I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1496 : Chapter 752 Cao Jun is arrogant and arrogant

But when things got to this point, it was different. www>

That is to say, take the Han Dynasty and replace it.

"What Zhong De said is right. Now that things have happened. No matter how domineering you are, it will have no effect. This time, it is the official Han Dynasty. Why don't you know Jiuxi, even if you don't respect yourself as the emperor, you can still be called the king. In this way, the Han Dynasty seems to have a lot of name."

Dong Zhao agreed immediately when he heard the words.

The so-called nine tins are the nine kinds of ritual utensils used by the emperor, including chariots and horses, clothes, music, Zhuhu, Nabi, tigers, axes, bows and arrows. [

These nine kinds of ritual vessels are more symbolic than practical.

But if Cao Cao made Jiuxi himself, and claimed to be the king.That is also a kind of self-reliance in name, and the Han Dynasty becomes justifiable.

"That's right, it's already been torn face anyway. You can also do it. You can build Jiuxi yourself, first call it a prince, take down Xudu, and become a king, canonize the world, and be the co-lord of the world. After that, one by one will be destroyed. Kill the princes of the world."

Cheng Yu readily agreed upon hearing this.

What the two said made Cao Cao's heart skip a beat.He greeted the emperor of the Han Dynasty with all promises, acted domineeringly, respected the emperor above, and begged for disobedience.In fact, it was just a superficial appearance. In his heart, what he really wanted to do was kick the emperor of Han from his throne and call himself the emperor.

Years of crusades, isn't it for this goal?

Otherwise, how could he spend half his life conquering the world for the sake of others?

But Cao Cao never dared to do this.When the emperor was still in his control, the princes of the world were still numerous and powerful.

If he respects himself as the emperor, it may cause some problems.

And when he defeated Yuan Shao and had such a chance.However, Liu Feng was born out of nowhere to assist the Han Dynasty and was reborn from the ashes.

The self-reliance of kicking down the emperor naturally disappeared in Cao Cao's heart.

But now that the situation has changed, he has already torn face with the emperor.It will also take real action to attack Xudu and drive off the emperor.

Seems like the time is right?

Cao Cao took a deep breath, suppressed the pounding in his heart, raised his head and looked around at the civil and military ministers present.

Guo Jia, Cheng Yu, Chen Qun, Dong Zhao and other important officials nodded in unison, their attitudes were obvious.The rest of the generals' eyes were even more fiery, and they couldn't wait.

"Okay, if that's the case. Then the old man will build Jiuxi himself and be called the Duke first. After entering Xudu, he can be called the king." Cao Cao nodded fiercely when he heard the words, and said.

"Master Ming, please decide on the title." Cheng Yu was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he took a deep breath and bowed down on his face.


After pondering for a moment, Cao Cao spoke. [

"The ministers and others have a meeting with Duke Wei."

A group of civil servants and military generals looked at each other, and then they all bowed down.

"Okay, okay." Cao Cao cheered happily when he saw this.Immediately afterwards, Cao Cao said: "First build Jiuxi by yourself, set up Sangong, Jiuqing, and establish Wei Guo. Gudang will be enthroned as Duke Wei after half a month. And sacrifice to heaven on the same day, the Han Dynasty."

"Since ancient times, dynasties have risen and fallen. Didn't it start from the great chaos? After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, the decline of the Han Dynasty has become settled. Liu Fengxiaoer used deceitful tactics to keep the Han Dynasty alive. It was just going against the sky, and it won't last for a long time. Wei Daihan , inherit the destiny above, and respond to the hearts of the people below. The state of Wei is the king, and its prosperity will last forever."

Cheng Yu went on to say.

"The state of Wei is the Zuo, and its prosperity will last forever."

Civil and military ministers responded in unison.

"Hahaha." Cao Cao laughed.

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