Chapter 120 Chapter 120, Qinglin


Xue Lan, who has a sexy and hot figure, couldn't help but exclaimed again.


However, the next moment, a dull voice came. Under the eyes of Xue Lan and others, as soon as the snake leader approached Ye Lang, his whole body suddenly exploded and turned into a blood mist.

For an instant.

Whether it was Xue Lan and other mercenary members, or the snake people, everyone became quiet.

They looked at this scene dumbfounded and speechless.

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Why did the snake leader explode suddenly?!"

"It's so weird!"

"Could it be that a passing senior took action?!"


The mercenaries all swallowed their saliva and started talking, but there was joy on their faces.

With the snake leader dead, they now have one less threat from their opponent.

The leader of the snake people is a nine-star fighter.

"Do you still need to guess? Of course it was senior who took action. Senior is very powerful! Senior is so powerful!" Danzai shouted excitedly.

The scene where Ye Lang teleported with him just now was still vivid in his mind.

Hearing Danzai's words, Xue Lan and others all looked at Ye Lang, with shock in their eyes, and of course there was a hint of doubt in the shock.

They didn't see Ye Lang move just now.

As for the snake people, after seeing their leader die, the remaining snake people also had a look of fear on their faces.

"Kill him for me!!"

Suddenly, a snake man roared sternly, waving the snake spear in his hand and pointing at Ye Lang!

"Yes, kill him!!"

Another snake man shouted coldly, these two people are the other two remaining Nine Star Fighters in this group of snake men.

The words fell.

The two remaining Nine-Star Fighters Snakemen looked at each other, and then a crazy and bloodthirsty light appeared on their faces. They clenched the long snake spears in their hands, and then twisted their huge snake tails, and the two of them appeared to be surrounded. Attack Ye Lang.

There was a strange red glow on the snake spears of the two men, which were obviously coated with poison.

They not only waved the snake spears in their hands to attack Ye Lang, but at the same time they opened their mouths and spit out a ball of cyan gas towards Ye Lang.

This gas is extremely smelly.

"Be careful, these snake people like to use poison!"

The snake man's sudden attack caught everyone off guard, and Xue Lan couldn't help but give a warning again.

Xue Lan just finished speaking.

All I saw was that Ye Lang finally made a move at this time. Ye Lang didn't even turn his head, but slowly raised his right hand and gently pushed towards the two snake men.


Suddenly there was a huge roar, and a tornado with a size of tens of meters was pushed out from Ye Lang's palm and pressed hard in the direction of the two snake men.

Saw this scene.

Everyone present felt their scalps were numb and their hearts were filled with chills.

The faces of the two snake men also changed wildly. They swallowed hard and without any hesitation, they twisted their huge snake tails, turned around and ran away in the opposite direction.

But all this is in vain.

The speed of the tornado was too fast. In just a short breath, the tornado came with a bang and directly involved the two remaining Nine Star Fighters Snakemen.


Two extremely miserable wails sounded, and in an instant there was no sound.

It was obvious that the two powerful snake-men Nine-Star Fighters had been completely killed in the tornado.

This made the remaining four snakemen's scalps numb and their hearts filled with chills. They all dropped the snake spears in their hands, turned around and ran away.

But at this time Xue Lan and others also came to their senses.

"Kill them all!!" Xue Lan shouted loudly, and the other mercenary members also came to their senses, waving their weapons and preparing to chase the fleeing snake men.

"call out--"

Before they could make any move, Xiao Yan had already taken action.

He stepped hard with the sole of his foot, and in an instant he was like a black lightning, flashing quickly, and in the blink of an eye he caught up with the four fleeing snake men, and then easily eliminated them.

"Senior, those snake people have been dealt with."

Xiao Yan returned here and spoke to Ye Lang with a little respect.

"Yeah." Ye Lang nodded.

"Haha, Xiao Yanzi, your strength seems to have improved a lot compared to the past few days." Yao Chen looked at Xiao Yan with a smile on his face.

A look of pride appeared on Xiao Yan's face, then he looked at Yao Chen and said with a smile, "The teacher still teaches well."

"Hehe, that's right!" Yao Chen smiled proudly and stroked his beard. Then Yao Chen stopped his smile, looked at Ye Lang with respect, and said flatteringly: "Of course, compared to your predecessors, It’s nothing.”

Xiao Yan: ",,,,,,"

Do you want to listen to what you said? !

Xue Lan, who saw all this, had a flash of light in her eyes. Apparently, she got some important information from the simple conversation between the three of them.

