Chapter 45 The assessment is coming, please book it in full

Extreme Martial Arts Gym, Global Headquarters.

"Yaoluo, go to Jiangnan Base City today and see what kind of medicine Congressman Venina is selling in this gourd."

Hong Ping, dressed in black, spoke calmly. Not far in front of him, stood a sexy beauty with a full European and American style.

It is enchanting!

"Yes, Master!" Yaorao took the order and left.

"Master, Senator Venina's strength has jumped directly from the advanced God of War to the late second-level planetary level in just one month. This growth rate is too abnormal!"

After Yaorao left, Bingshan, one of the other three personal guards, spoke.

"Everyone has their own opportunities. Her strength has grown so rapidly. It is very likely that she entered a ruins and gained something!"

Hong is very calm. Who doesn't have some secrets and opportunities?

This is the Thunder Martial Arts School.

"Lei Meng, go and see for yourself what's going on."

The second strongest person in the world, Thor, gave instructions to Lei Meng, the supervisor of the Thunder Martial Arts School in Jiangnan Base City, through a video call.

"Yes, Master!" Lei Meng said respectfully.

Then Lei Shen took the initiative to hang up the phone.

"Hiss! The pressure is a bit high today!" Lei Meng smacked his lips.

He really didn't expect that a practical combat assessment of warriors in their Jiangnan base city would attract the attention of Lei Shen, the master of their Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts School.

Those who are under great pressure are Zhou Zhengyong, the president of the Extreme Guild Hall in Jiangnan Base City, and Inspector Liu.

Ye Lang's side.

After taking Xu Xin, Su Rou, and Liu Ting to the Yangzhou City Extreme Club.

Here we met Luo Feng and Yang Wu again, who arrived before Ye Lang and the other four, and Bai Yang also came soon after.

Finally, Chief Instructor Wu Tong personally led several people to the high-speed rail station.

"Hello to all the prospective warriors and future warriors who took part in the warrior's actual combat assessment today, I am from the HR Alliance!"

After Ye Lang and his group got on the train, a figure immediately appeared on the large screen in the carriage, and then his voice came from the speakers on the carriage.

"You should have heard of the HR Alliance. We are the richest group in the world, the most powerful group, and the group with the most warriors. That is what you call - the Underground Alliance!"

The would-be warriors in the carriage fell silent.

"HR Alliance!" Liu Ting looked at Xu Xin and Su Rou.

Both women smiled. The Xu family and the Su family were both one of the twelve major families of the HR Alliance in China.

"Ye Lang, Madman, Bai Yang, do you know about the underground alliance?!" Yang Wu spoke at this time, with yearning in his eyes: "This is the richest group in the world!"

Yang Wu, Luo Feng and Bai Yang were sitting next to Ye Lang.

Several of them were from Yangzhou City, so their positions were arranged close to each other.

"Brother Yang, of course we know about the underground alliance!" Luo Feng smiled and nodded.

He has joined the Extreme Martial Arts School. These days he is in Mingyue Community, but through the warriors living there, he has learned a lot of information that he never knew before.

"Our alliance is the largest exchange platform for warriors in the world. With us, you can accept tasks with huge rewards!"

"Our alliance has huge influence all over the world. Join our underground alliance and become a part of us!"

"After joining our alliance, no matter where you go in the future, you will enjoy the best treatment!"


The advertisement for the HR Alliance to attract people was played in the carriage for a full 15 minutes.

After the recruitment advertisement of their underground alliance ended, next came the military, extreme martial arts gym, and thunder and lightning martial arts gym!

After their commercial ended, the would-be warriors on the carriage were also talking a lot. "Brother Wang, which force are you going to join after becoming a warrior?! I think the underground alliance is good!"

"Where else can I join? It must be the Extreme Martial Arts Gym. The strongest person in the world is the master of the Extreme Martial Arts Gym!"

"I think the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts School is better. Compared with the Extreme Martial Arts School, the welfare of the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts School is a little better!"

"I want to join the army. Joining the army is relatively safer!"

"Fuck! Join the army, can you stand those rules and regulations?!"


"Bai Yang, you must be joining the army, because you are originally from the military academy!"

Yang Wu laughed and looked at Bai Yang to speak.

"Yes, Brother Yang!" Bai Yang smiled.

"Haha, several of my senior brothers and Luo Feng also joined the extreme martial arts gym. After I passed the exam, they also decided to join the extreme martial arts gym!" Yang Wu said.

At this time, Bai Yang looked at Ye Lang curiously: "Brother Ye, brother Luo Feng has joined the extreme martial arts gym a few days ago, and brother Yang Wu is also planning to join the extreme martial arts gym. What about you? Which force are you planning to join?! "

After Bai Yang said this, Luo Feng and Yang Wu also looked at Ye Lang.

Among the people in Yangzhou City, Ye Lang has the highest talent, and Xu Xin and the three of them are Ye Lang's girlfriends. Wherever Ye Lang goes, the three girls will definitely follow him.

"Me, I don't plan to join these forces!" Ye Lang smiled, looked at the eyes of several people, shook his head and said.

"Don't join?!" Luo Feng, Bai Yang, and Yang Wu were all stunned.

Ye Lang's answer obviously surprised Luo Feng and the others!

"Fellow would-be warriors, the train is about to enter the station, so be ready to get off!"

At this moment, the radio in the carriage rang again.

As this sound sounded, everyone clearly felt that the train was slowing down until it finally stopped completely.

Many warriors looked impressive, and the actual combat assessment was about to begin.

They are still a little nervous!

As the train entered the station, many would-be warriors got off the train in an orderly manner.

"Dear me, there are at least a thousand of them, right?!" Yang Wu looked at the vast number of would-be warriors and couldn't help but sigh.

"Brother Yang, this is normal. After all, there are all quasi-warriors in the entire Jiangnan base city. How many base cities do we have in China?! If there are not thousands of quasi-warriors in one base city, that would be abnormal!" Bai Yang smiled.

"Well, you're right!" Yang Wu nodded.

Soon, the group followed the huge crowd and arrived at a large military camp.

The military camp occupies a very vast area, with a large number of thermal weapons mounted around it, and each thick muzzle is pointed at the wilderness area outside the military camp.

The roars of monsters can be heard from time to time in the wilderness area. Many would-be warriors even turn pale with fear when they hear these roars!

But the faces of more quasi-warriors were flashing with excitement!

I can finally fight with monsters! !


At this moment, a sharp whistling sound came from the sky in the distance, and Luo Feng and many other would-be warriors looked up.

Suddenly, all I could see was densely packed flying birds of prey whizzing past in the blue sky.

That speed makes many would-be warriors who have just left the base city feel their scalps go numb.

"It's exactly what the book said. After leaving the base city, monsters can be seen everywhere!" Luo Feng's eyes lit up.


At this moment, a deafening thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

Almost everyone was startled and looked up.

For a moment, everyone showed horrified expressions!

(End of this chapter)

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