I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1590 : Chapter 799 Wang disaster

Chapter 790 IX King’s Disaster

In a sense, Ma Teng, Han Sui and other Guanzhong princes raised their troops, which is also a kind of emphasis on the Han Dynasty.It really marks that the princes of the world have a tacit understanding of the revival of the Han Dynasty.

This kind of tacit understanding is sometimes a good thing, and sometimes it is a bad thing.

Some people are eating the salary of the Han Dynasty, showing off the prestige of the Han Dynasty, but they are ruining the reputation of the Han Dynasty.The Han Dynasty has been established for hundreds of years since the great ancestor Liu Bang killed the White Snake Uprising.Although it collapsed once after the Chimei Uprising and Wang Mang's rebellion in the late Han Dynasty, Guangwu Zhongxing made every effort to turn the tide.

Therefore, the branches and leaves of the Han Dynasty are very lush.During the reign of Emperor Xian, that is, Emperor Ling of Han Dynasty, there were as many as 56 princes and kings, or more than ten cities connected, or sitting and enjoying several cities, contented with pleasure, eating vegetarian meals on the corpse. [

After the Yellow Turban Rebellion, some princes and kings were killed and some disappeared. They should have disappeared completely, but because Cao Cao respected the Han Dynasty on the surface, there are still more than ten princes and kings in the world.

Cao Cao ascended the throne in Dongjun and was called Wei Gong. In Yanzhou and Xuzhou, all the princes and kings of the Liu family were demoted to common people.Now the princes and kings, plus the king of Shu and the king of Chu, there are only five left, which can be called withered.

Anle Kingdom is the feudal state of Anle King Liu Kuang, located in Nanyang, Jingzhou.King Anle was an ordinary person, because of his timidity and prudence, he escaped the Yellow Turban Rebellion, and during the ensuing wars among the princes, he also ignored him and stayed in the palace for more than ten years, not daring to go out.

But it’s different now, the Han Dynasty has cheered up and ZTE has been rejuvenated.So he trembled and began to run rampant in the countryside.

Anle Kingdom is actually just a city. The city has a history of hundreds of years. It has been weathered and weathered, and it is already old. Because of years of wars, the government has no money to repair it, and it looks crumbling.

However, there are more than ten thousand people in the city, which is considered prosperous.Today, a major event happened in Anle City. Outside a courtyard in the east of the city, two groups of people were confronting each other.

Among them, a group of people in fresh clothes and angry horses, armed with weapons, surrounded a king. This king is Liu Kuang, the King of Anle. He is 40 years old. looked at the other group of people.

Confronting King Anle was a group of officials dressed as yamen servants, surrounded by an official. This official was not very old, but only 25 or [-] years old, but he was full of righteousness and awe-inspiring.

The reason for the confrontation between these two groups of people is very simple. It is in a nearby courtyard. In the farther room, a naked female corpse was lying on the bed.

This female corpse is outstanding in appearance and enchanting in figure.

In broad daylight, in the midst of Lang Lang's universe, a family of six died at home. This is naturally a good thing done by An Le Wang Liu Kuang. The reason is very simple, just beautiful.This woman is from the Chen family. She washes clothes in the stream. She has round buttocks. Liu Kuang happened to pass by here, feeling very itchy.

To deal with Shengdou Xiaomin, Liu Kuang wants to buy it with money.However, what I didn't expect was that this woman was quite staunch and refused to follow.Liu Kuang has been suppressed for too long because of the collapse of the Han Dynasty.Now that the Han Dynasty is thriving, there is an evil fire just around the corner.

Immediately furious, he led the slaves to come, first killed the old man who opened the door, and then saw the male master dead with a knife, and the other three children did not let go, finally succeeded in the room, was about to leave, but was caught blocked.

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