I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1465 : Chapter 736 If you don't win a big victory, you will die alone

Chapter 730 If you don't win a big victory, you will die alone

When Dong Cheng led his troops to Hebei, the fighting in Qingzhou did not stop.Fiction Rankings
Cao Jun's attack was extremely fierce, and he wanted to take Qingzhou regardless of the consequences.

The same is true today. As soon as the sun rose, Cao Jun launched a fierce attack.It's just that at noon, the soldiers have to eat to replenish their physical strength.Cao Jun, who was attacking fiercely, retreated like a tide amidst the sound of gold and iron.

Linzi city also ushered in a brief period of peace. [

The west city wall was in a mess, with soldiers stumbling around.Yuan Shao's figure was also there, Cao Jun's offensive was too fierce, and he had to personally supervise the soldiers.


Yuan Shao let out a heavy gasp.

"My lord, the building has warmed up the wine and food, let's rest first." Guo Tu came to Yuan Shao's side and said.

"Yeah." Yuan Shao nodded and walked into the city gate.

In the building, Feng Ji is also there.Seeing Yuan Shao enter, he got up and greeted him, "My lord."

Yuan Shao nodded weakly, and went straight to sit down.Then, after eating some food and wine, he recovered a little strength.Then he raised his head and asked, "Is there any news from Hebei?"

Yuan Shao was very clear about the war in Qingzhou.He can persist until Cao Cao pushes him away.But the key problem still lies with Dong Cheng. Only by punishing Dong Cheng can he make peace with Liu Feng and deal with Cao Cao with peace of mind.

Guo Tu and Feng Ji suddenly smiled, and then Guo Tu said: "Your Majesty, you can rest assured. General Yan was not fooled. He always gathered the cavalry. With the huge advantage of 15 horses and infantry, Dong Cheng The cavalry are surrounded by hundreds of miles. This is the news five days ago, and it is estimated that the final closing of the net has already begun. Dong Cheng has no possibility of escaping."

"Okay." Yuan Shao heard the heaviness in his heart was swept away immediately, applauding the case.

"I don't deny it, Dong Cheng is really capable. He took the coffin to the battle and beheaded the lonely general Wen Chou. It is even more outstanding to train iron cavalry to compete with tiger and leopard cavalry. But Hebei is not the Central Plains after all. Hebei is an isolated place, and it will eventually become his deathbed."

Immediately afterwards, Yuan Shao couldn't help but said again.

"Just wait for the news to spread, and the lord can send envoys to Xudu. This time, let's see if Liu Feng dares to kill the envoys again."

Guo Tu nodded and said with a smile.

"Happy, it should be clear."

Yuan Shao yelled happily, raised his wine glass, and said to Guo Tu, Feng Ji.

"Drink it."

Guo Tu and Feng Ji also raised their wine glasses together, and then the three of them drank together and drank with their heads up.


After a while, loud laughter filled the entire gatehouse, as if they were celebrating the victory in advance.

Dong Cheng's news, the aspect of the Han Dynasty, of course, is also concerned.In Hebei, there are no longer a small number of spies from the Han Dynasty, so news comes every day.

With Dong Cheng being encircled, the situation became more and more difficult.

The important ministers in the court finally felt a little urgent.On this day, Sikong Fuwan, Situ Xunyu, and Shang Shuling Jiang Wan came to the East Palace together to meet Liu Feng.

In the bedroom, Liu Feng was soaking his feet.

The water at just the right temperature makes the soles of the feet soothed and very comfortable.More importantly, it was Mi Shi who was in charge of soaking Liu Feng's feet.

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