That is, among the three, the young man in silver robe has the highest status.

The shirtless young man carrying a black ruler is the old man's apprentice, and the two have a master-disciple relationship.

Xue Lan twisted her waist and came to Ye Lang with long legs. She blinked and said, "Hello, my name is Xue Lan. I am the captain of the Motie Mercenary Group. Just now Thank you for your help, otherwise our team would probably be destroyed in the hands of the snake people."

"I heard from Danzi that you have some connection with our Motie Mercenary Group?!"

Xue Lan looked at Ye Lang and the others with beautiful eyes, a smile on her face, and some doubts in her tone.

"Xue Lan, this little brother has something to do with our Motie Mercenary Group!" Danzai touched the back of his head and said.

Hearing this, Xue Lan looked at Xiao Yan with her beautiful eyes. Seeing Xiao Yan shirtless, Xue Lan didn't have any thoughts, nor was she shy or dodge her eyes.

In the Tagor Desert, women's atmosphere is relatively open, especially since she has been in the mercenary group all year round, so naturally she is not as shy and reserved as those ladies.

"My name is Xiao Yan!" Seeing Xue Lan looking at him, Xiao Yan also grinned and took the initiative to introduce his name.

"Xiao Yan?!" Xue Lan's eyes flashed when she heard the name Xiao Yan. The two leaders of the Motie Mercenary Group were also named Xiao, and the young man named Xiao Yan said that he was with the Motie Mercenary Group. There is a reason,,,

She seemed to have heard from the two group leaders that they had a younger brother.

Could it be? !

Xue Lan took a deep look at Xiao Yan, then looked at Xiao Yan and said tentatively: "The leader of our Motie Mercenary Group is also named Xiao. Could it be that Brother Xiao Yan knows our leader?!"

Xiao Yan just laughed and did not answer directly.

Xue Lan didn't ask any more questions about this, so she looked at Ye Lang: "I don't know what to call this young master?!"

"Ye Lang." Ye Lang looked at Xue Lan and looked at Xue Lan's figure with admiration. Xue Lan's dress gave people a wild and hot temperament.

"Master Ye!" Facing Ye Lang's gaze, Xue Lan was not shy. On the contrary, she stood up for her proud career line and asked with a smile:

"Where are you going next?! If you have time, can you come with us to Shimo City? If Mr. Ye hadn't helped you today, our end would have been tragic. Our Motie Mercenary Group has clear grievances. , so...we will repay this kindness!"

Xue Lan looked at Ye Lang and asked. She seemed to have noticed that among the three of them, Ye Lang seemed to have the absolute right to speak. Whether it was the old man or Xiao Yan, when they faced Ye Lang, then It was absolute awe.

"Whatever!" Ye Lang said. It doesn't matter whether he goes or not. Anyway, what he has to do is not in a hurry.

"Then it's settled." A smile appeared on Xue Lan's face, giving her a different kind of charm.

Seeing this, many mercenaries cast admiring glances at Xue Lan.

Xue Lan is the beauty of their Motie mercenary group. Many people have thoughts about her, but the more beautiful the rose, the easier it is to hurt others.

So far, no one has been able to successfully pick Xuelan, this thorny rose!

Soon, under the leadership of Xue Lan.

Ye Lang and the other two came to Shimo City. During this period, Xue Lan made insinuations about the relationship between Xiao Yan and their leader, but Xiao Yan always dropped the topic with a haha.

Do not respond positively.

But the smart Xue Lan already had the answer in her heart, and she confirmed this answer.

After arriving at Stone Desert City.

The two captains of Motie Mercenary Group, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li, also personally met Ye Lang and the others.

At this time, Xue Lan also witnessed that her guess was correct.

Sure enough, Xiao Yan and the two leaders of their Motie mercenary group were brothers.

Later, Xiao Ding and Xiao Li prepared a welcoming banquet for Ye Lang and the others. The banquet was very grand.

After the banquet.

Ye Lang returned to the room assigned to him by the Motie Mercenary Group.

Not long after Ye Lang returned to his room, there was a knock on his door.

Ye Lang's eyes narrowed.

It’s Xuelan!

Why did Xue Lan come to see me so late? !

Inviting Xue Lan into the house, Xue Lan said directly: "I'm attracted to you."

Ye Lang: ",,,"

Naturally, he would not give up after being sent to his door.

After a night's rest, Ye Lang just woke up the next day.


