I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1475 : Chapter 741 Cao Cao's face change

Chapter 740 Cao Cao's Face Change

This decision is no longer up to Guo Tu, Feng Ji, and Yuan Tan.
At this moment, Yuan Shao's face was truly as pale as paper, like a ghost.

What does it mean to drink a stick in the face, this is it.

After Shen Pei was killed, he finally regained his senses, became stronger for a while, and made up his plan, he must first slap Liu Feng and kill Dong Cheng. [

Then the two sides made peace, which was regarded as giving a sweet date.

In this way, even if Liu Feng does not help, it will not be a disservice.But after all calculations, Yuan Shao never imagined what he looks like now.

Yan Liang, his general, Yan Liang, all lost.However, Dong Cheng was still at ease, running rampant in Jizhou, breaking through more than ten counties and towns, and shaking Hebei.

"Lonely general." Yuan Shao felt dizzy all of a sudden, and under the dull gazes of Guo Tu, Feng Ji, and Yuan Tan, he suddenly burst into tears and yelled.

It has been more than ten years since the army started, Yan Liang and Wen Chou have always been the pillars of Yuan Shao's army, but now Wen Chou died in Baima, and Yan Liang died in Zhending.

His Hebei, his army.

Already miserable, coupled with Yuan Shao crying bitterly, Yuan Tan, Guo Tu, and Feng Ji all felt sympathetic.

The powerful Yuan family in the past, the overlord of Hebei, why did it come to this, why did it come to this.

It was all caused by Cao Cao and Liu Feng.In the hearts of everyone, Qi Qisheng felt extremely aggrieved.

"My lord, don't be sad. What you lose today, you can get it back in the future. The most urgent thing is to solve it."

The corners of Guo Tu's eyes were also sore, but he endured it and persuaded him.

"Send someone, send someone there. Go talk to Liu Feng." Yuan Shao stopped crying when he heard the words, and said with a bitter smile.

"No." Guo Tu promised and left in a hurry.

"Go down too, let Gu be quiet." After Guo Tu left, Yuan Shao glanced at Yuan Tan, Feng Ji waved his hand weakly, and said.


The two of them agreed in unison, took their leave and left.

After the two left, Yuan Shao was the only one left in the hall for a while.Yuan Shao felt empty.In a trance, I remembered when Hebei was first pacified.

Shenpei, Guo Tu, Feng Ji, Xu You, Tian Feng, Ju Shou, Zhang Jai, Gao Lan, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, plus a group of excellent advisers and generals.

How high-spirited. [

Later, Tian Feng was poached by Liu Feng, and then there was the battle of Guandu, which led to today.

Civil servants and military generals were either divided up by Liu Feng and Cao Cao, or beheaded by these two people.So much so that there are hundreds of thousands of troops in the sky today, but they can't find a good general, and the only advisers left are Guo Tu and Feng Ji.

How desolate.

Soon after, Yuan Shao understood why.Because he has become the overlord of Hebei, he is also supercilious.He didn't pay attention to the princes of the world, so that Cao Cao and Liu Feng rose one after another.

It wasn't until that day that Yuan Shao felt remorse when he heard the news that the judge had been killed.

But it was too late, too late.

Yuan Shao hated himself for repenting too late, he shouldn't have been so arrogant, he shouldn't have treated Liu Feng so hard, so that the judge was killed, and Liu Feng brazenly launched a war.

Liu Feng, Cao Cao can rise up under his nose, absolutely none of them is good.

He was so stupid, so stupid.

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