I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1789 : Chapter 904 Chang'an is in sight

Chapter [-]: Chang’an is in sight

Cheng Yi came late, two late.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
The first one was that in the morning Liu Feng invited him to be a general in the Han Dynasty, but Cheng Yi refused.This is late.

In the battle tonight, Cheng Yi entered the customs first, but he didn't come to see Liu Feng, this was the second delay.Of course Liu Feng knew that Cheng Yi was afraid of him, so he asked.

To be honest, Liu Feng was also very upset. Although Bai Ri was using tricks, Cheng Yi deliberately humiliated him for no reason. No one can bear this. [

It is precisely because of this that Liu Feng asked knowingly.At the same time, Cheng Yi will also stay in Guanzhong, and only dare to meet Liu Feng when he sees Zhang Heng.

Hearing Liu Feng's knowingly asking, Cheng Yi's heart skipped a beat, almost bursting out of his chest.His body was full of cold sweat, he really wanted to slap himself in the mouth, why did he have to be proud of Liu Feng.

If it wasn't for this, I'm afraid it would be Liu Feng holding his hand and greeting him cordially.Then the two went to drink together or something.

But now?But he asked knowingly, and his words were as cold as a sword.

Cheng Yi was very pessimistic, thinking that he would die sooner or later.But there was no other way, Liu Fengji was too powerful, he made it difficult for the coalition forces to tolerate him, so he fled to Tongguan.

Cheng Yi didn't want to die, otherwise he wouldn't have abandoned the coalition forces.

"Report to the general, the last general is guilty." Cheng Yi said with a look of horror, his teeth chattered a little while speaking.Poor generals in Chengyi's area, fighting for life and death on the battlefield, without blinking an eye.

But in the situation where people are knives and I am fish and meat, I still can't escape the vulgarity, and I am timid.

Seeing Cheng Yi like this, Liu Feng let out his breath.He wasn't a narrow-minded person, so he immediately laughed and said, "It's good to be late, otherwise how can I see Yang Qiu's head?"

Although Cheng Yi didn't dare to come to see Liu Feng, he sent someone to report to Liu Feng how he killed Yang Qiu and betrayed the heroes of Guanzhong. Liu Fengyi's invitation was to reassure Cheng Yi.

"Come here, take Yang Qiu's head." Cheng Yi was really relieved when he heard the words, and shouted.

"General." A soldier took Yang Qiu's head and handed it to Cheng Yi.Cheng Yi reached out to take it, and handed the head to Liu Feng.Liu Feng did not go to pick it up, but took a closer look, and said with a smile: "There is only one dog thief left, don't dare to do harm."

"After all, he is also a general, and he was buried with honor." Immediately afterwards, Liu Feng turned his head and told Liu Ye.

"No." Liu Ye said in a promise.

"Do you remember that the general is stationed in Sanguan area?" After giving Liu Ye instructions, Liu Feng asked Cheng Yi again.

"Exactly." After being frightened and comforted by Liu Feng, Cheng Yi at this moment was already as well-behaved as a sheep, and he would answer whatever Liu Feng asked.

"The general's family was saved." Liu Feng said with a smile.

"Great General." Cheng Yi said with surprise and joy when he heard the words. Most heroes in troubled times have one thing in common, that is, their luck is cold. In history, Liu Bang and Liu Bei both abandoned their wives and ran away. Most families are small and clan.

Although Cheng Yifan was helpless, the consequence was that his family was in danger.After all, Ma Teng, Han Sui and other princes are still alive, and they will definitely send troops to attack his garrison and destroy his family. [

I didn't want Liu Feng to say that.Cheng Yi is naturally delighted, after all, he is still a small family, and in the case of saving his own life, it is still very important.

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