I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1408 : Chapter 705 Clear Rewards and Punishments

Cao Jun headed east, and he stood firm at first, but seeing the hopelessness of the Han Dynasty, he was really timid.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

On the contrary, Li Shan's expression was both frustrated and fearful.The defendant is fine, isn't the plaintiff going to suffer?

But unexpectedly, Liu Feng said: "Li Shan, an official from Yingchuan, should be rewarded for his insight."

"Thank you, General Wang."

Li Shan was stunned for a moment, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, and thanked him. [

"Father, my son made a decision without authorization, please forgive me." Liu Feng nodded towards Li Shan and Chen Hong, then raised his fist and said to Liu Xie.

"Zhongzheng is peaceful, rare, rare." Liu Xie was also stunned at the beginning, but after a series of actions by Liu Feng, he suddenly realized that this son is also the same, and wants to increase his reputation.

Chen Hong's life was saved, but death was inevitable.Not only has he won the reputation of fraternity and benevolence, but he also has the image of not condoning adultery.For Li Shan, who made great contributions, he was rewarded generously.

This is reward and punishment.

No matter how picky people are, it is difficult to find something wrong.

Therefore, Liu Xie smiled and said, Zhongzheng is peaceful, rare, rare.

The four courtiers present here are not ordinary people.Liu Feng's intentions were also clear, and no one stopped him.Even if he is as strong as Tian Feng, he knows that sometimes the law has to be changed, and Liu Feng can't stop Liu Feng from increasing his reputation.

Thus, the matter of Chen Hong, the prefect of Yingchuan, who surrendered from the city came to an end.

Liu Feng's image suddenly changed, from a violent and ruthless tyrannical hero to a bit of a gentleman.But this is far from enough, after all, the image of Liu Feng's brutality in the past was too broad.Plus this time the filial piety system.

After dealing with Chen Hong, Liu Feng returned to the East Palace.

"It would be great if we could do it again." Liu Feng sighed.


"How could this be? Is that still Liu Feng, who is cruel and easy to kill? Chen Hong didn't die. Not only did we fail to add fuel to the fire, but we poured a little water on it, which changed the image of Liu Feng. ?”

Still in that unremarkable small courtyard, Zhou Bing waited for Cao Jun's spies to hear the information, and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Zhou Bing beat his chest and stamped his feet, feeling very remorseful.

"It's okay, it's okay. I think there must be a chance."

A spy said in relief.


This matter really had a great impact, but some people changed their impression of Liu Feng, and of course some people accepted the truth.Especially some people who have suffered under Liu Feng. [

Zhang Zhen's mansion.

In the past, when Zhang Zhen was still a Taiwei, Da Honglu, his family was like a bustle.But at this moment, it is already deserted.

Since that day, Zhang Zhen's temper has also become much more irritable, and he drank like mud all day long.

This day was the same, Zhang Zhen hid himself in the study and drank, drunk like mud.

When he heard the news from his subordinates, he was stunned for a moment, and then cursed: "It's just a sudden awakening, and I want to increase my reputation, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy."

In fact, what Zhang Zhen said was correct, Liu Feng was indeed hypocritical for a while, in order to increase his reputation.He scolded so harshly, but something was wrong.

Did Liu Feng do something wrong?No, at least Chen Hong, who was a decent prefect, was let off by Liu Feng.Did a good job.

Moreover, rewards and punishments are clearly defined, and things are done fairly.

This also attracts people's scolding, this is really...>

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