I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1479 :Chapter 743 The former arrogance and the present respect

Chapter 740

Dong Cheng was in the north, punishing Yanliang, and the army of more than one hundred thousand could not stop him, and his power shocked the enemy country.
The news spread quickly, and the whole Han room was overjoyed.

Not long after, Yuan Shao's envoys entered Xudu.

This time the envoy's surname is Tian Mingfan, who was born in the Tian family of Hebei.The Tian family is not only a noble family, but also a powerful, very powerful in Hebei. [

Tian Fan himself was also capable as a counselor under Yuan Shao's tent. In the past, his status was second only to Tian Feng, Shenpei and other six people. Now most of the counselors in Hebei are dead.

This Tian Fan squeezed into the front row, and he was a real important official in Hebei. He had a good reputation in Hebei and was very powerful.

However, different from Tian Fan's identity and reputation, Tian Fan entered Xudu very, very low-key, and then low-key notified Shangshutai, low-key asked to see Liu Feng, and low-key met Liu Feng.

It's not that Tian Fan doesn't have the momentum of an important minister, but that the situation is stronger than others.Now the Yuan family is extremely weak, more than [-] troops from Hebei besieged Dong Cheng, but Yan Liang died.

It's like a defeat, and the loser is not qualified to make a high profile.

Although they are low-key and low-profile.However, Liu Feng didn't make too much of a high profile, putting on a gesture of contempt for Yuan Shi.

Although he was the victor, he still stared at Yuan Shao's war horse, to give him some face.

Therefore, after Liu Feng received the news, he immediately sent someone to lead Tian Fan into the side hall of the East Palace to wait, and put on the crown prince's formal clothes, crown, and mian clothes to go into battle.

Then, Liu Feng entered the main hall and knelt down on the throne.And sent someone to lead Tian Fan in.

Not long after, Tian Fan walked in.

"The foreign minister pays homage to the king's general."

As soon as he entered the main hall, Tian Fan bowed down and saluted very, very respectfully.

To say that Yuan Shao's last envoy was appraised and appointed, he was respectful on the outside, but unruly on the inside.At the critical moment, the Zhen family was even used to threaten Liu Feng's arrogant envoy.

Well, this is really very, very respectful from the inside to the outside, and I dare not show even the slightest bit of disrespect.

Although Liu Feng knew that this was normal, he still let out a sigh of relief in his heart, refreshing.

This is the advantage of the victor, if Dong Cheng is defeated in Hebei, I am afraid that Tian Fan will have another face.

"No gift, sit down."

Liu Feng was refreshed in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He raised his hand lightly and said.

"Thank you General." [

Tian Fan thanked him respectfully, then carefully came to the place closest to Liu Feng and sat down on his knees.

"The Han family and the Yuan family are at odds. I wonder what Yuan Benchu ​​sent you to Xudu for?" Liu Feng asked condescendingly.

Since Yuan Shao's position as a general was dismissed by the emperor Liu Xie, the Han Dynasty and the Yuan family had very violent political conflicts.

The political conflict was more serious than the military conflict, and Yuan Shao was defeated again.

Liu Feng mentioned this first to increase the bargaining chip for himself.

Tian Fan is an important minister in Hebei and a resourceful man, so he naturally understands this truth.He smiled wryly in his heart. Although he was very low-key, it was obvious that this king and general was not a person he seemed to be familiar with.

"I came here to apologize." Tian Fan pondered for a moment, then took a deep breath, raised his fist and bowed to Liu Feng, and said.

"Apology?" Liu Feng said with a smile when he heard the words.

He knew what Tian Fan wanted to say.

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