I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1359 : Chapter 680 Killing

Chapter 680 Killing

Dong Cheng's cavalry turned to the west after being blocked by Yu Jin. www>

Dong Cheng, the generals, and the cavalry all know that there will be an ambush ahead.This is a trap, so not only is the speed extremely fast, but the mind is also tense, waiting for the arrival of the fight.

Because, the one in front is the tiger and leopard cavalry, the invincible tiger and leopard cavalry.It wasn't Xiahoudeng's cavalry, nor was it Xiahouyuan's elite infantry. The opponent was a genuine tiger and leopard cavalry that was rampant all over the world.

But are you afraid?No, the cavalry were not afraid.No, not only did they not feel afraid, but they only felt the blood in their bodies boiling.Who are they, they are just a motley crew. [

Captives, strong and strong, and miscellaneous soldiers composed of good family sons.But it was such a miscellaneous soldier who made history.Form an army in March and April, and use it to defeat Cao Jun's cavalry of 3000 people who have been normal.

They fled to the Central Plains not because they were cowardly, but because they were looking for an opportunity, a relatively fair one.Fight to the death with Cao Jun's tiger and leopard cavalry to complete the general's goal and kill Cao Chun.

They are eager for war, and their blood is boiling.

The speed of the horses is getting faster and faster, and the blood of the cavalry is also boiling.With the passage of time, the blood in the hearts of the cavalry has reached a surging point.Had to vent.

"Kill. The big man is invincible." I didn't know who it was, and shouted to the sky.

"The big man is invincible."

"The big man is invincible." More than [-] cavalrymen all roared wildly.Even Dong Cheng is no exception, the big man is invincible.It's his dream.Dong Cheng raised his head to the sky and roared, his voice was hoarse.

The Han Dynasty is invincible.

At the same time, Dong Cheng's cavalry also felt the tremor of the ground.It wasn't the tremor caused by one's own cavalry, but the shock caused by the killing of a large-scale cavalry from the opposite side.

Including Dong Cheng, everyone is ready.Just for a fight not far away.Their iron cavalry from the Han Dynasty was about to challenge the once invincible tiger and leopard cavalry.

At the same time, Bai Wen also felt, not only the trembling of the ground, but also a strong smell of blood coming towards him.The pungent smell made the fighting blood in his heart boil.

"Dong Cheng is right in front of you, ready to shoot." Bai Wen raised his spear and shouted.


The two thousand tigers and leopards all agreed, and during the rapid gallop, both hands unexpectedly left the reins at the same time.In the absence of stirrups, their feet tightened tightly on the horse's belly to prevent themselves from falling.Draw the bow with both hands and shoot the arrow.Get ready for the near run.

At the same time, Dong Cheng on the opposite side also issued an order.

"Get ready to shoot."

"No." The soldiers took their bows and arrows one after another, and they didn't have to tighten their feet on the horse's belly desperately, they just needed to step on the stirrups.Immediately, they also nocked their arrows, ready to shoot.

Both Dong Cheng and Bai Wen are excellent cavalry generals.The cavalry under their tent can be regarded as the top level in the world.The fighting experience of both sides is also incomparably sufficient.Therefore, the preparations for realization are all complete.

With both sides ready to shoot, the two sides are getting closer.Received a kind, it seems to smell the bloody smell from the other party's body, the heat exhaled by the other party. [

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