I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1420 : Chapter 712 Luoshen goes south

Of course, the first thing to do was the selection of the princess.Novel ranking top>

Of course, Empress Fu couldn't meet all of them. First, she sent maids to collect two-thirds of them.The remaining about 300 people are eligible to be received by Empress Fu.

In the palace, in the bedroom of Empress Fu.

Empress Fu held Liu Feng's hand with a smile, and said, "Emperor, although the queen mother's conditions are a bit harsh, there are still many women in the world when you choose a concubine. 1000 people participated in the selection, and the queen mother sent someone to choose for you. There are 300 people, regardless of their appearance, body shape, and knowledge. Tomorrow, the queen mother will go to battle with you to select."

"Unless they are stunning, if the emperor chooses the 300 most outstanding people in the world, he must be dizzy." Liu Feng said helplessly. [

"At such a young age, I already know how beautiful she is." Empress Fu reached out and nodded Liu Feng's forehead when she heard the words, and said angrily.

Liu Feng smiled wryly, he was fine with everything, just treat him as a child, which is really helpless.

However, princess.But be cautious, if nothing happens, she will be the future empress, someone who will accompany him for the rest of his life.

Early the next morning, the selection process began.

In a specially vacated palace, there stood three hundred women with different looks, pure, gorgeous, tall, plump and so on, it really dazzled the eyes.

Zhen Mi was standing among the girls, she clasped her hands slightly, a little nervous.

If Zhen Mi was still full of confidence when she came here, then now she doesn't dare to relax a little bit. The past four weeks are really wonderful.

Even if she is the most outstanding, if the timing of her appearance is not right, or she is overshadowed by the beauty of the women around her, she may lose the election.

"Empress, the king's general has arrived."

At this moment, the sharp voice of the servant and eunuch sounded.The women present were all refreshed, but they didn't dare to raise their heads, they just lowered their heads slightly to show respect.

Zhen Mi was no different.Soon after, footsteps sounded.

"Meet the Empress, the Great General of the King."

All the girls saluted softly according to the etiquette taught by the court ladies.

"Excuse me, everyone look up."

Empress Fu's voice sounded.

"Thank you, ma'am, the king's great general."

The girls thanked each other and raised their heads.

Zhen Mi also saw Liu Feng. Although Liu Feng was 12 years old, his figure was very tall and strong for people of the same age in this era.

Therefore, it doesn't look like a child who hasn't grown up, but looks like a little youth. [

The most important thing is Liu Feng's aura, which is unparalleled in the world.The nobility of the crown prince, the majesty of the princes, and the awe-inspiring power of the king's general are mixed together, but it makes people feel a coercion as if facing the sky.

This is a natural momentum that has nothing to do with Liu Feng's own will.

In the face of such a momentum, although the women present were all from good backgrounds, and they were not delicate girls, they were not enough to look at.

Many women showed timidity, and many people showed shame.

Only Zhen Mi and a few women with bright eyes are the heroes among men. Compared with the king and general in front of him, men in the world can't see enough.

Appearance, power, status, ability, nothing is missing.

Don't blame these women for being realistic, but it's a troubled time now, a woman from a wealthy family like Zhen Mi is also more persecuted than Yuan Shao, almost becoming the wife of that idiot Yuan Xi.

Not to mention the other women.

In troubled times, all love is fake, only a reliable and strong man is real.

Liu Feng suddenly felt a chill, and in a daze, he felt that the eyes of these soft and weak women seemed to be shining, and they wanted to swallow him in one gulp.

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