I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1598: Chapter 803 Killing

"Impossible, impossible." Seeing this section, Liu Kuang's eyes regained a little bit of clarity, but then he yelled even more hysterically, completely disbelieving that he, a dignified prince, was about to be beheaded. killed.

"Hmph, hold him left and right, the sword and ax are ready." Tian Feng snorted coldly and ordered.

"Promise." Two hulking yamen servants immediately stepped forward and held Liu Kuang down. The swordsman also raised his sword, ready to behead the most tragic prince.

The crowd around couldn't help but took a deep breath again, without blinking their eyes, they must see how the lawless princes and kings were punished.

Liu Kuang still wanted to encourage him to struggle, but his body was pressed down by two burly servants and he couldn't move.A pair of eyes shrunk to the size of a pinhead, full of fear. [

"Cut." Not long after, Tian Feng drank from his mouth.

"Kill." The knife and axe shouted loudly, with both arms violently exerting force, the big knife in his hand flashed like an aurora, and cut across Liu Kuang's neck in an instant.

"Ah." Liu Kuang only had time to let out a scream, and his head rolled three feet away. The neck that lost his head spewed out a foot-long fountain of blood like a fountain, and the blood splattered.

In an instant, the executioner was stained with blood.

"it is good."

This bloody scene frightened the crowd for a while, but after a while, whoever called out hello, countless people immediately started to applaud.

Sometimes the prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people.Although the ideal is beautiful, the reality is the backbone.Most of the princes and kings fell and died of suicide.The prince was not killed for breaking the law.

This Anle King was the first princely king to be beheaded for breaking the law in hundreds of years of the Han Dynasty.It shows that today's emperor is in power and the law is strictly enforced.

But this is good, it makes the common people feel comfortable.This is the princes and kings who were beheaded for breaking the law.In this way, who would dare to bully the common people?

In front of Ting Wei Tian Feng's sharp knife, the rich and powerful have to make a detour.

Seeing the excitement of the people, Tian Feng smiled slightly, and his blood boiled a little.It is his fortune to take the power of life and death on behalf of the Son of Heaven, punish traitors and sycophants, and punish sinners.

"The imperial edict of the great general of the king." Immediately afterwards, Tian Feng took a deep breath, took out Liu Feng's imperial edict, and read it out.Now in the territory of Xudu, Liu Feng, the great general of the king, has unrivaled prestige, and now he beheaded Liu Kuang, the king of the princes, to rectify the law, and his prestige is even greater.After Tian Feng said the imperial edict of the great general, the surrounding area immediately became quiet.

Countless people opened their eyes wide, wanting to know what kind of edict this supremely talented king and general issued.

"I heard that the law is fair, and the prince's crime is the same as that of the people. Although the princes and kings are related to your majesty, how can they be compared with the prince in terms of relatives? Even if they are as noble as the prince, they will be severely punished if they break the law, let alone a prince.  … ...>

Tian Feng read out the imperial edict in public, but the opening chapter was Zhuge Liang's passionate expression.The people can understand it, and they are slightly disappointed at first. This is obviously an expression made by a minister, but after hearing it, they can't help being shocked, because this passionate expression really makes people's blood boil. The minister who submitted the imperial edict felt a little favorable.

When this opening chapter is finished, I ask Your Majesty to execute King An Le in public to rectify the law.Tian Feng suddenly changed his tone, and read aloud: "King Anle is the prince of the Liu family, and he is a blood relative of the Son of Heaven. When the Son of Heaven heard that King Anle broke the law, he was concerned about the benefits of blood relatives, so he hesitated. Instead, he ordered Gu to make a decision. Gu also hesitated, even I am ashamed. However, while hesitating, some important ministers expressed their righteousness and proposed to kill King Anle. The expression was like a blow to the head, which made the lonely sober. There is a saying that the law is ruthless. How can you be selfish because King Anle is a blood relative? Sober Order to kill King Anle. This important minister is the governor of Nanyang. Zhuge Liang is a lonely minister and a good friend. This minister is not only upright and righteous, but also in Nanyang. Hou, let him go to Xudu to report on his work, and he will be reused."

After leaving the last word, Tian Feng raised his head and looked around, but found that the surroundings were quiet.

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