I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1761 : Chapter 887 Take Advantage

And since Liu Feng wanted to go with him, he didn't need to show up.

"But in this way, Cheng Yi has become a traitor. Cheng Yi only has 20 soldiers and horses, and he has to send people to guard the lair. The soldiers he brings are at most between [-] and [-]. There are more than [-] heroes, if Cheng Yi is framed, he will die. Cheng Yi's death will be good for the general, but the benefits are not as great as the countermeasures." Zhang Heng was still very upset when he heard the words Puzzled, he still couldn't bear it, after all, he and Cheng Yi had a really good relationship.

"Yes, if Ma Teng and Han Sui led the army, I'm afraid Cheng Yi would be quartered by five horses on the spot. But the problem is that the current group of heroes is Zhong Yao, who is a wise man, and there is Sima Yi by his side. He will see some danger, and will persuade the heroes to calm down and figure out the matter. So Cheng Yi will not die immediately, but he will definitely be watched. Then Cheng Yi will feel unsafe and may rebel." Liu Feng There was some brilliance in his eyes, and he said.

If the first half of this strategy is based on Jia Xu's strategy in history, then the second half is Liu Feng's own prediction. Zhong Yao and Sima Yi are not stupid, and this is Cheng Yi's chance to save his life.

"So that's how it is." Liu Ye's eyes lit up, and he said, this is to take advantage of the fact that there are wise men in the opponent's camp, and to target them. [

"Not only that, don't forget that Pang Tong has already left Hanzhong. If he goes north, he may be able to break through Wuzhangyuan, Mei County, Sanguan, and even threaten to capture some princes' lairs. But Hanzhong is dangerous, and the news is very difficult to get out. In addition, we strictly control the flow of news. It is not so easy for the heroes to get the news that Pang Tong broke Liu Zhang in Hanzhong, so they don't know that Pang Tong has freed up his strength. Our anti-Chengyi is a major blow to the heroes. If Pang Tong attacks Their old Cao is unstable in the rear, and the people's hearts are fluctuating, so the princes will disperse. They want to return to the army to protect their old nest, and benefit. In this way, we will have the opportunity to lead the army to conquer Chang'an."

As he said that, the light in Liu Feng's eyes became even brighter, very, very confident and eager.

Chang'an.When Liu Feng sent troops to Luoyang, his goal was Chang'an, the capital of the Western Han Dynasty.

Liu Feng’s goal for Chang’an has four points. First, the location of Chang’an. The Western Han Dynasty did not set the capital in Chang’an casually. In the north of Chang’an, there are strong passes such as Tongguan in the east, the Yellow River in the north, Sanguan in the west, and Qin in the south. Chuan, that is, facing Hanzhong, if something goes wrong in Chang'an, Hanzhong is ready to help.

These places form a solid barrier.If Chang'an can be obtained, it will not only obtain part of the city of Yongzhou, but also obtain a stronger front-line fortress and move the front line to Chang'an. As long as a large army is sent to occupy Chang'an and pass through the pass, it will be able to defend more firmly against the heroes of Guanzhong up.

The second point is to remove Zhong Yao and Sima Yi, the power Cao Cao set up in Chang'an. If this power is pulled out, it will reduce Cao Cao's influence in Guanzhong, and it will be easier to break through Ma Teng, Han Sui, The power expanded to Yongzhou and Liangzhou.

The third point is like Hulao Pass in the east and Xu County as a barrier.After the West moved the front line to Chang'an, Sili's West became stronger, which consolidated the capital.

The consolidation of the capital is tantamount to strengthening the bones, increasing the aura, uniting the hearts of the people more, and giving people more confidence in the Han Dynasty.

Fourth, Chang'an is still a very prosperous city, and the Guanzhong Plain around Chang'an is also a very rich land, so Chang'an has some help in logistics.

With these four points in front of Liu Feng, Liu Feng has no reason not to seize Chang'an.

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