Chapter 118 Chapter 118, Entering the Tagor Desert

for this.

Ye Lang did not deny it.

He nodded directly and admitted that the reason why Yun Yun's realm was directly promoted from the peak of Dou Huang to Dou Zun was because of him.

To Ye Lang, the seal of the Amethyst Winged Lion King was something that could be erased with just a thought.

The acupuncture technique that Ye Lang used on Yun Yun was something he and the little medical fairy learned not long ago when they were studying something.

Seeing Ye Lang nodding in recognition, Yun Yun was deeply shocked when she got the real answer.

Because this is so incredible.

"Brother Ye, Yun Yun really doesn't know how to repay you for your kindness." Yun Yun gave a helpless smile.

Ye Lang made her a Dou Zun. This kindness was so great that she didn't know how to repay it.

"I don't know how to repay it, so just give me your life." The little medical fairy blinked at the side, a smile appeared on her pretty face, and a slightly teasing laughter sounded in the cave.

"Huh?!" Yun Yun was stunned for a moment when she heard the little medical fairy's slightly teasing words, and then her delicate face was like a fire, and she was quickly stained with a layer of blush.

"Don't be ridiculous, little fairy doctor. Even if I am willing, are you willing to share a man as outstanding as Brother Ye with me?" Yun Yun glanced at Ye Lang uncomfortably with her beautiful eyes, and there was something strange in her heart. thought.

But seeing Ye Lang and the Little Medical Fairy standing together, Yun Yun took a deep breath and suppressed the strange feelings in her heart.

"I do, I'm very serious." The little medical fairy looked at Yun Yun seriously.

"Ah?" Yun Yun was startled when she looked at the serious-looking Little Medical Fairy, and then her emotions that had cooled down just now reignited with the Little Medical Fairy's words.

"You really...really don't mind?!" Yun Yun looked at the little medical fairy.

"Of course!" The little medical fairy smiled, walked over and took Yun Yun's hand, smiling broadly.

"Then Brother Ye..." Yun Yun looked at Ye Lang secretly.

She was very conflicted about Ye Lang. At first, when Ye Lang rescued her, she only had some affection for Ye Lang, but could not say she disliked him.

But with that acupuncture.

Everything has changed.

Ye Lang has lived deeply in her heart.

"Hey, why do you think my husband saved you and why he helped you transform your body? My husband is just greedy for your body." The little medical fairy chuckled.

Hearing this, Yun Yun's pretty face suddenly turned red and she looked at Ye Lang blankly.

"Now that you know the truth, are you still willing to commit yourself to me?" Ye Lang smiled.

Yun Yun glanced at Ye Lang resentfully: "I have been honest with you, you have to be responsible for me!"

The corner of Ye Lang's mouth raised: "Haha, I will be responsible to the end!"

Everything falls into place.

Two days later, three poles later.

"Husband, I am going back to Yunlan Sect now. Do you want to come with me?!"

Yun Yun looked at Ye Lang, her beautiful eyes filled with infinite tenderness, and asked.

"Haha, go, go for a walk!" Ye Lang smiled and said.

I haven’t seen Nalan Yanran for a few days. When I get to Yunlan Sect, I will give Yun Yun’s wife another big surprise.

"That's great." A smile appeared on Yun Yun's face, making her noble and elegant look more charming.

"Sister, Little Medical Fairy, do you want to come together?!" Yun Yun looked at Little Medical Fairy again.

Yun Yun is older than the Little Medical Fairy, so the two call themselves sisters based on their actual ages.

"I won't go with you." The little fairy doctor shook his head and said with a smile: "There are some things I need in the Warcraft Mountains. I will practice here for a while."

Some things in the Warcraft Mountains are still helpful to her current cultivation.

Of course, she knew that Ye Lang would leave again after only a few days when he went to Yunlan Sect.

"Husband, after I stay in the Warcraft Mountains for a few days, I will also go to Canaan College and wait for you there with Yafei and the others." The little medical fairy said.

"Okay!" Ye Lang nodded.

Afterwards, Ye Lang and Yun Yun quickly came to Yunlan Sect.

When Yun Yun returned to the sect with a strange man, the entire Yun Lan Sect exploded in an instant.

From the sect elders to the sect disciples, everyone was talking secretly.

"Teacher, she brought a man back?!"

In Nalan Yanran's exclusive hall, her maid brought her such news, and then she focused her eyes and stood up quickly.

In the blink of an eye, he disappeared into the hall like a breeze.

"Boom boom boom——"

Arriving at Yunyun's residence, Nalan Yanran knocked on the door first.

"come in!"

Yun Yun's calm voice came from the room.

"Teacher, you..."

As soon as Nalan Yanran opened the door and walked into the room, she was stunned for a moment. The words she was about to say were choked in her throat, and soon a look of joy appeared on her pretty face.

"Husband, it is indeed you!"

Nalan Yanran said happily. She came to Ye Lang and smiled when she saw Ye Lang and Yun Yun sitting together.

