I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1451 : Chapter 729 Well, it's unreasonable

Chapter 720 IX Well, It's Unreasonable

The situation in the north is respected by the princes of the three routes.Fiction Rankings
Although his strength is still not as strong as Cao Cao's, he is ruthless and decisive.

The last one was Yuan Shao.However, there is a saying that a centipede is dead but not stiff, Yuan Shao is still sitting in the four states, Bingzhou, Jizhou, Youzhou, Qingzhou, which is still Yuan Benchu ​​who dominates Hebei.

The strength is still strong. [

Each of these three parties has its own strengths, strengths, and weaknesses.In theory, the one who is close to the most perfect is of course Cao Cao.

The officials in Yanzhou and Xuzhou under his tent are clear and bright, with many talents.And sitting on 20 horse infantry, and they are all elite troops.With the help of stirrups and horseshoes, his strength is far higher than Yuan Shao and the Han Dynasty.

On the contrary, Yuan Shao, the power of the Han Dynasty is far lower than that of Cao Cao.

In such a situation, no matter which route the masters are from, no matter which military book they are in, there will be unceremonious explanations and hard truths.

That is, the weak and the weak unite to resist the strong, and the three pillars stand together. This is the hard truth since ancient times.

Yuan Shao was so unscrupulous based on such a theory, coupled with Zhen Mi's mother clan in his hands.He thought that Liu Feng would not resist.

But Liu Feng did the opposite and attacked the Yellow River with cavalry. As soon as the news came out, it was like a bolt from the blue, which surprised everyone.

Because Yanzhou is adjacent to Yuzhou, Cao Cao was the first to receive the news, not Yuan Shao.

At this moment, Cao Cao's army is sitting outside Linzi city, attacking Linzi fiercely.

For this matter, Cao Cao urgently summoned the civil servants and generals under his account to discuss.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Cao Cao sat high on the commander's seat, eating a roll of official documents written by Guo Jia himself.Facing the civil servants and generals in the tent, he said: "This is a message from Fengxiao from Dongjun, saying that Liu Feng was married, and he beheaded Yuan Shao's envoy on the same day, and ordered General Chariot Dong Cheng led six thousand troops and went north to Hebei."

After finishing speaking, Cao Cao raised his head and said to the civil servants and generals: "This matter is really mysterious, so mysterious that people can't figure it out. I really can't figure out why Liu Feng is not the same as last time. , and stabbed the old man in the back. Instead, he helped the old man beat Yuan Shao."

Who is Cao Cao?

When he was young, he was dissolute, but when he was young, he had some ambitions. He once served as a captain in the north of Luoyang, defying the powerful and offending eunuchs.

In Li Zhinian, he began to conquer the world.After more than ten years of ups and downs, he has become the overlord of the world and the most powerful prince.

He has fought with heroes all his life, conspired with traitors, capsized a ship in the gutter, and been assassinated by people like Zhang Xiu, and suffered heavy losses.

It can be said unceremoniously that Cao Cao has seen all kinds of people in the world. Logically, it should be enough to see through everyone and everything.

But Cao Cao failed on Liu Feng back then, and he didn't realize that Liu Feng, an eight-year-old boy, was actually harboring a heinous conspiracy and murderous intent, and wanted to bring him down.

As a result, letting the tiger go back to the mountain has today's troubles. [

When Liu Feng's true face surfaced, Cao Cao thought he had seen through Liu Feng.This is a vigorous and resourceful hero.

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