Chapter 122 Chapter 122, Yuemei

As soon as the woman finished speaking, her pretty face turned cold, and she stretched out her slender, snow-white right hand and slapped the lake hard.


Suddenly a long water arrow rose up from the lake. Looking at the water arrow, the charming woman's red lips opened slightly, and a green venom spurted out from her mouth and landed on the water arrow.

Then he raised his hand and patted it lightly on the water arrow. Immediately, the water arrow quickly shot in the direction of Ye Lang.

This water arrow was so fast that it almost arrived in front of Ye Lang in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the water arrow, Ye Lang had no expression on his face. He just turned sideways slightly, and immediately the water arrow flew past his face.


The water arrow passed over Ye Lang and shot directly into the woods behind Ye Lang. In just one breath, the woods hit by the water arrow quickly withered.

Ye Lang raised his eyebrows. This snake-woman beauty looked quite eye-catching, but her attacks were really vicious.

"I will give you a good lesson later." Ye Lang looked at the snake girl and a thought flashed in his mind.

"Oh?! I didn't expect you to escape my attack."

A surprised voice came, and the snake girl looked at Ye Lang with a charming face. She jumped out of the lake and didn't care to meet Ye Lang frankly.

The snake girl looked at Ye Lang with her naturally cold eyes, twisted her huge snake tail close to Ye Lang, and said with a smile:

"You can't tell, but he is still a handsome little guy."

Hearing this, Ye Lang also walked over, looked at Snake Girl with an admiring look, and couldn't help but nod: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, not bad, not bad, just like you, I can play for a year!"

Hearing these frivolous words, the snake girl was stunned, and then her pretty face turned cold: "Little human being, you are looking for death!"

After she finished speaking, she waved her beautiful hand.

"call out--"

A sound broke through the air, and a colorful little snake was seen shooting towards Ye Lang's back. Ye Lang flicked his finger without looking back, and suddenly a golden flame shot towards him, and the colorful little snake shot towards him. It collided with the golden flames and turned into nothingness in an instant.

This scene made the beautiful snake girl's pupils shrink, and then a chuckle came from her mouth:

"The little guy is quite strong and has some abilities, but do you think that's the end of it?!"

The snake girl waved her hand again and emitted a strange sound wave from her mouth.

"Chi chi chi——"

Suddenly countless rustling sounds sounded. Around Ye Lang, countless venomous snakes vomited blood and scarlet snake letters. Their cold eyes looked at Ye Lang. As long as the snake girl gave the order, they would move towards her without hesitation. Ye Lang attacks.


At this moment, two sounds broke through the air, and then two figures appeared next to the snake girl.

These are two more snake girls, obviously the maids of the snake girl just now.

"Master Yue Mei, do you need to kill this human being?!"

One of the snake girls spoke respectfully, but her eyes looked at Ye Lang coldly.

"Don't be anxious yet." Yue Mei waved her hand, looked at Ye Lang with her beautiful eyes and chuckled. Then, she looked at Ye Lang with some playfulness, and said with a smile: "I haven't seen someone who goes deep into Tago for a long time. There is a human being in the depths of the desert, this little guy, I want to play with him."

Hearing this, the two snake men nodded respectfully, then took out a black robe and helped Yue Mei put it on. Yue Mei looked at Ye Lang, who looked calm and relaxed, and asked curiously:

"Little human, you are interesting. Tell me, what is your purpose of coming here? You know, you humans rarely come to the depths of the Tagore Desert, let alone come to the surrounding areas of our tribe. Tell me, are you a human spy? After you tell me, I promise not to kill you."

At the end of the sentence, cold murderous intent surged directly from the depths of Yue Mei's eyes.

It seems that as long as Ye Lang is a spy, she will immediately take action against Ye Lang and kill Ye Lang directly.

Hearing Yue Mei's words, Ye Lang smiled carelessly and asked: "What if I don't say it?!"

Ye Lang looked at Yue Mei with his deep eyes. Yue Mei felt Ye Lang's gaze and what Ye Lang said, and her face suddenly turned completely cold.

"Go and teach him a lesson." Yue Mei ordered the maid on the left. "call out--"

As soon as Yue Mei finished speaking, the maid on her left rushed towards Ye Lang through the air, and the snake spear in her hand pierced Ye Lang directly between the eyebrows.

"Hmph, my strength has reached that of a great fighting master. This little human guy is so young, I'm afraid he's not even a fighting master. I'll hold back a little bit to avoid accidentally killing him."

The snake girl who attacked Ye Lang sneered in her heart.


But the next moment, she only felt an irresistible force bombarding her body. Her face became distorted, and a huge pain that hurt the depths of her soul hit her. Then she felt herself flying into the air. Before she could think about it, she passed out in the air.


There was a dull sound, and Yue Mei's maid fell not far away, causing a small speck of dust to stir up in the desert, and soon flew away with the wind.


Yue Mei and the other maid's eyes widened, and then they looked around and shouted coldly:

"who is it?!"

Ye Lang didn't move a finger just now, and then her maid flew out for no reason. It was simple. Someone was secretly helping Ye Lang.

But after a few breaths passed, there was still no response from anyone around.

"What are you looking for? I don't have any help." Ye Lang smiled softly.

Ye Lang's words did not make Yue Mei relax her vigilance. On the contrary, she became more cautious and said with a sneer: "You don't have any help?"

She wouldn't believe it anyway. Her maid, who was also an eight-star fighting master after all, could be killed so easily.

Do you have such strength? !

If you have such strength, you won't secretly watch her bathing in the lake.

"Hurry, catch him!" Yue Mei whispered to the remaining maids.

Since you have a helper secretly, I will capture the thief first. As long as I control you, your secret helper will not dare to act rashly.

For a time, in addition to the maids, countless poisonous snakes also attacked Ye Lang from all directions.


Seeing this, Ye Lang chuckled, then gently picked up his fingertips, and a golden flame appeared in his hand.

"Strange fire?!" Yue Mei's eyes widened. When Ye Lang's attack burned a colorful snake, she didn't see it clearly. Now she can see it clearly.


Before Yue Mei had time to think about it, she saw the golden flame in Ye Lang's hand suddenly became powerful, burning in the breeze and radiating around Ye Lang.

"Get away quickly!" Yue Mei's expression changed and she hurriedly spoke out.

However, it was too late.


The fire spread towards the surroundings, and all the poisonous snakes and her maid turned into nothingness in an instant.

Yue Mei stared at this scene blankly, then looked at Ye Lang with gritted teeth, and slowly uttered an extremely cold word.


(End of this chapter)

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