I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1561 : Chapter 785 Horrified

Chapter 780 Terrified

"Even if we waited for Wenyuan to come back and understand the weirdness, it would not change the result."

Cao Cao laughed when he heard the words, and said.Indescribable self-mockery, coldness.After saying that, Cao Cao raised his head and looked at the surrounding wheat fields. The wheat in the wheat fields was still extremely golden, and he believed that they could be harvested soon.

Just now, he wanted to keep it as his own, but now he might not have this chance.One moment, he was full of pride and ambition, and the next moment he was defeated like a mountain.

Now the whole field of wheat still belongs to Liu Feng, even if he harvests it, it won't work anymore. [

"Let's go, go back to Daying and wait for Wenyuan to come back, and then discuss countermeasures." Cao Cao took a deep breath, straightened his body, and said.

Cao Cao was still the same Cao Cao just now, and even his face returned to its original state.But Guo Jia, Cheng Yu, Chen Qun, and Dong Zhao saw something different.

Cao Cao just now was still a high-spirited hero who pointed out the country, but at this moment Cao Cao became a tragic hero who suffered failure.

The spirit was frustrated, very serious.The four wanted to persuade, but all of them hesitated to speak, and finally turned into a sigh.The facts are right in front of you, no amount of persuasion will help.This blow is really too big.

Since everyone was speechless, they returned to the camp together with Cao Cao's order.The big camp is patchwork, hiding murderous intentions.It is definitely a top-notch work, and the soldiers patrolling nearby are also full of energy and murderous.

This big camp, as always, made Cao Jun feel proud, but after going out and coming back, it's not like that.

"Alas." Cao Cao let out a sigh the moment he entered the camp.

After entering the big camp, Cao Cao led the crowd towards the big tent of the Chinese army.Soon, they arrived in the tent, Cao Cao knelt down on the handsome seat, and the rest of them sat on both sides.

The atmosphere was very silent. Whether it was Cao Cao, Guo Jia, Cheng Yu or the others, they were suddenly speechless.

Time passed slowly, about half an hour later.There was a commotion in front of Cao Jun's Nanying Gate.But it was Zhang Liao, Zhang Jai led the remnants of the defeated generals back.

The whole army was staggering like a defeated rooster.The soldiers were also covered in dust and embarrassed.Zhang Liao, who rode his horse in front of him, also had a tired face with his jaws open.

The author made Cao Jun in Cao Ying very surprised and unbelievable, followed by a burst of discussion.

"That's General Zhang Liao, why?"

"There is no undefeated famous general in the world, even if it is General Zhang Liao, judging from the situation, I am afraid that he will suffer a disastrous defeat."

"The fiasco is not enough to describe its misery. Judging from the number of this army, I am afraid that there are only more than 1 left. Let the 20 army go out. In addition, General Zhu Ling died in battle and lost 15 cavalry. Our [-] The horse infantry only has [-] left. Although it will not fail immediately, it may be unsustainable."

Sergeant Cao suffered a stroke, and there were many old soldiers who had fought for several years, or even more than ten years.They are used to watching wars and have some insights.

As they talked, they came to the conclusion that their life might be difficult.Even the soldiers of Cao Jun, who are brave and good at fighting, probably don't want to fight against the wind.

Originally, the 20 army was heading west, aggressively, and I thought it was a sure chance of victory.But now it has experienced one failure after another.

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