I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1372 : Chapter 686 Against the sky

Ma Teng said decisively.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"But the facts are right in front of us. Father has to believe it." Ma Chao sighed when he heard the words, and said.

"This, how is this possible." Ma Teng murmured to himself.

Seeing this, Ma Chao knew that Ma Teng had been hit. He had commanded the cavalry for half his life, but found that he knew nothing about cavalry.I don't even know that cavalry can be trained into an army within three or four months.

This blow is absolutely fatal.But now is not the time to be hit, but to deal with it. [

"Father, there is a horse in the Central Plains. Yongzhou and Liangzhou are the perfect places for cavalry to ride. Now the cavalry of the Han Dynasty can be crashed in three or four months. We have to guard against it. We must strictly control the checkpoints and prohibit war horses from Hanzhong. Otherwise, once our cavalry advantage is broken, it will be completely over."

"Not only that, but we also need to send a large number of spies to Xudu and Cao Cao to investigate. There must be clues in Xudu, and Cao Cao's battle with the Han Dynasty must have gained a lot. If we can understand The mystery of it, judging by the number of war horses in the northwest, it is not impossible to turn all the infantry into cavalry. At that time, let’s not talk about ruling the Central Plains, but rampant in the north. But at least in the border of Yongzhou, we will rule the world unrivaled."

Ma Chao said to Ma Teng very solemnly, he was vigilant against the Han Dynasty and eager to obtain the secret method.

Ma Chao is young and full of ambition.

"Let's do it like this." Ma Teng's eyes lit up immediately upon hearing the words, his heart was moved by the plan in Ma Chao's words, and he nodded fiercely.

"Okay, baby, I'll handle it right away." Ma Chao nodded and said.

The forces on Ma Teng's side also became more vigilant against the Han Dynasty, controlled the horses more strictly, and began to spy on the secrets of the cavalry.


Jiangdong, Wu County, Wuhou Mansion.

Sun Ce was walking in the mansion when suddenly Zhuge Jin and Gu Yong came to the door and told Sun Ce the news.

After listening, Sun Ce was stunned.

"How did this happen? I remember that when Liu Feng was in the south, he also respected his infantry and fought against orphans. Why did he just go to the north and start training cavalry, and they are so powerful." Sun Ce muttered to himself.

To tell the truth, my heart is full of jealousy.

In the south, there are infantry, and the navy is enough.But if you want to run wild in the north and unify the world.This cavalry is kingly, almost the only kingly way.Thinking back to the past, Liu Feng was also struggling in the south, and he didn't want to only go there for a few months, and then he would have a strong cavalry.

How can this not make Sun Ce envious and jealous?

"Marquis Wu, now is not the time to worry about this. Now that the Han Dynasty has repelled Cao Cao, it has become more and more consolidated. We have an enmity with the Han Dynasty, so we must prepare in advance." Zhuge Jin said after hearing the words.

Although Liu Feng interfered, Sun Ce's title was lowered and he became the Marquis of Shangyong.But the ministers still called Sun Ce the Marquis of Wu.

"Exactly." Gu Yong nodded and said.

"Yeah." Sun Ce nodded when he heard that this was what he should do.Immediately, after pondering for a moment, he ordered: "Strengthen the construction of the navy, on the one hand, guard against Huang Zhong from Xiangyang who goes down the river to attack Jiangdong, and on the other hand, guard against Shouchun's Jushou." [

"In addition to this, I ordered the collection of horses from the entire Jiangdong, selected and trained. I also want cavalry." The second order was Sun Ce's ambition.

It is not Marquis Wu's ambition to stick to Jiangdong, it is Marquis Wu's ambition to run wild in the north and conquer the world.


Gu Yong and Zhuge Jin agreed in unison.

Jiangdong also made preparations for the rise of the Han Dynasty.There is no movement for the time being, but the hostility is also stronger.

The three forces of Yongzhou, Jiangdong, and Hebei are just the epitome of the whole world.Except for Liu Zhang, king of Shu, and Liu Pan, king of Chu, Shi Xie of Jiaozhou, Gongsun Du of Liaodong, and Han Sui of Liangzhou, the rest of the princes, became more vigilant and hostile to the Han Dynasty.

This is an inevitable trend of the rise of the Han Dynasty, because the princes of the world are all afraid of the rise of the princes of the world.Now the Han Dynasty is not too powerful, but if there is a slight change, I am afraid they will attack it in groups.

Liu Feng's rejuvenation of the Han Dynasty is really against the sky, against the trend, against the heart of the people.

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