I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1521 : Chapter 765 Han dynasty

Chapter 760

"For decades on the battlefield, I don't want to, but I died in this decisive battle." When his head was thrown into the air, Zhu Ling did not lose consciousness immediately.

He let out a sigh and died.

Never thought of this moment of fighting for merit in the Chinese army's big tent.This time, the fight for merit is simply a fight to the death.

Before dying, Zhu Ling felt regret, but it was too late.The next moment, Zhu Ling completely lost consciousness. [


At the moment when Zhu Ling died, Dong Gai raised his knife to the sky with one hand and let out a roar, his voice was full of joy.This was his first time on the battlefield, and he was facing Zhu Ling, the general of the Cao army. The result was that he was beheaded, which was a good start for him.

At the same time, Xu Shu looked at Dong Gai's Mo Yang at the rear of the soldiers, and paused for a while, a little surprised.Just now, Dong Gai went forward to fight Zhu Ling, but Xu Shu didn't stop him.

It's all because the situation is on me now.If Dong Gai was defeated, he could have retreated into the formation, and the free soldiers rushed forward to block Zhu Ling.Dong Gai and Zhu Ling fight, it can be said that they can advance and retreat freely.

It happened that Zhu Ling, the whetstone, could be used to sharpen Dong Gai's precious sword.

Dong Gai was more than ten years old, and he was able to use both left and right bows, and he was proficient in fighting with swords and horses.Possessing a fierce general, what is even more rare is that Dong Gai is an old minister of Liu Feng's East Palace.

The relationship between Liu Feng and Dong Gai is much better than the ordinary relationship between monarchs and ministers.

There is a saying that goes well, the top is the emperor's teacher, the middle is the emperor's friend, and the bottom is the emperor's minister.That is to say, it is best to be the emperor's teacher, the second is to be the emperor's guest and friend, and the lowest is to be the emperor's servant.

Now Dong Gai's status is almost that of a friend, which is a natural advantage.Coupled with Dong Gai's ability, he is destined to be a general of the Han Dynasty in the future.

Since it is a precious knife, how can it be done without sharpening?

But even Xu Shu didn't expect Dong Gai to kill Zhu Ling.This is the real general of the Cao army, second only to Xu Huang and other five good generals, but he was beheaded by Dong Gai.

At this moment, Xu Shu felt moved. Looking at Dong Gai's roar, he seemed to see a rising star.

This is the future general of the Han Dynasty.

Dong Gai roared to the sky for beheading Zhu Ling, Xu Shu lost his mind slightly.The situation in the battlefield is changing rapidly.From the moment Zhu Ling was killed, Cao Jun's cavalry collapsed.

After the break, there is no return.If Zhu Ling hadn't been in charge, these cavalry would have collapsed long ago. Now that Zhu Ling died in battle, the collapse happened suddenly.

"The general is dead, let's go."

"The general is dead, the general is dead."

"Run away, or you will die without a place to bury you."

Countless cavalrymen of the Cao army yelled and turned their horses' heads desperately, planning to leave.But at this moment, the number of Cao Jun is too small, on the contrary, the number of soldiers is huge.And a semi-encircled situation has been formed. Cao Jun's cavalry wanted to escape, but it was not so easy. [

"Kill." The soldiers also rushed to kill, and amidst roars, Mo Dao was like a sickle, easily killing cavalry cavalry one after another as if cutting through straw.

In the end, Cao Jun's cavalry completely collapsed, except for a few hundred people who ran away desperately, all the rest were killed.

This also means that the war is over, and the Han soldiers have completed a task that has never been completed in history, defeating [-] elite cavalry with [-] infantry.

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