I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1764 : Chapter 889 The Great General Goes Out in Person

Chapter 880 IX The Great General Goes Out in Person

Just when Zhong Yao, Sima Yi, and the heroes of Guanzhong were discussing the matter of Liu Feng adding troops to Tongguan, Liu Feng, Dong Gai, and Zhang Heng were also leading dozens of cavalry to wait to leave the pass.

"Squeak." After the sound of the door opening, the door closed and opened.Liu Feng left Tongguan together with the others.

Tongguan was not far from the Qunxiong camp. According to intelligence, Cheng Yi's camp was in the east of the Qunxiong company camp, which was the closest to Tongguan.

"Da da." Amidst the sound of horseshoes, Liu Feng and others urged the horses to go in the direction of the company battalion.Not long after, a group of people came to a place a hundred steps away from the company. [

In Chengyi's camp, the camp gate is very solid, and the arrow towers on both sides are also very high and very strong.At this moment, the gate of the camp was wide open, and dozens of soldiers were guarding it.

Although it was a hundred paces away, Liu Feng and his party couldn't do without attracting attention.

"Who?" A soldier shouted, and then dozens of soldiers in front of the camp gate took out their bows and arrows, strung their bows, and aimed directly at Liu Feng and the others.

"Go up and report your name." Liu Feng said with a slight smile, pointing his whip forward.

"Promise." Dong Gai promised, and then patted his horse out of the battle, facing the direction of the company battalion, and said loudly: "I am Dong Gai, General Fenwei of the Han Dynasty, and General Zhang Heng of Zhendong, come here with General Wang Shang, please Your family, General Zhang, came to see you."

Dong Gai's voice is very majestic, with strong penetrating power, and can be heard in a large area, let alone a hundred paces away.

"Boom." Immediately, there was a commotion, and dozens of soldiers couldn't help but stare at Dong Gai and his party, discussing a lot.

"The king's great general, although our general led his troops to fight him, but the real person has never been seen before."

"I heard that the king's general is only 15 years old. When I think of us, I really lived my age like a dog."

"Who the hell is it?"

"Then one of them has a golden armor and embroidered robe, it should be very dignified."

"I don't have three heads and six arms. I'm no different from an ordinary young man. I'm just a little more vigorous than you. It doesn't matter if you wait here, but I'm afraid that your general will deal with it according to the military law, and the gain will outweigh the loss." Liu Feng Wenyan couldn't help laughing, so he rode forward and said with a smile.

"Wait a moment." Dozens of soldiers woke up like a dream, and one of them, who looked like Du Bo, saluted Liu Feng, and then ordered one of the soldiers to report.

The soldier rode his horse and rode to the vicinity of the general's tent, just as Cheng Yi came back from the Chinese army's big tent, so he got off his horse and reported: "General, there is Dong Gai, who claims to be the great Han Fenwei general, and General Zhendong. Zhang Heng and the general Wang Shang are out and want to see the general."

"Dong Gai? Zhang Heng, Liu Feng?" Cheng Yi was very surprised when he heard the words, and his expression changed.Immediately afterwards, he was a little confused. Dong Gai had the impression that he was the young general who had killed Cao Wei general Zhu Ling. Zhang Heng was also his friend, not to mention Liu Feng.

What do these people want to do here, and they want to see him.

This doubt was immediately replaced by hesitation, whether to see or not to see?This meeting, I'm afraid it will make people suspicious.But if people came to see him by name, if they didn't see him, they would think that he was afraid.

Cheng Yi is quick-tempered, strong, and very save-faced. When he thinks that others will think that he is afraid, he can't stand it anymore.Besides, it was fair and aboveboard for him to meet him, so there was nothing to worry about.

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