She had already told Ye Lang about Yun Yun's identity information before, so when her subordinates brought Yun Yun back to Yunlan Sect with a strange man just now.

Nalan Yanran had a guess in her mind that this person was Ye Lang

"Huh?!" Yun Yun was startled when she heard Nalan Yanran's words. Her beautiful eyes looked at the two of them, and she immediately understood something.

She was talking about how her disciple's strength had soared from a Dou Zong to a Dou Sect within a few days of returning to Wutan City.

Nalan Yanran's talent is indeed excellent for the Yunlan Sect.

But it is far from reaching such a monster level.

Now, everything is clear.

It turns out that the husband helped his disciple improve his strength.

"Haha, did you miss me?"

Ye Lang looked at Nalan Yanran and stretched out his right hand. Nalan Yanran also leaned over, kissed Ye Lang and said affectionately: "Of course I do!"

Yun Yun looked at Nalan Yanran with a straight face: "Oh, you didn't want to be a teacher."

"I miss you too, teacher." Nalan Yanran walked over and took Yun Yun's hand, smiling affectionately.

"No big or small." Yun Yun smiled.

"Hey, teacher, we are all our husband's women now." Nalan Yanran looked at Yun Yun and smiled strangely.

Hearing this, Yun Yun blushed and glared at Nalan Yanran: "Then I am your teacher too."


Ye Lang stayed at Yunlan Sect for a week. Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran were not going to go to Canaan College. They planned to develop Yunlan Sect here.

"There is a little guy from Douzong in your Yunlan Sect." Ye Lang glanced in one direction.

"Husband, that is my teacher." Yun Yun opened her red lips and said.

"Yeah." Ye Lang nodded. He had no idea about Yunshan, and he couldn't make any trouble anyway.

"Then I'll leave." Ye Lang smiled.

"Well, okay! Husband, please come to see us from time to time." Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran both said reluctantly,

"it is good!"

Ye Lang nodded. For him, it only took a few breaths to ask them to hit the top of the canyon.

After leaving Yunlan Sect.

"I haven't seen Xun'er and his wife for a few days."

Ye Lang murmured to himself, and then he flashed and came directly to the ancient tribe.

The Tibetan land chosen by the Ancient Clan is very hidden and blessed with formations. Even if ordinary fighting saints come, they will not be able to find the Ancient Clan's hiding place.

But for Ye Lang, all this is in vain.

At this time, Gu Xun'er was practicing in seclusion in a forbidden area among the ancient tribe.

"This little girl is refining the Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Flame."

Seeing Gu Xun'er sitting cross-legged on a white jade bed of ice and practicing with her eyes closed, Ye Lang had no intention of disturbing her.

The next moment, Ye Lang's figure disappeared from the spot.

He came to the Ancient Clan, but no one in the Ancient Clan found any trace of his visit.

Canaan College.

In an attic.

Several women with hot bodies and beautiful looks were playing and playing in the pool, which was a beautiful scene.

"Xue Ni, what did you eat when you grew up?" Xuemei looked at Xue Ni and said with envy.

"Hey, sister Xuemei, if you want, I'll cut two pounds of meat for you." Seeing Xuemei's envious expression, Xueni sighed helplessly: "You don't know how tired I am all day. "

Girls: ",,,,,,"

"Hey, it's really a drought to death, and a waterlogging situation to death!" Xiao Yu said with a smile.

As she spoke, she showed off her long, slender legs, which made all the girls envious. Although they all had a pair of long legs, they were still inferior to Xiao Yu.

"I don't know when my husband will come to Canaan College." Yafei suddenly said.

"It's almost time." Ruolin said, her gentle voice flowing through everyone's hearts like a breeze.

"Hey, Ruolin's wife still understands me."

At this time, a chuckle rang out in the room. The girls were startled at first and covered their vital parts in a panic, and then their faces showed joy.

After some practice.

All the girls were very satisfied.

Ye Lang looked at his own panel.

[Name: Ye Lang. 】

[Physical body: Immortal (invincible). 】

[Soul: Hunyuan level (but you can only freely use the strength two levels higher than the body!)]

【Soul Bond Taoist Companion】

Meng Wu Yao: Immortality (Feng Wang Gao)

Soul: Eternal true god level, can only use power two levels higher than the physical body.

Irina: Elementary level of Immortal King.

Venina: Novice Immortal Marquis.

Enchanting: The first level of Immortal-level feudal lord.

Babata: Immortal-level feudal lord junior.

Bertha: Novice Immortal-level feudal lord.

Atuka: Immortal level feudal junior.

Gu Yuena: Immortal Medium

Goddess of Life: Immortality Medium

Goddess of Goodness: Immortality Medium

Xu Xin: The first level of Immortal Marquis.

Liu Ting: The first level of Immortal Marquis.

Su Rou: The first level of Immortal Marquis.

Tang Yongqing: Immortal Level Medium

Bo Saixi: Immortal Level Medium

Bibi Dong: Immortal Level Medium

Qian Renxue: Immortal Level Medium

Farr: Immortal-level feudal lord, elementary level.

