I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1510 : Chapter 759 Han Wu pawn dispatched

"The beacon fire conveyed the news. I only know that it is the cavalry. I don't know the rest. Can the Han soldiers win a big victory?" Liu Xie asked after hesitating.

"God bless the great man, the pawns will surely win." Liu Feng clang replied, his eyes were opening and closing, his eyes were shining brightly, and his momentum was overwhelming.

"Okay, then the emperor will give the order." Seeing this, Liu Xie was also infected by Liu Feng's self-confidence and sharpness, nodded and said.

"No." Liu Feng agreed, and then stood up.His eyes slowly glanced at the military generals in the side hall, Hussar General Dong Cheng, General Gan Ning, Wen Pin, Xu Shu, Dong Gai and so on.

Gan Ning, Wenpin is a powerful general in the world, but dealing with cavalry is not their specialty.Finally, Liu Feng's eyes fell on Xu Shu and Dong Gai. [

"Dong Gai, Xu Shu listens to the order."

Liu Feng shouted.

"The end is here."

Xu Shu and Dong Gai both stepped forward and saluted.

"Order both of you to lead the soldiers of the Han Dynasty and the generals of the king, a total of 2000 people, to line up in the east. As for the specifics, you can decide for yourself, Xu Shu."

Liu Feng ordered.


Xu Shu and Dong Gai promised, and after getting the order, they walked out of the side hall together and went out to mobilize troops.

After the two left, Liu Feng raised his head, looked at Dong Cheng, and shouted, "Dong Cheng listens."

"The end is here."

Dong Cheng took a deep breath, stood up from his seat, went to Liu Feng, and saluted.

"Although Cao's army has 20 cavalry, there are definitely not many vanguards. And there are no more than [-] cavalry. Xu Shu and Dong Gai can handle it. But just in case, General Dong mobilized cavalry and is ready to support Xu Shu and Dong Gai at any time."

Liu Feng ordered.


Dong Cheng promised and left immediately.

Afterwards, Liu Feng turned his head to face Liu Xie, kowtowed and said: "This battle is about the country and the country, and my ministers are bold. I ask my father to lead the ministers to stand in the east of the city and practice for the soldiers."

"Sure." Liu Xie nodded happily and said.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of people including the emperor Liu Xie, the crown prince, the king's general Liu Feng, and the civil servants and military generals of the court came out of the palace gate and came to the east of the city.

In fact, the camps of Xu Shu, the Han Wu soldiers under the jurisdiction of Dong Gai, and the prince's personal soldiers are all outside the city. The so-called practice is in name only.But at this moment, the emperor, the prince, and all the officials and officials standing on the top of the city are also a kind of silent support. [

Outside the city, after Xu Shu and Dong Gai returned to the camp, they quickly mobilized their troops.

Six thousand soldiers of the Han Dynasty and six thousand soldiers of the crown prince began to gather together. Surrounded by their own soldiers, Xu Shu and Dong Gai rode their horses and stood in the center.

At this moment, the soldiers of the Han Dynasty are still dressed in the same way as before.

His whole body was tightly wrapped in golden armor, with a crossbow on his back, crossbow arrows, a long sword at his waist and hips, and a Mo knife in his hand, it can be said to be the same as before.But the momentum in it has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Their expressions were as usual, their eyes were steady, but they exuded an astonishing aura, intertwined with each other, and after gathering together, a rushing aura rushed straight to the bullfighting, unparalleled in sharpness.

At this moment, Xu Shu was also wearing light armor, dressed as a general.He looked around, glanced at the soldiers of the Han Dynasty, then took a deep breath, and said loudly: "There is a way to raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for one hour. The king's general recruited you into the capital and resettled your families, young and old. , it’s time for you to repay.”

"Cao Jun is coming to the east, I will be the general to kill him, kill him."

At the end, Xu Shu's long sword came out of his waist suddenly, and a roar of killing followed.


All twelve thousand warriors roared in unison.

There is static rotation, and the murderous aura is overwhelming.

Immediately afterwards, the handsome flag moved, and the army headed east, directly attacking Cao Jun.

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