3 World Lord

There are more than 20,000 disciples of Xiaoyao Hall in Blue Star: Immortal Novice.

Gu Xun'er: Territory Lord Level 9.

Nalan Yanran: Territory Lord Level 9.

Ya Fei: Domain Lord Level 9.

Snow Charm: Territory Lord Level 5.

Xiao Yu: Domain Lord Level 5.

Xiao Mei: Domain Lord Level 5.

Xue Ni: Territory Lord Level 5.

Little Medical Fairy: The third level of Territory Lord.

[Exercises: Dream Sutra, Natural Breathing Technique, Qiankun Physical Training, Xukun Jue, Skillful as a Spirit Tongue, Fish Absorbing Technique, Playing with Phoenix and Dragon's Claw, Upside Down Phoenix Luan's Finger, Playing with Dragon and Phoenix Spear, Jockey's Sacred Scripture , dragon and phoenix singing together to practice physical skills, free travel, divine calamity, fantasy dream purgatory, communication of the law of cause and effect, dragon-yang-wind-yin complementation technique, soul-turning technique, and Chaotic Source Condensation Technique! Thunder World-Destroying Slash, God-killing Seven Kills, Intelligent Hunyuan Condensation Technique, Mecha Energy Gathering Technique, Big and Small Ruyi Technique, Insect King Secret Code, Great Escape Technique, Great Boundary Breaking Teleportation Technique, Chaotic Source Invisibility Technique. 】

"Your cultivation level is the third level of Territory Lord, which is very powerful!" Ye Lang laughed.

"Really?" The little medical fairy smiled.

"Yes." Ye Lang nodded. He was also very happy now, because Xu Xin and others had basically entered immortality.


He and the Little Fairy Doctor roamed in the Warcraft Mountains.

"Husband, there are people fighting monsters ahead!"

The little medical fairy suddenly said, Ye Lang nodded and looked in one direction.

There, there was a woman wearing a light green dress, holding a long sword in her hand, fighting a purple dragon.

Looking at this figure, Ye Lang smiled.

Yun Yun!

(End of this chapter)

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