I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1576 : Chapter 792 Ma Teng's stupid move

Chapter 790 Ma Teng's stupid move

As Sun Ce agreed, the horn sounded.Immediately afterwards, countless soldiers came out of the tents, and under the drizzle, they began to pull out the tents.

The camp of tens of thousands of elite soldiers is several miles wide, and the endless tents are very spectacular.But under the pull out of the camp by tens of thousands of elite soldiers, the big camp was soon unloaded, and the camp tents were loaded into carts and transported back to Jiangdong.

When the horn sounded, Jushou was still leading his troops to inspect the camp.Ju Shou was stunned, really stunned.In the previous moment, they were still yelling to the north. [

Cao Cao must be defeated.Why Cao Cao must be defeated, because Cao Cao's defeat is tantamount to the victory of the king and general, and it is tantamount to keeping Shouchun.

And the next moment, it actually came true.Even Jushou was stunned, but soon Jushou came back to his senses, because they hadn't received the news yet.

Logically speaking, Sun Ce's news should be one step behind them.

"General, could it be that the general has won?"

"General, Sun Ce has retreated."

"General, we have saved Shouchun." At this moment, the generals and soldiers beside Jushou also reacted, and said to Jushou excitedly.

"Don't worry, it might be a trap. Sun Ce just wanted to pretend to retreat to induce us to relax. To be cautious, immediately send spies to follow him. To see if Sun Ce is really retreating, just follow Sun Ce's army back into Yingshui Just leave by boat." Ju Shou gave the order very calmly and said.


Jushou's calmness also infected the generals, and the general in charge of the spies immediately agreed and went down to make arrangements.

In this way, the Jushou watched Sun Ce Baying leave very calmly, and slowly disappeared from sight.I don't know if it's because of the good weather. At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky have dispersed a little, and it is no longer raining.

Jushou and others were able to gain a foothold in the city to wait for news.

"Da da, da da." About two hours later, several fast horses rushed towards the city.After approaching the city wall, the knight on the horse shouted: "General, general. Sun Ce has retreated, Sun Ce has retreated. Jiangdong soldiers are all on board."

The loud roar can be heard everywhere.

This is tantamount to reassuring the soldiers in the city. Although no official news has been received, everyone believes that something must have happened in the north.

Not only Shouchun was saved, but even Yuzhou and Xu were saved.The Han Dynasty won a big victory.

"Big Han Tianwei." Ju Shou suddenly raised his arms and shouted to the sky.When roaring, Jushou looked excited and his arms trembled. It was definitely not a show after careful consideration, but genuine excitement.

Although he trusted Liu Feng, the dust had not settled after all.Now that Sun Ce has retreated, it means the dust has settled.Cao Cao has failed, there is no doubt about it.

Unlike Yuan Shao, every time Jushou's expectations of Yuan Shao would turn into disappointment, even despair.But Liu Feng is different, this time Ju Shou felt strongly that Liu Feng is completely different.Liu Feng will not disappoint the subjects who support him, not even the subjects of the world.

The great man Tianwei, the great general is victorious in every battle. [

"Big Han Tianwei."

"Big Han Tianwei."

"A great general wins every battle."

"A great general wins every battle."

A roar containing intense emotions sounded.At the beginning, it was the city wall that Jushou and the others were standing on, and finally all the soldiers in the city started to roar to the sky.

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