Chapter 124 Chapter 124, Sweeping the Underworld

After entering the palace quietly.

Ye Lang met Queen Medusa.

At this time, Queen Medusa looked very miserable. She was burning herself with the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, as if she was going to undergo a transformation.

"Do you want to transform into a colorful sky-swallowing python?!" Ye Lang also chuckled when he saw this scene.

When Yue Mei saw this scene, her eyes widened. When did Her Majesty the Queen get the strange fire? !

Why didn't she hear any news? !

"Now that we have met, let me help you." Ye Lang chuckled.

Then with a flick of his fingertips, a spiritual light popped out from his fingertips and shot towards Medusa Bi in the Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

Two hours later.

A small snake with nine colors appeared in Ye Lang's palm.

"Nine-colored sky-swallowing python." Ye Lang smiled.

"Is this what Her Majesty the Queen will look like after she has successfully transformed?!" Yue Mei swallowed.

Ye Lang glanced at her and nodded: "Let's go, you snake people seem to be in some trouble now."

Before Yue Mei could react, Ye Lang took her outside the palace.

At this time, the snake tribe was in chaos.

The eight leaders of the Snake Tribe fought fiercely with a dozen strong human beings. Most of the city of the Snake Tribe was destroyed in the aftermath of this horrific battle.


Just when the two sides were fighting fiercely, a majestic cold snort resounded throughout the Tagor Desert, making everyone's souls tremble and they all looked horrified.

Then in everyone's sight, Ye Lang and Yue Mei appeared between the two parties.

Seeing the two people, whether they were the strong ones on the human side or the strong ones on the snake-men side, they were all stunned for a moment.

"All humans will leave this place immediately." Ye Lang said lightly.

A strong human being with a strong body sneered: "Why..."


Before he could finish his words, it instantly exploded into a ball of blood mist, leaving no trace of screams.

The world suddenly became quiet.

That was a powerful warrior from the Eight Stars of Dou Wang, and he died like that? !

A look of fear appeared on everyone.


A horrified voice sounded from the human side, and then a dozen figures quickly left the snake tribe and flew towards the outside of the Tagore Desert.

As for the snake people, all the snake people are a little confused at the moment.

But Ye Lang was too lazy to pay attention to them. He just helped them this time for the sake of Yue Mei and Medusa.

Yue Mei was asked to solve the problem of the snake tribe, while Ye Lang appeared in the temple with Medusa again.

"Nine-colored sky-swallowing python, let's let you transform first. Qinglian's inner fire should be enough."

Ye Lang looked at Medusa, chuckled, and then began to use Qinglian's inner fire to help Medusa transform.

Looking at Medusa who was gradually absorbing the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, Ye Lang smiled and prepared to take a short rest.

"Your dream triggered a dream for ten years, and you came to the world of anti-crime storm."

Ye Lang: ",,,,,,"


A dark golden portal appeared and swallowed Ye Lang inside.

Clean up the world of crime.

In an office at Shannan Police Station.

Hu Xiaowei held the tea cup in his hand and looked at Xu Yingzi opposite, who was wearing a denim jacket and a floral skirt underneath, with a serious face and spoke upright:

"Do I have to enforce the law impartially in front of him for matters that can be resolved privately? Can I bend the law for personal gain? I can't!"

Having said this, Hu Xiaowei paused and glanced at Xu Yingzi: "What do you think is going on between us?!"

Xu Yingzi was already extremely nervous about her younger brother. When he said this, she was so frightened that she quickly waved her hands and explained:

"I really didn't mean that. I'm begging you, please help me!"

As he spoke, Xu Yingzi knelt down in front of Hu Xiaowei in such anxiety.

"Hey, yo yo, what are you doing?!"

Hu Xiaowei was startled and quickly ran to close the office door, fearing that other subordinates would see him.

Ye Lang's side.

He only felt his eyes flicker for a moment, and then he appeared in an unfamiliar environment.

“I miss this architectural style so much!”

Ye Lang looked around and sighed.

After staying in other worlds for a long time, he really missed the architectural style on Blue Star.

Ye Lang looked around as he walked. Coming here gave him a sense of intimacy, as if he had returned to his real home.

"Shannan Police Station?!"

Suddenly, Ye Lang paused.

In front of him, a small police station suddenly appeared.

Seeing the name of this police station, some memories emerged in Ye Lang's mind involuntarily.

"Huh?! This woman?!"