Ye Lang's door was suddenly pushed open, and then a petite figure came in from outside the door. She tiptoed and walked without making the slightest sound.

After the other party walked in quietly and came to Ye Lang's bedside, she looked down and was shocked.

Because at this time Ye Lang and Xue Lan were opening their eyes and looking at themselves. The petite figures quickly bowed and saluted, and spoke timidly and cautiously:

"Old...Master, are you...are you awake?!"

The visitor was obviously very surprised. She didn't expect Xue Lan to be here.

"Master?!" Upon hearing this title, Ye Lang's eyes narrowed and the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely.

Ye Lang looked at the other party. The other party was a girl. She didn't look very old. She was wearing a light green dress. She had a good figure and a slight hint of youthfulness on her delicate and pretty face.

She has a delicate oval face, fair and delicate skin, and a pair of big eyes. She looks like a ceramic doll, but she seems to have an inexplicable lack of confidence and a sense of inferiority. Even when she was talking to Ye Lang just now, she was like a frightened rabbit, with fear and fear surging in her eyes, and her uneasiness spread throughout her body.

It seemed as if she was very afraid of what Ye Lang would do to her.

"Well, I woke up."

Ye Lang smiled and nodded, with a gentle smile on his face: "Who are you?!"

Seeing the smile on Ye Lang's face and Ye Lang's gentle tone, the girl was stunned for a moment.

How long has it been since anyone spoke to me with such a tone and attitude?

Do not…

Ever since she was born.

It seemed that she had never seen anyone treat her with kind eyes and gentle tone.

In the circle in which she lives, others treat her with disgusted eyes and disgusted tones.

Ye Lang's sudden tenderness made her feel a little moved and sentimental.


It would be great if everyone had this attitude towards themselves from now on.

"Old,,, sir, my name is Qing Lin. I was called by the captain to serve you. Can I help you wash up?!"

Qing Lin helped Ye Lang bring a basin of water, placed it on the wooden stand beside the bed, and looked at Ye Lang nervously.

Hear the other person's name.

Ye Lang was startled for a moment, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he understood why the other person was filled with a sense of inferiority and timidity.

Qinglin's life experience is not good.

She is the child of a human woman who was defiled by a snake man. She has lived under the cold eyes and ridicule of others since she was a child, so she has had low self-esteem since she was a child and is cautious in everything she does.

Live a very miserable life.

"I'll do it myself." Ye Lang looked at Qing Lin who looked nervous, stretched out his hand and gently rubbed her head.

This made Qing Lin's eyes startled, and then she felt a little scared. She glanced at Xue Lan who was still sleeping on the bed in fear.

But the next moment, she was startled again.

Because Xue Lan also looked at herself with a smile on her face, without any intention of blaming her.

"Qinglin, do I look good?!"

Xue Lan stood up and looked at Qing Lin and asked.

Qing Lin's eyes widened, and then he stammered and said, "Pretty...beautiful!"

"Then do you want to be like me now?!" Xue Lan came to Qing Lin.

"Ah?!" Qinglin was stunned: "How...what?!"

"That's it." Xue Lan asked Qing Lin to be honest with her.

"do not want!"

Looking at the snake scales exposed on her skin, Qing Lin turned pale. She looked at Ye Lang anxiously. She was afraid that after seeing her snake scales, Ye Lang would show disgust, hate her, and treat her badly. Harsh words!

She carefully retreated to the corner and squatted down, her petite body trembling non-stop.

"Qinglin, it's okay, don't be afraid."

Xue Lan came over, squatted down and looked at Qing Lin and smiled. After hearing Xue Lan's words, Qing Lin looked up at Xue Lan and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there was no disgust in her eyes.

However, she subconsciously looked at Ye Lang at the next moment, and Ye Lang also looked at her.

Qing Lin's face became nervous and frightened again. When she came here, the captain and others had said that Ye Lang was a distinguished guest of the Motie Mercenary Group, and she must take good care of him and not make him angry.

Now that the other party sees the snake scales on his body, he must know his identity.

He... would despise his life experience!

Sadness flashed in Qinglin's eyes.

"Such beautiful scales."

Suddenly, Qing Lin heard a soft word, and then felt a hot palm caressing the scales on his body.

Hearing this, Qing Lin's face trembled with fear. She looked at those gentle eyes, her nose suddenly became sore, and tears couldn't stop rolling in her eyes.

Qing Lin looked at Ye Lang and said timidly: "Master, aren't you afraid and don't you dislike Qing Lin?!"

(End of this chapter)

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