I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1376 : Chapter 688 Another Filial Piety System

"Reporting to the General, Your Majesty is finishing with Sikong Fu, Shangshu Ling Xun Yu, and Shangshu Jiang Wan to discuss major issues together. See the entertainment embarrassment picture and go up
"Oh." Liu Feng nodded, guessing what happened.

Immediately, he walked in with Dong Gai.Of course Chen Guang didn't stop him.

In the side hall, Liu Xiegao sat on the throne, Fu Wan, Xun Yu, and Jiang Wan sat on both sides, all with dignified expressions.

Hearing the movement, everyone turned their eyes to the door.Seeing that it was Liu Feng, everyone showed joy at the same time. [

"My great general came just in time." Liu Xie said happily.

"Father, what kind of trouble did you encounter?" Liu Feng said with a smile when he heard this.Without stopping, he walked to Liu Feng's side, knelt down and sat down.

"Your Majesty." Of course Dong Gai could not be as casual as Liu Feng, and bowed down.

"Excuse me, sit down." Liu Xie nodded to Dong Gai and gave him his seat.Then he immediately turned his head and said to Liu Feng: "It is true that we have encountered a difficult situation, and I want the general to give me some pointers."

It was a half-joking tone.

Liu Feng immediately knew that something had happened, but it shouldn't be too serious.

"What matter can't even be solved by Da Sikong, Shang Shuling, and Shang Shu?" Liu Feng asked with a smile, glanced at Fu Wan and the others.

Fu Wan and the others looked at each other, and finally Jiang Wan came out and said, "Your Highness, do you still remember that Cao Jun's army was overwhelming the country that day. Your Highness planned to open up a field in the city to train cavalry. But Zhang Zhen and Tai Chang Yang Biao stopped him?"

The expression on Liu Feng's face was slightly gloomy when he heard the words, and he nodded and said, "It's vivid in my memory. Gu Huan personally ordered the beheading of the original Dahonghe, and the family punished him. The Taiwei Zhang Zhen was demoted as Dahonghe."

When this matter was mentioned, Liu Feng's heart was also on fire.

He was devastated for the sake of the Han Dynasty, and a group of bastards headed by Yang Biao and Zhang Zhen were dragging their feet behind.If he hadn't been tough and knocked down many houses to make room for cavalry training, there would be no such thing as Dong Cheng's cavalry defeating Cao Cao's tiger and leopard cavalry.

Liu Xie was also annoyed at the beginning, and decided to implement the filial piety system and promote more young and energetic talents to enter the court.

Thinking of this, Liu Feng naturally thought that these people gathered together to discuss some important matter.

"The filial piety system?" Liu Feng frowned and asked.

"Exactly." Jiang Wan nodded.

"I want to promote the system of filial piety and honesty, and promote more talents. But there is no opportunity. I am afraid that those aristocratic families will rebound, so I will inevitably be a little hesitant." Liu Xie said with a wry smile.

"The power is consolidated, the people's hearts are won, and there is military power. The emperor said that one is the same. This is enough, so what kind of opportunity is needed." Liu Feng laughed when he heard the words.

Liu Xie, Fu Wan, Xun Yu, Jiang Wan and the others were speechless for a moment. They were all smooth in handling things, and they had to consider all aspects of things.But Liu Feng is bold and bold, daring to fight and kill.Often breaks the rules in a brutal way.

Such as the construction of the school yard and the training of cavalry in that day.Yang Biao, Zhang Zhen and others launched an attack, intending to seize power.Liu Feng greeted Dong Gai directly, dragged out that Da Honglu and killed him.Such a strong and high-pressure method has destroyed everything. [

Rough, really rough.

However, Liu Feng's rudeness is also justified.Holding the military power, winning the hearts of the people, and consolidating his power, the emperor is indeed one and the same, aloof.Do whatever you want.

"What good plan does the emperor have?" After being speechless for a while, Liu Xie still said happily.

"Of course it is to recruit soldiers and horses to make the big man look stronger, and then implement the system of filial piety and honesty." Liu Feng said without hesitation.He came here today for this purpose.

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