I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1610 : Chapter 810 Training Wei Yan

Chapter 810 Training Wei Yan

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However, the stone lock was like a piece of paper in the hands of the two old guards, and it was easily lifted over and placed in front of Wu Feng and Wei Yan.

"It's all for fun." Liu Feng smiled slightly, raised his head and said to Wei Yan and Wu Feng.

"Promise." The two agreed in unison, and then stepped forward together, started to lift the stone lock, and started to play.This stone lock is an important tool for people of this era to exercise strength, and both of them are masters at playing with stone locks. [


I saw Shisuo in the hands of the two of them like a child's toy, constantly flying around, making it dizzying.And there was a loud shout, which came out from the mouths of the two of them.

The strength of these two people is astonishing, and it may be difficult to tell the winner in a short time.Seeing that it was almost done, Liu Feng gave an order.

"All right."

"No." The two agreed in unison, and put down the stone lock.At this moment, after passing through the stone lock, the faces of the two of them were covered with fine sweat, and they were still a little out of breath.

From time to time, both of them looked at each other with apprehensive eyes, but they didn't want the other's strength to be comparable to their own.Especially Wei Yan, when he reached this moment, he no longer regarded himself highly, but put this guy named Wu Feng on an equal position with himself.

"Next is the weapon." Liu Feng said with a smile on his face.

"Promise." Wei Yan and Wu Feng all agreed.They both turned their heads to get their weapons, but their reactions were completely different.Wu Feng took off the Mo knife very skillfully, but Wei Yan was slightly taken aback, what a weird knife.Could this be the legendary Mo Dao?

Suddenly, a wry smile appeared on Wei Yan's face. He is proficient in weapons. As long as it is a famous weapon, he can use it. Come out.

When Wei Yan smiled wryly, Wu Feng had already started to play with the Mo Dao. How could the guards in the palace not know how to use the Mo Dao?Wu Feng put on a stance, wielding a Mo Dao like a tiger with a murderous aura.

"Ha, ha." The continuous bursts of angry shouts added to their momentum.

Wei Yan watched for a while, his face flushed, he sighed, put down the Mo Dao, raised his fist and said to Liu Feng: "General, Xiaomin is arrogant."

Now that things have happened, Wei Yan's proud character has finally been suppressed by Liu Feng with the facts.Although Wei Yan is capable, he is not omnipotent.

Liu Feng didn't reply immediately, but watched Wu Feng's performance carefully, only to see Wu Feng roaring again and again, the Mo Dao opened and closed, and the cold light shot out.

"Ha." Finally, Wu Feng finished playing a set of saber techniques in his hand, Wu Feng let out an angry cry, and abruptly retracted the saber and stood up, the hilt of the saber hit the ground heavily.

"Touch." There was a loud bang when the handle of the knife touched the ground.

"Okay." At this point, Liu Feng let out an applause, which was sincere.Wu Fengneng competed with Wei Yan in archery and strength, and then used this set of Mo Dao saber techniques so vividly, it was really excellent.

"Thank you, General, for your appreciation." Wu Feng was also very excited, put down the Mo Dao, and saluted.

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