I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1640 : Chapter 827 Meeting Zhang Heng

Chapter 820 Meeting Zhang Heng

There are no people living in the pass, only a large number of soldiers.Therefore, guarding the pass is not afraid of being mixed with spies.

Coupled with Cao Hong's strength, he has a strong army of [-], and he is not afraid of Liu Feng.The natural Tongguan was not closed, but closed and opened to allow merchants to pass.However, in general, the guards' inspections are much stricter.

At this moment, it was evening, and the caravan that Yi Ji belonged to set off from Luoyang, and it took two days to reach Tongguan.Since Yiji was pretending to be a human trafficker, it was naturally impossible for the beauty to walk below him. He had a carriage.

At this moment, beside the carriage, Yiji was riding on horseback, and next to him was a middle-aged man with a powerful face and a vicissitudes of life. [

"Brother Yi, Tongguan is ahead. After leaving Tongguan, we will go our separate ways." The man glanced at Tongguan not far away. Although the sky was getting darker, the appearance of Tongguan was still clearly visible. At first glance, I just feel the momentum is compelling.

This man is called Chen Zhong, a native of Yangzhou. He often travels all over the world, buying cheap and selling expensive, and has accumulated a considerable family business. Now that he is middle-aged, he plans to let go of his fortune after this time. He met him on the way to Yiji. , The help to Yiji along the way is not small, at least let Yiji become more like a businessman from a literati.

"Yes. After leaving Tongguan, we can only go our separate ways. I hope to see you in the future." Yi Ji nodded and sighed.

"It's better not to see each other. Now the world is getting more and more chaotic. If you often walk by the river, there is no one who doesn't get wet shoes. If you go all the way, you will have to pay it back sooner or later." Chen Zhong shook his head and said.

Yi Ji was silent when he heard the words, yes, in this troubled world, a businessman can get rich overnight, but he can also lose his soul overnight.It's too chaotic, especially in Guanzhong, where it's even more chaotic.

However, Yi Ji didn't speak, he just said in his heart: "This world will once again belong to the Han Dynasty."

When the two were talking, the caravan had already arrived under Tongguan. Yiji looked up. Even if Yiji had seen Hulao Pass before, when he faced Tongguan, which was almost as majestic as Hulao Pass, he felt a sense of urgency. An astonishing sense of oppression.

However, the more oppressive and difficult it feels to break through, the more excited Yiji is.It is precisely because the grand pass is difficult to break through that the general's strategy is needed, and his appearance is needed.

This caravan is a real caravan, even the beauties brought by Yiji are genuine goods, only Yiji and a few followers are spies.Because the target was too small, and with Chen Zhong's cover, Yiji entered and exited Tongguan relatively smoothly, and arrived at Yongzhou from Sili.

Five hundred miles west of Tongguan is Chang'an, Chen Zhong and others are going to Chang'an, and Yiji is going to Gaoling in the northwest.Yiji said goodbye to Chen Zhong outside Tongguan, and led a few entourages alone to go northwest.

If Sili is desolate, then this pass is even more desolate.The princes of the ten routes are fighting for each other. As a strategic resource, the population is protected within the city walls. There is not a single family in the wilderness. There is really no one. There is only desolation everywhere, and even some places are full of bones. But no one cleaned up.

Yi Ji is also a pitiful person, and the scenes he saw along the way made him sigh countless times.However, after a journey of five or six days, Yiji and the others finally arrived at their destination on this day.Gaoling City.

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