I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1481 : Chapter 744 The benefits are gone

Chapter 740 The benefits are over

"Twelve thousand horses?"

Tian Fan gasped when he heard the words, it really was the lion's mouth.Now is a troubled time, and there is a shortage of war horses everywhere.And because the domestic princes don't have any horseshoe technology.

Every time they fight, they lose a lot of war horses.

This led to the fact that the longer the war lasted, the scarcer the war horses became.Since the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the world has been fighting for more than ten years. [

This war horse is outrageously expensive. Although Hebei has its own racecourse to produce war horses, the supply is in short supply, and it needs to be purchased from the surrounding Wuhuan and other ethnic minorities every year.

A large number of purchases means a large amount of food, and the outflow of money and food has brought a huge financial burden.

Twelve thousand war horses, for the Yuan family in Hebei, that is really a huge number.

In addition, there is a serious aftermath.Liu Feng took the [-] horses and must build more cavalry.

Just add another 2000 nauseous horses to form a pattern of one man and two horses, forming a second battalion of [-] cavalry.

Now Dong Cheng's [-] cavalry is already so powerful, if there are another [-] cavalry, wouldn't Hebei have no power to fight back?

On the one hand, there will be massive bleeding, and on the other hand, the sequelae will be very serious.

At this moment, Tian Fan really hesitated and couldn't speak.

Of course, Liu Feng noticed Tian Fan's hesitation.If at this time, there is no Dong Cheng galloping in Hebei, Liu Feng will definitely tell Yuan Shao tactfully.

Cao Cao has so many cavalry, I can't stop it.Give me some war horses, let me balance with Cao Cao, then I can swing left and right.

save yourself now.

Liu Feng would definitely say this euphemistically, taking Cao Cao's strength as an example.But not now, the bargaining chip in his hand is really too big, Dong Cheng has gained face for him, and won the bargaining chip for the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, Liu Feng sneered and said, "Twelve thousand war horses are more important than the situation in Qingzhou. You have to consider it yourself."

If you speak mercilessly, you will strike with a sword.

Liu Feng's words just pierced Tian Fan's heart. If the Yuan family's current situation cannot guarantee the stability of Hebei and the withdrawal of Dong Cheng's troops from Hebei, how can they integrate their forces to fight against Cao Cao?

When thinking about it again, Yuan Shao explained meaningfully that this time Liu Feng ordered Dong Cheng to return as the most important thing.

"Okay, there is no problem with [-] war horses. But the number is too much. Even Hebei can't get it out at once. It will take some time."

Tian Fan gritted his teeth and said.

At the same time, I am also making the last effort. Can all these things delay time?When the delay came to the point where Yuan Shao defeated Cao Cao in Qingzhou, he could completely renege on his debt. [

How could Liu Feng be fooled like this?

"Since this is the case, it will take some time for the Han Dynasty to recall Dong Cheng." Liu Feng said bluntly.

Tian Fan's face turned pale when he heard the words, and he felt powerless all over.This king's great general is really not good at oil and salt.There is no capital to be tough, you can't coax, and you can't renege on debts.

"Foreign ministers try to hurry up." In the end, Tian Fan could only say helplessly.

"Okay. Just hurry up."

Liu Feng nodded and said.

"Come here, send someone to inform Shangshu Ling Jiang Wan to issue an edict to the world. Yuan Shao's loyal minister was deceived by the villain to do stupid things, but now he repents and is still a pure and loyal minister. That is to say, the edict is the Great General of Zhenbei , leading Hebei as before."

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