I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1786 : Chapter 902 The Queen's General

Chapter Nine Hundred and Second


At this moment, there were two more roaring and killing sounds, the roars were like thunderbolts, shaking people's hearts.But it was Wei Yan and Zhang Heng who led troops to kill from left and right.

"Hahahaha, the reinforcements are here, kill them." Dong Gai was overjoyed when he heard the sound, he suddenly exerted force in his hand, and the long knife disappeared like an aurora.

"Crack." [

When he rode first, his head was cut off immediately, and the blood flowed wildly.

"Kill." Countless soldiers also roared with excitement, and stepped forward, drawing their swords to fight.

"General Ma." Sensing the arrival of reinforcements from the Han army and the change in momentum of the King's General's soldiers, Yan Xing's complexion changed slightly, and he shouted.

"The two armies are fighting, and the brave will win. General Yan and I will fight the enemy together. We will definitely break the Han army and attack Tongguan." Ma Chao shouted.

"Kill." Immediately afterwards, Ma Chao roared wildly, like a tiger's roar, and the sound shook the whole field.The spear in his hand stabbed out even more swiftly, and attacked a soldier of the king's general in front of him.

"Puchi." With a crisp sound, the tip of the gun accurately stabbed the soldier's neck, killing him instantly.

"Kill." After taking the life of one of his soldiers, Ma Chao didn't stop, roared again, and charged forward, like a dragon entering the sea, rolling and repelling the waves, turning people on their backs as they passed, with great force.

"Okay." Seeing Ma Chao's strength, Yan Xing shouted.He also went forward with a gun and killed the enemy side by side with Ma Chao.Yan Xing, the tiger general of Xiliang, once attacked Ma Chao with a spear and almost stabbed him to death.

He moves forward fiercely, almost invincible, and his majesty is not inferior to Ma Chao.

There is another person who is not inferior to the two, and that is Pang De. Compared with Ma Chao and Yan Xing, Pound's prestige is even greater, because he uses a knife to kill blood, which is extremely bloody.

"Kill." Pang De yelled again and again, the long knife in his hand flashed repeatedly, and blood flew across, staining Zheng's robe red.

Xiliang's three major tiger generals all exerted their strength together, but they wanted to destroy the Han army.

"Wei Yan is here, how can the thief general dare to be rampant?" Wei Yan and Zhang Heng, Wei Yan first left Tongguan and had already killed them.Under the light of the fire, he saw Pang De, Ma Chao, and Yan Xing standing side by side in a joint battle with the king's general's personal soldiers, gaining the upper hand.Immediately, he was furious, roared, and rushed into the formation with a knife.

"Kill." Afterwards, the six thousand elite soldiers roared in unison, and followed Wei Yan into the formation.


Not long after, Zhang Heng led his troops to fight there, seeing that the two sides were fighting in a group, he led his troops in without hesitation.

Under the night, the sound of fighting was terrifying, and the sound of horseshoes shook the ground.The two sides had a total of [-] to [-] soldiers and horses, fighting into a regiment.Because of the dark night, in some places, there is even no distinction between the enemy and the enemy, and it is a mess.

The six fierce generals, Ma Chao, Yan Xing, Pang De, Zhang Heng, Wei Yan, Dong Gai, etc. showed their special abilities, and the situation of killing changed.


The soldiers on both sides roared hoarsely, daring for their own side.

On the pass, Liu Feng, dressed in armor and a Zheng robe, stood side by side with Liu Ye and Jia Xu, looking forward.The night is a bit cool and windy.

To be honest, it's a little cold.But Liu Feng listened to the roar not far away, and watched the scene of the two armies lighting torches not far away, his heart felt like a raging fire, extremely hot.

"Clang." With a sound, Liu Feng suddenly pulled out the long sword from his waist, then pointed forward, and shouted: "Meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. Beat the drum and help out."

"The general has an order, beat the drums to help."

"The general has an order, beat the drums to help."

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