I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1412 : Chapter 708 Convincing people with virtue

Chapter [-] Convincing people with virtue

"Dare to assassinate the king's general, who is the main messenger behind you?" Tian Feng spoke with a stern voice.
As he said that, Tian Feng winked at the left and right, and the left and right understood, picked up the torture tool, and planned to go forward.

"No one is in charge. I just can't bear the sight of the king's general treating our lord like this." The middle-aged assassin said unexpectedly.

My lord. [

This sentence has already made people think a lot.

"Go and find out if there is such a person in the mansion of Zhang Zhen, Yang Biao and other ministers." Tian Feng was still not sure that this was Zhang Zhen's person, and said to the left and right.

"No." An official promised, and immediately went down to investigate.

"General, this matter is a bit mysterious." Tian Feng said to Liu Feng in a low voice.

"En." Liu Feng nodded. It's no wonder the assassin expressed his joy so easily.

But what kind of conspiracy is there, Liu Feng dare not easily determine.

This matter is more like a lame farce, but after all, it is related to the crown prince and the king's general.The efficiency of Tingwei Yamen is very high, and soon, the little official came back.

Reported: "Your Excellency, General. This man is a slave of Zhang Zhen's family, and has been a slave for many years. His surname is Jin and his name is He."

"Is there a name?" Liu Feng touched his chin again.

"Go and bring Zhang Zhen up." Tian Feng ordered.

"No." The official promised again, and immediately went down.Not long after, Zhang Zhen was brought up.

Zhang Zhen abandoned his title and family property in order to survive.At this moment, it is the time when all the pressure is gone, and the whole body is relaxed.

He was brought here by the officials, and he also thought that there was a result, so he could leave.

But when he arrived at the hall, he was taken aback. Not only Tian Feng was there, but also the king's general Liu Feng was also there.The moment he saw Liu Feng, Zhang Zhen couldn't help shaking.

He was really impressed by this ruthless man who said to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, "Let's let the world down."

However, it was also because of this time that Liu Feng was surprisingly fair.Let Zhang Zhen's hatred for Liu Feng gradually disappear.At this moment, there was no feeling of resentment rising in my heart.

Perhaps it is after escaping life that one realizes the value of life.In the current situation, even if this crown prince is not the king of Zhongxing, he must be a hero.

It would be foolish to do the opposite instead of being right.

But then, Zhang Zhen was taken aback again, because he saw a familiar face. [

"Jin He, why are you here?" Zhang Zhen asked in a daze.This Jin He is not only his old slave, but also quite useful.

"Master, this old slave is incompetent, I've hurt my master."

Jin He burst into tears suddenly, then bit his tongue, spewed out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground and trembled.After a while, there was no life.

This change is really confusing.

A captured person, instead of committing suicide on the road, committed suicide on the spot.No one really expected it.

"Hahaha, so it was a borrowed knife to kill someone." Liu Feng suddenly let out a loud laugh.

Tian Feng also stroked his beard with a smile on his face.

"Dare to ask the general, what is this?" Zhang Zhen said, completely puzzled.

"This man is an assassin, intending to assassinate Gu. Some people figured out that Gu would be furious, and after trying to figure out Gu's character, he thought that he must take revenge. He killed you conveniently to achieve a certain purpose."

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