When Ye Lang was sorting through some of the memories that had emerged, a woman wearing a floral dress and a denim jacket walked out of the Shannan Police Station.

The woman's face looked sad at this time, and she was a little confused.

The moment I saw this girl, some memories came to mind.

Xu Yingzi!

The other party is Xu Yingzi!

"at this time."

Ye Lang's eyes flashed, and he probably guessed the time of the plot, and then he walked towards Xu Yingzi.

Xu Yingzi was lowering her head, thinking about something in a daze, when suddenly a man came in front of her, and she accidentally bumped into him.

"sorry Sorry!"

Xu Yingzi apologized quickly!

"Do you want 5 yuan? I can lend it to you!"

Ye Lang spoke simply and clearly without any nonsense.


Xu Yingzi was stunned for a moment, then quickly came to her senses, with a look of joy on her face: "Really?!"

She needed the money so much that she didn't think too much about it.

With this money, she can reconcile with her brother Xu Xiaoshan's extortionist. If the other party does not sue her brother, her brother will not have to go to jail, and everything will be fine!


Ye Lang nodded. This girl cared so much about her brother that he didn't even react yet and he was still holding her.


Xu Yingzi finally reacted, realized that she was still being held by Ye Lang, and immediately broke away. Ye Lang smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Hello, my name is Ye Lang!"

Xu Yingzi took a deep breath and quickly stretched out her hand:

"Hello, my name is Xu Yingzi!"

Half an hour later, it was a private room in a high-end restaurant. "Um, can you really lend me fifty thousand yuan?!"

Xu Yingzi looked at Ye Lang nervously. She really needed the fifty thousand yuan.

Seeing Ye Lang ordering a table of dishes, all of which were delicacies from the mountains and seas, she was a little confused when the waiter came over with the invoice to confirm the menu.

This table of dishes actually costs hundreds of thousands!

This also made Xu Yingzi believe that Ye Lang was really rich!

She looked at Ye Lang as if he had grasped a life-saving straw!

"Yingzi, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be anxious yet!"

Ye Lang smiled and then said: "Do you have a classmate named Lin Hao?!"

Of course he has no money.

There are tens of thousands of Daqin coins in his personal terminal, but those things can't be used here.

So you still have to ask someone else for the money.


Xu Yingzi was very anxious, but she could only nod.

"My phone is out of battery. I can lend you your phone and give him a call!"

Outside a restaurant.

Lin Hao settled the bill for more than two thousand yuan with a confused look on his face, took the notebook Huang Xi gave him, and prepared to return to the bureau.

At this time, he received a call.

Lin Hao saw that the call came from an unfamiliar number. After hesitating for a moment, he still chose to answer:

"Hey, I'm Lin Hao! Who are you?!"

On the phone, a man's calm voice came.

"Tell me Li Chengyang's number. In exchange, I will also tell you a piece of information. This piece of information is more important than the notebook Huang Xi gave you!"

Lin Hao looked at the notebook in his hand, his pupils trembled, and he looked around warily: "Who are you?!"

The other party chuckled lightly and said calmly: "It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is whether you change or not. I'll give you three seconds to think about it!"

"Change! His number is 137****" Lin Hao said directly without thinking.

Although he was extremely disgusted with Li Chengyang in his heart and had deleted Li Chengyang's contact information long ago, he had already memorized Li Chengyang's phone number.

In order to one day be able to bring the other party to justice.

After he finished speaking, a voice also sounded on the phone: "Sun Xing, the owner of Phoenix Nightclub, was a murderer in 02. His name is Gao He, and he was sentenced to death that year."

Lin Hao's pupils trembled, and he was a little excited at the same time!

He couldn't wait to go back to the city bureau and start investigating the matter.

But at this time, a voice came from the mobile phone again: "Let me remind you, there are ghosts in the city bureau, and there are many. You need to investigate who it is by yourself. Anyone may be it, including the person you trust most, so I think you should know how to do that!”

Subsequently, the call was automatically hung up.

Looking at the hung up call, Lin Hao wanted to call, but found that the number he called was an empty number!

In the corridor of the City Bureau.

Li Chengyang held a fresh autopsy report in his hand. This report belonged to Ma Shuai!

Looking at this report, Li Chengyang fell silent for a moment.

Opposite him was He Yong, the leader of the 915 task force. He Yong looked at the silent Li Chengyang quietly and said nothing.

Ma Shuai's death was too sudden. He Yong felt that there was too much strangeness in it and there must be something wrong, but he didn't figure out what the problem was for a while.


