I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1636 : Chapter 825 Acting First

Chapter 820

"General, under the current situation, the Han Dynasty is aggressive and wants to return the capital to Luoyang. For the heroes of Guanzhong, it is tantamount to natural enemies. It is impossible for anyone to open Tongguan for the Han army. www>

"Of course this Gu knows. But the relationship between the Han Dynasty and those princes in Guanzhong is different. For example, for the great princes such as Ma Teng and Han Sui, the Han Dynasty cannot compromise or cooperate. Because they There is power to consolidate the existing foundation, and even go further to conquer the world. The same is true for the smaller and middle-level princes. But for the Han Dynasty and those small-scale princes, it is meaningless to fight for the world. On the contrary, it is the most important thing. In this way, the conflict of interests with the Han Dynasty will be much smaller." Liu Feng said with a slight smile.

"The general is saying that he wants to make a profit?" Liu Ye said with a look of surprise on his face.

"Yes, Xu Yizhongli. Cao Cao said, didn't he let the princes in Guanzhong establish their own countries and become emperors of the earth? Those princes are all rough and fierce warriors. When they first heard this, they must be excited and wished to be emperors immediately. But time After a long time, it will be indifferent. It is like a newly married couple who look forward to the future, but when they grow up, they will worry about firewood, rice, oil and salt, and the princes are the same. Especially those small princes, when they face the big princes, their survival pressure It is very big. After all, Guanzhong has been fighting for years, and the princes will not be monolithic. Vendettas and hatred are not rare. This gave the Han Dynasty a chance to win over. Xu Yizhongli, if he is willing to do this, he is willing to ask his father to seal him He is the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households." Liu Feng narrowed his eyes and said. [

"Wan Huhou?" Whether it was Liu Ye or Yi Ji, their expressions changed, and they were very shocked.

Liehou are also divided into grades. The worst is Tinghou. The standard fiefdom is [-] households. From one thousand to five hundred households.And the highest level is the Marquis of Wanhu. The so-called Wanhu is equivalent to [-] households. The fiefdom under its jurisdiction may be a large fiefdom with a population of more than [-], and it is composed of at least two counties.This is Wanhuhou.

But in the current situation of the Han Dynasty, no one has reached the standard of Wanhuhou.As long as Tongguan is opened, thousands of households can be sealed. This is a heavy profit, it is really, heavy, as heavy as ten thousand catties.

However, neither Liu Ye nor Yi Ji denied that with the current development momentum of the Han Dynasty, it was inevitable to seize Sili, seize fertile land, and carry out land reclamation.Returning the capital to Luoyang, in a symbolic sense, restored the prestige of the Han Dynasty and became the co-lord of the world.

If Tongguan can be broken and ten thousand households sealed off, it will not be a loss-making business, but a big profit.Besides, while breaking through Tongguan, Cao Hong's [-] elite soldiers can be taken advantage of the situation, which is also a big profit.

While Liu Ye and Yi Ji were thinking about it, Liu Feng continued: "What Cao Cao gave was nothing more than a vague establishment of a country, but what the Han Dynasty gave was a foundation for generations. His title can be passed on to his sons, grandsons, Great-grandson, great-great-grandson, the same age as the Han Dynasty. I don’t believe it, and no prince is willing to respond.”

"Even if a certain little prince is willing to bow down for the position of the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households, Cao Jun will not let a prince's troops approach Tongguan." After thinking about it, Liu Ye gave a wry smile and said.

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