I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1501 : Chapter 755 The shocking change in the climax

The Shocking Change in Chapter 750 Five

There were no dukes in the Han Dynasty, but the dukes were the fifth-class titles in the Zhou Dynasty. Among the dukes, they were the highest rank, and their status was second only to the emperor of Zhou who was called the king of Zhou at that time.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
Therefore, it is a bit nondescript to apply the title of Duke Wei to the Han Dynasty.Regarding Wei Gong's service, it is also more complicated.

In the end, as soon as Cao Cao slapped his forehead, he used the crowns and clothes of the princes of the Han Dynasty.

There are nine strings of beads on the crown of the king of the princes.The lower crown is honored in black, and the rest are slightly embellished.The overall style is not much different from the emperor's mianfu. [

Looking at himself in the bronze mirror, Cao Cao saw Liu Xie kneeling on the throne in a trance, and I was the only one in the world with a mighty appearance.

After more than ten years of fighting, there is only today.

Cao Cao couldn't help but said in his heart.

However, Cao Cao soon realized the flaw in it. On the crown of his princes and kings, there are only nine beads.But Liu Feng was ten.

As the strongest vassal in the world, Liu Feng is also a head shorter, which always makes people feel a little unhappy.

After conquering Xudu, you can be called king and respected as the son of heaven.At that time, twelve strings of beads should be used.

Cao Cao's heart cheered up.


At this moment, Cao Pi came out from the side.

Cao Pi, the poor kid who was whipped by Liu Feng back then.The wound left at that time, although it is no longer visible, has always remained in Cao Pi's heart.

This made Cao Pi always have a hatred for Liu Feng.

However, at this moment Cao Pi is beaming with joy, as if he has forgotten his hatred.

Because Cao Pi is Cao Cao's eldest son, not only is he wearing different clothes at the moment, but he will also follow Cao Cao when he sacrifices to heaven tomorrow.

The heir of the dignified Great Wei State.

This filled Cao Pi's heart with joy and excitement.

"Hmm." Cao Cao was actually not very satisfied with the eldest son.However, he was in a good mood at the moment, and he saw the clothes of the eldest son Cao Pi was wearing again, thinking about the establishment of the country by the great Wei, and the inheritance of thousands of generations must start from the eldest son.

Immediately, his eyes softened a lot.

"From tomorrow onwards, you will be the heir of the Great Wei. You must completely guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and let your prestige stand outside." Cao Cao said in a rare soft voice.

"Father, don't worry, the son will live up to his expectations." Cao Pi took a deep breath and said solemnly. [

"Yes." Cao Cao nodded again.

Immediately, after the father and son continued to say something, Cao Cao sent Cao Pi away.Because Cao Cao has a lot of things to do.

That night, Cao Cao didn't sleep almost all night.

Early the next morning, Cao Cao first ascended the throne in the main hall, accepted the worship of the officials, and officially became the Duke of Wei.

Afterwards, Cao Cao led a group of ministers, rode on a chariot, and went outside the city to offer sacrifices to heaven.Along the way, soldiers stood everywhere, flags fluttered, and many civil servants and generals accompanied them. The scene was very, very spectacular.

In the east of the city, a towering altar stands proudly.

On the altar, apart from some necessary decorations, a flag embroidered with the word "Wei" fluttered in the wind, full of power.

After arriving near the altar, Cao Cao and his officials got off the carriage and headed towards the altar.Soon after, the officials stopped, and Cao Cao and his eldest son Cao Pi stepped onto the altar one after the other.

Afterwards, the ceremonial officer read out the sacrificial oration.

The sacrificial text is heroic, it is to announce the establishment of the Wei State to the heaven, and it has the atmosphere of the founding of the country.

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