At this time, Li Chengyang's phone vibrated. After a few seconds, he took out his phone and took a look.

I saw a message pop up on the screen.

——Ma Shuai’s autopsy report and Lin Han’s autopsy report were made by the same person.

Li Chengyang's pupils trembled. After putting down his phone, he immediately looked at the signature on the last page of the autopsy report.

He Yong naturally saw something strange about Li Chengyang, so he immediately asked: "What did you find?!"

Li Chengyang pointed to a name on the autopsy report, stared at He Yong and said word for word: "I don't approve of this autopsy report made by this person!"

He Yong's eyes were focused. Both of them were thoughtful and active people, so they naturally understood what the other wanted to express.

Xiaoyu Wonton Shop.

Ye Lang sat calmly and waited for something.

Xu Yingzi was extremely nervous at this time. What did she just hear, a murderer? !

And Ye Lang's phone, which looks a bit like a little genius's phone watch, can actually project a light curtain and operate it in the air like in those science fiction movies.

This made her feel incredible all of a sudden.

Is she really so poor that she is out of touch with the world? !

After Ye Lang sent another message to Li Chengyang, he looked at Xu Yingzi.

"Do you know what your brother Xu Xiaoshan really committed?!"

Seeing Ye Lang's calm look.

Xu Yingzi swallowed, feeling extremely nervous, and said cautiously: "What's going on?!"

"He did it because he photographed a death row prisoner." Ye Lang told Xu Yingzi the truth of the matter.

"How. How could it be possible? Damn it." After hearing this, Xu Yingzi felt that her three views had been subverted.

In her eyes, Hu Xiaowei, who was upright and a symbol of justice, actually protected a real criminal and oppressed ordinary people like them? !

"What about Xiaoshan? He's still just a child?!" Xu Yingzi became anxious.

Suddenly, she looked at Ye Lang and grabbed Ye Lang's hand as if grasping a life-saving straw: "Please, help Xiaoshan, I will kneel down for you."

As he said that, he was about to kneel down to Ye Lang.

"What are you doing?" Ye Lang stopped Xu Yingzi and said, "As long as you listen to me, nothing will happen to your brother. Someone will deal with Hu Xiaowei."

Xu Yingzi nodded: "Okay, okay, I listen to you!"

At this moment, a man wearing a black trench coat and glasses and a man with scars on his face entered the store and came over.

It was Li Chengyang and Da Jiang!

When the landlady came over to say that there was someone at the old seat, Li Chengyang said they were together, and then Li Chengyang walked over to sit across from Ye Lang and Xu Yingzi, as did Dajiang.

Both of them looked at Ye Lang and Xu Yingzi.

Xu Yingzi was very nervous as she sat upright. She had never experienced such a scene, especially when Li Chengyang and Da Jiang looked at her with their sharp eyes from time to time. She was extremely nervous and she unconsciously moved closer to Ye Lang. .

Li Chengyang's eyes fell on Ye Lang: "What do you call it?!"

Ye Lang chuckled lightly, shook his head and said: "Who I am is not important. What is important is that I have the answers you want to know. The key is...what can you give me!"

Li Chengyang narrowed his eyes: "Tell me, what do you want?!"

Ye Lang smiled: "I want the 10% shares of Xinshuai Group in your hands!"

10% stake in Xinshuai Group? !

Xu Yingzi, who was already extremely nervous, was shocked when she heard this.

She has heard of the Xinshuai Group. These 10 shares are worth at least hundreds of millions.

She didn't dare think of this number!

Dajiang looked at Ye Lang coldly.

Li Chengyang rubbed his face fiercely and squinted at Ye Lang: "What can you give me?!"

"The cause of death of Lin Han and Ma Shuai." Ye Lang said calmly.

"Okay! Deal!" Li Chengyang agreed without even thinking!

The reason why he stayed with Ma Shuai for so many years was to investigate the death of his master Lin Han. He was about to learn something from Ma Shuai, but Ma Shuai died suddenly.

As the person who pulled him up, Ma Shuai was equally important to him, so he also had to figure out Ma Shuai's death.

accepted? !

Xu Yingzi was stunned and took a cup to drink water to hide her shock.

"Yangzi!" Dajiang looked at Li Chengyang anxiously.

Li Chengyang looked at Ye Lang calmly: "How can you guarantee that what you said is true?! I can't just listen to your side of the story and just believe you?!"

(End of this chapter)

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