Everyone left in Douluo World: Immortal is medium.

Zhen Nan: The first level of Immortal Marquis.

Isadore: Novice Immortal-level Marquis.

Su Aoxue: Elementary Immortal Level Marquis.

Jiang Fang: The first level of Immortal Marquis.

Janet: Immortal level nobility junior.

Avril Lavigne: Elementary Immortal-level Marquis.

Yuncaini: Immortal Medium

Zhao Ruo: The first level of Immortal-level feudal lord.

Tang Zichen: Ninth Level Lord Level

Huo Ling'er: Ninth Level Lord Level

Luo Xiaomeng: Level 9 World Lord

Yan Yuanyi: Level 9 of the Realm Lord

Style: Realm Lord Level 9

Cao Jingjing: Boundary Lord Level 9

Zhu Jia: Ninth level of world lord

Zhang Tong: Realm Lord Level 9

Chan Yinsha: Level 9 World Lord

Li Wanji: Ninth Level Lord Level

Yao Xiaoxue: Realm Lord Level 9

There are more than 20,000 disciples of Xiaoyao Palace in Blue Star: the first level of Immortal-level Marquis.

Gu Xun'er: First level of world lord.

Nalan Yanran: First level of world lord.

Ya Fei: First level of world lord level.

Snow Charm: Territory Lord Level 9.

Xiao Yu: Territory Lord Level 9.

Xiao Mei: Territory Lord Level 9.

Xue Ni: Territory Lord Level 9.

Little Fairy Doctor: Territory Lord Ninth Level.

Yun Yun: The third level of Territory Lord.

[Exercises: Dream Sutra, Natural Breathing Technique, Qiankun Physical Training, Xukun Jue, Skillful as a Spirit Tongue, Fish Absorbing Technique, Playing with Phoenix and Dragon's Claw, Upside Down Phoenix Luan's Finger, Playing with Dragon and Phoenix Spear, Jockey's Sacred Scripture , dragon and phoenix singing together to practice physical skills, free travel, divine calamity, fantasy dream purgatory, communication of the law of cause and effect, dragon-yang-wind-yin complementation technique, soul-turning technique, and Chaotic Source Condensation Technique! Thunder World-Destroying Slash, God-killing Seven Kills, Intelligent Hunyuan Condensation Technique, Mecha Energy Gathering Technique, Great and Small Ruyi Technique, Insect King's Secret Book, Great Escape Technique, Great World-Breaking Teleportation Technique, Chaotic Source Invisibility Technique, Chaotic Source Acupuncture Technique . 】

Look at your information panel.

Ye Lang's eyes flashed.

"How long has it been since reality?! Master and the others have become much stronger in strength?!"

Ye Lang discovered that Meng Wuyao, Qian Renxue and the others had improved a lot in a short period of time.

Soon, Ye Lang got the answer.

Three years have passed since the Devouring Star World.

"No wonder." Ye Lang smiled and stopped paying attention.

After staying at Canaan College for half a month.

Ye Lang left again under the reluctant eyes of the girls.

This time, Ye Lang's destination is Tagore Desert.

On the way to Tagore Desert, Ye Lang met Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan also began to come to the Tagor Desert to practice under the guidance of Yao Chen.

In the vast desert, the scorching sun is scorching the earth, and the golden sand is scalding hot from the scorching sun.

From time to time, strong winds would stir up sandstorms hundreds of feet high, sweeping across the entire world.

In a depression in the desert, there are three figures resting here. Ye Lang is lying leisurely on a piece of cool black jade. The medicine dust next to him is about to completely solidify, fanning Ye Lang like a dog leg. .

Not far away, Xiao Yan was shirtless and dripping with sweat. He had a black ruler on his back and a map he had obtained not long ago.

"Damn, this map can't be fake, right? I've been looking for it for several days, but I haven't seen any trace of the strange fire at all."

Xiao Yan put the sheepskin map in his hand on his head to block the scorching sun, and said angrily: "That old man must have lied to us."

"What's the rush?!" Yao Chen fanned Ye Lang and looked at Xiao Yan as he said calmly: "Didn't he mark three places on the map he gave us? We just came here to look for it now. It’s normal if there is no strange fire. Maybe the strange fire is at the other two marked locations.”

After saying that, Yaochen looked at Ye Lang and said flatteringly: "You are right, senior!"

Yao Chen now admires Ye Lang, not only with respect, but also with awe.

He was originally just a ray of remnant soul, but now not only is this ray of remnant soul growing stronger, but there are even faint signs of directly condensing a physical body.

The most important thing is that his current strength actually shows signs of breaking through to Semi-Saint.

This broke his common sense.

And all of this was the result of Ye Lang's casual pointers.


At this moment, a figure in the distance staggered over and shouted to the three of them anxiously.

As soon as he shouted these words, the other party seemed to be extremely weak and fell directly to the hot desert ground, in a semi-conscious state.


(End of this chapter)

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