I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1766 : Chapter 890 Altered Letter

Chapter 890 Altered Letter

Soon, Zhou Jian and his party returned to Tongguan and went straight to the General's Mansion.

In the hall of the General's Mansion, Jia Xu, Liu Ye, Wei Yan, Wang Ping, Huo Jun and others were still eagerly waiting for news from Liu Feng.When Liu Feng led the crowd to appear at the entrance of the hall, everyone's eyes lit up.

"General, what's the situation?" Wei Yan asked first.

What Liu Feng did was too big, enough to change the strength of both sides, and turn the impossible into possible. Although Wei Yan was trained by Liu Feng, the problem of arrogance was removed, but after all, he also had the impatience of a general. It is not surprising that he is eager to see Liu Feng's success or failure. [

The rest of the people lost their chance because Wei Yan spoke first, but they all looked at Liu Feng eagerly.

Liu Feng didn't reply immediately, but went straight to sit on the throne, while Zhang Heng and Dong Gai sat on both sides.After sitting down, Liu Feng showed a smile on his face. He glanced around at the civil servants and generals present, and finally turned his gaze to Wei Yan. We could clearly see the sense of anticipation and urgency in Wei Yan's eyes.

"It's done, that Cheng Yi is quick-tempered and irritable. This time, he will definitely make the princes suspicious of him." Facing Wei Yan's gaze, Liu Feng smiled and nodded.

"Okay, if Cheng Yi can rebel, it will be a trade-off, hahahaha." Wei Yan was ecstatic when he heard the words, laughed loudly, and almost slapped his thigh.

"It's really a blessing for the Han Dynasty." Liu Ye was a little nervous at first, but when he heard Liu Feng's reply, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, stroked his beard, and nodded with a smile.

"Just as the general said, the heroes in Guanzhong are almost the same as the mob." Wang Ping also followed with a big laugh.

"Hahaha, mob." Huo Jun also nodded with a smile.

Except for Jia Xu, everyone present was overjoyed, rejoicing for the future of the Han Dynasty.The same is true for Liu Feng, the plan is just a plan, now that Cheng Yi has been called out, it is finally possible to implement the next stage of the plan, which is indeed quite gratifying.

Chang'an is in sight.

"Okay." However, Liu Feng quickly restrained his smile and shouted in a deep voice.

Immediately, the laughter in the hall stopped, and the civil servants and military generals all looked serious, not daring to make mistakes.

"Cheng Yi has been fooled, which is really gratifying. But after all, the plan is only halfway through, and the following letter of correction is the most important thing. General Zhang, you go down to discuss with Wen He, and write a letter in your own tone." To write a letter to Cheng Yi, but it has to be altered, which is not only weird, but also unobstructed." Seeing that the hall was quiet, Liu Feng turned his head to Zhang Heng, and Jia Xu gave orders.

"Don't worry, the general, the general will definitely do his best."


Zhang Heng and Jia Xu replied, but Zhang Heng patted his chest to assure, while Jia Xu was somewhat indifferent.Liu Feng didn't care, looked around at the others, and said: "It's almost noon now, and I'm afraid it's about to start. You all go down and get ready. Don't worry if the plan is not implemented, Tongguan will be breached. "

"Promise." Including Zhang Heng and Jia Xu, everyone agreed and walked out.

Everyone left, only Liu Feng was left kneeling and sitting in the hall. He slowly closed his eyes, and began to close his eyes to rest his mind.

I just don't know, what kind of burst reaction will there be?It's really exciting.

Liu Feng sat here on his knees, in addition to anticipation, there was also waiting. Liu Feng would not feel at ease unless he had read Jia Xu and Zhang Heng's doctored letters. [

"Da da da." About a quarter of an hour later, there was a sound of footsteps.Hearing the sound of footsteps, Liu Feng opened his eyes again and looked out the door.

Not long after, Jia Xu and Zhang Heng walked in together.Among them, Jia Xu was holding a piece of cloth in his hand. The cloth was white, and it was covered with handwriting and traces of alteration.

"General." After entering the hall, Jia Xu walked to Liu Feng's side, gave Liu Feng the cloth in his hand, and then knelt and sat on the left and right with Zhang Heng.

Liu Feng picked up the altered letter, feeling a little excited. Whether Ma Teng, Han Sui, and Cheng Yi could be recruited depends on how well the letter is written.

"Huh." Liu Feng took a deep breath, then unfolded the cloth and began to watch.This is a very ordinary greeting letter at first glance, and it is written in Zhang Heng's tone and the relationship between Zhang Heng and Cheng Yi.

The writing is straightforward, Zhang Heng greets Cheng Yi's health and his recent situation.But the problem is that some changes have been made, and the beauty lies in the part of the changes.

If you don't look at the altered part, it is very coherent and smooth.And if you see the altered part, it doesn't look abrupt at all. It seems that the two sides are conspiring to do something, but it was altered again, which is easy to arouse suspicion.

Perfect, it can be said to be very, very perfect.

"Wen He deserves to be a rare wise man in the world, wonderful, wonderful." After reading it, Liu Feng knew that this time's strategy would most likely succeed, and he couldn't help but raise his head to praise Jia Xudao.

"It's the general's ingenious strategy, and the minister is just icing on the cake." Jia Xu said modestly when he heard the words, neither sad nor happy.

Liu Feng had a weird look on his face when he heard this. This plan was actually Wen He's idea.However, Liu Feng quickly figured it out. Anyway, everything is for the unification of the world, and it doesn't matter whose plan it is.

"General, Mr. Jia is modest. The general can't believe that there are so many secrets in this small letter." Zhang Heng admired Jia Xu very much, and couldn't help saying when he saw Jia Xu's modesty. One sound.

"Hahaha, Gu knows that Wen He is modest. After returning home, Gu will report this letter and everyone's performance in this war to the emperor, and record it in the book as a basis for showing merit. "Liu Feng laughed loudly when he heard the words.

Soon, Liu Feng laughed, folded the cloth solemnly in his hand, and then handed it to Zhang Heng, saying: "In the evening, find a confidant to hand over this letter to Cheng Yi, and this is the countermeasure. It's on."

"Promise." Of course Zhang Heng knew the importance of this letter, took a deep breath, took the letter cautiously, and solemnly promised.

"I've done everything that needs to be done, and it's time for the next thing to happen. Everything will be known in the evening. You all go down." Liu Feng nodded and said.

"Promise." Zhang Heng and Jia Xu both agreed, and left together.

"Jia Wenhe is really a wonderful person." After the two left, Liu Feng still couldn't stop admiring when he thought of the letter, and said with a smile.

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