I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1491 : Chapter 749 1 An Imminent Situation

"In a few months, not only the cavalry will form combat effectiveness, but even the combat effectiveness of the Han soldiers will be sharper by three points. Cao Cao will not be a problem. See
Liu Feng continued to cheer up.

But then, a little discouraged.But Cao Cao knew that he had [-] horses, would he still wait for his horses to form combat effectiveness?

Liu Feng made a question mark.

It seems that the cavalry is useless in the end, and the most important thing is the Han Wu pawns. [

Liu Feng sighed in his heart.

"Go, go back." Liu Feng turned his head and said to Dong Xi.

"Has the general not seen General Zhou?" Dong Xi couldn't help asking when he heard the words.

"It's gone. Anyway, it's the same when we meet each other. Cavalry can't form combat power immediately." Liu Feng shook his head and said.

Immediately, Liu Feng got into the carriage, left the barracks, and returned to Xudu.

"General, Lord Sikong, Lord Situ, Minister Shangshuling asks for an audience."

As soon as Liu Feng returned to the East Palace, there was a guard who reported to Liu Feng.

Liu Feng rubbed his head, now all the development of the Han Dynasty is on the right track, the finances are still barely getting by, the same is true for food and grass, and the army is no big deal.

Sikong, Situ, and Shang Shuling asked for an audience together. I am afraid that these three important officials in the court had a premonition of something.


Although Liu Feng would rather take a bath and then take a nap, he had to pull himself together and said.


Su Wei promised and went down to summon him.

Liu Feng took a deep breath and led Dong Xi towards the main hall.

After Liu Feng came to the main hall, before he could sit still, Xun Yu and Jiang Wan, three important court officials, walked in one after another.

And immediately bowed and said: "Minister (veteran), I pay my respects to the general."

"Excuse me, sit down." Liu Feng really wanted to say that this is not a court meeting, so the formal ceremony will be exempted, but he dared not say it, otherwise he would be educated by his grandfather.So, he had to raise his hand and said.

"Thank you General."

The three of them thanked each other after they fell down, got up and sat down beside them. [

"The three lovers came together, but what happened?" Liu Feng asked after the three sat down.

"There are two things."

Fu Wan is the most respected, and first raised his fist and said to Liu Feng.

"Say." Liu Fengjian said in shock.

"One is Shouchun's Ju Shou. Recently, he discovered Jiangdong's training and was frequently transferred. I'm afraid he has the intention of getting involved in Shouchun." Fu Wan said simply.

"Sun Ce." The stern look in Liu Feng's eyes flashed away when he heard the words, that little overlord, it seems, still hasn't stopped.

But yes, if Sun Ce is a person who can calm down, he is not the little bully Sun Ce.

"What about the second thing?" Liu Feng asked immediately.Liu Feng had a hunch that these two things must be figured out.

"The autumn harvest is coming soon. During this year, there are no natural disasters in Jingzhou, Hanzhong, Shouchun, and Yuzhou. You can meet them. It is a good year. Because the population of the Han Dynasty is several million, and there are only 8000 soldiers and horses. People, in addition to deducting the needs of the army, the granary was filled up at once."

Fu Wan said solemnly.

When Liu Feng heard it, he completely understood.

The time for Cao Cao to conquer Xudu is not far away.

First, the cavalry training of the Han Dynasty has entered the right track. In just a few months, the cavalry of the second battalion will be trained again.This is what Cao Cao cannot allow.

Second, Sun Ce responded in the south and worked hard, planning to seize Shouchun and dominate Yangzhou.

Third, the autumn harvest is approaching. Judging from the situation in various places, the Han Dynasty must be in great order, and it must be a bumper harvest.This is not what Cao Cao wants to see.

Before the autumn harvest, the cavalry of the Han Dynasty were not well trained, and Sun Ce responded in the south. This was an opportunity.After Cao Cao broke the Han Dynasty, he could take advantage of the sheep and bring the whole Han Dynasty's harvest into Cao's power.

It greatly filled Cao Cao's granary.

This is the result.

Cao Cao has no reason not to move his troops.

"Immediately, order immediately to let Xu Shu and Dong Gai start to slow down the training of soldiers. We must let the Han soldiers have some energy and don't consume too much. Issue an edict, order Jushou to keep an eye on Sun Ce, defend Shouchun, and order Lu Su, support Jushou at any time, and help Jushou guard Shouchun."

The seriousness in Liu Feng's eyes flashed away, and he gave the order decisively.


After finishing the voyage, the three of them agreed in unison.

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