I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1461 : Chapter 734 A little capable

Chapter 730

At the same time, Youzhou, Fan Yang.Passionate picture feast
Fan Yang is the seat of Youzhou. Since Yuan Shao led his troops to pacify Youzhou, his second son Yuan Xi began to lead troops to station in Fanyang to supervise Youzhou.

Youzhou, like Liangzhou, has been a place of bitter cold since ancient times, and it is also a place where Han people and foreigners live together, so it is extremely chaotic.But because the Yuan family had a good relationship with Wuhuan in the north, Youzhou was very stable during Yuan Xi's guarding of Youzhou.

However, for Yuan □□, there is also a worry. [

Yuan Shao has three sons from the direct line, and a beloved nephew.The eldest son Yuan Tan, the second son Yuan Xi, and the youngest son Yuan Shang.The eldest son, Yuan Tan, is the most promising, known as Chang Erhui.

The youngest son, Yuan Shang, resembled Yuan Shao the most, and was even more highly regarded. He was raised in Jizhou and stayed under Yuan Shao's knees.

Yuan Xi is not long, and he is not loved by Yuan Shao, but he also has the ambition to compete for the master of the Yuan family. Years of peace means no military exploits.

But this time is different.

The opponent is Dong Cheng, if he can make meritorious deeds, then he can add some weight to Yuan Shao.In addition, behind Dong Cheng is the Han Dynasty.

The hatred of the wife.

Even if she is persecuted by Yuan Shi, it is not your will, and she is not yet married, so she is not considered a wife.But in Yuan Xi's eyes, Zhen Mi is his fiancée.

The thought of such a beautiful person being snatched away.Yuan Xi's heart felt like a knife was being cut, and the pain was incomparable.

In this way, Yuan Xi mobilized the army immediately after receiving Yuan Shao's order.A full [-] horse infantry can be said to come out in full force.

At this moment, outside Fan Yang City.

Yuan Xi was dressed in golden armor, he had a Youzhou horse in his crotch, and he was holding a big halberd. In addition, he had inherited Yuan Shao's good looks, so he really had a bit of majesty.

In addition, there was a whole [-] horse infantry behind him ready to go.

It also set off Yuan Xi's arrogance of a peerless general.

"Young son Liu Feng, with the honor of the crown prince, what you do to get rid of the golden cicada's shell is really a hypocrite. Now he is lucky to be based in the Central Plains, with the Yuan family in the north and the Cao family in the east. Damn it, this time Yuan's hundreds of thousands of troops are looking around, and they must call Dong Cheng dead. Kill."

Yuan Xi raised the halberd in his hand and roared loudly.


The [-] horse infantry behind them all rushed out and headed south.

At the same time, the West, Bingzhou, and Huguan.

Bingzhou has always been a desolate place.There are also many ethnic minorities living together in the state, and Zhang Yan, a black mountain bandit, is making trouble nearby, so there are few people. [

Huguan is based on the only road from Jizhou to Bingzhou.

At this moment, outside Huguan.

Yuan Shao's nephew, Gao Gan, is also high-spirited at the moment, taking the lead and gaining a foothold in the front.Thirty thousand troops ready to go gathered behind him.

"Punish Dong Cheng and make meritorious deeds. Go east and kill."

Gao Gan puffed out a breath in his chest, turned his horsewhip to the east, and roared.


The [-] horse infantry marched eastward with a loud roar.

Yuan Xi is going to do his best for the sake of military exploits.Why is Gao Gan so excited?To be honest, Yuan Shao's family education was not good, and he gave his nephew too much power.

Yuan Shao had three sons and a nephew, so he left his third favorite, Yuan Shang, in Jizhou, and the rest were scattered in Qingzhou, Youzhou, and Bingzhou.

Although Gao Gan is only a nephew, he sits in Bingzhou and has great power.

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