I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1796 : Chapter 907 The words are majestic

Cheng Yi's being fooled was enough to arouse their vigilance.
But Liu Feng didn't say anything, why?Without him, if Sima Yi wanted to ask, he would answer, what has become of him.

This was beyond Sima Yi's expectations. After all, if Liu Feng's tricks can be spread all over the world, it can also play a certain role in boosting Liu Feng's reputation.

If it was an ordinary person, he would probably immediately tell the whole process of the strategy with complacency, but he didn't want Liu Feng to be so calm and not to say it.

Speaking of which, this trip is actually over, even if you really want to know, but if others don't tell you, what can you do? [

But Sima Yi was not willing to reconcile. Advisers sometimes have brains, just like those historians who pursue the truth. What kind of methods did Sima Yi use against Liu Feng to make Cheng Yi, the most powerful of the Guanzhong heroes, merge with Yang Qiuhuo, and Cheng Yi Why did he kill Yang Qiu so easily?

Sima Yi wanted to know very much, so Sima Yi got off his horse, straightened his clothes, and then saluted: "I also ask the general for advice."

Originally, Liu Feng would not have said Sima Yi's attitude of riding a horse and saluting.But now he stood up and dismounted, followed the etiquette, and asked for advice.

If Liu Feng didn't say it, he couldn't justify it, and since this matter was irreversible, it really wasn't a big deal to say it.

"Without him, it's just a redacted letter." Liu Feng said with a slight smile.And took advantage of the situation to tell Sima Yi what happened between Yang Qiu and Cheng Yi.

Liu Feng's voice was so penetrating that everyone around could hear it clearly.

Zhong Yao, Sima Yi, Ma Teng, Han Sui and others were all stunned. They thought about it, but they couldn't figure out what kind of plan could make Cheng Yi rebel and get rid of Yang Qiu so easily. .

But it turned out that it was Yang Qiu who caused the disaster, this idiot brought an important general under his tent to confront Cheng Yi, Cheng Yi had nothing to say, so he killed him brazenly.

Not only did he die, but he also implicated the [-] elite soldiers under his account, causing the military strength of the Guanzhong heroes to drop sharply. This, this, this, it really deserves it.

However, although Yang Qiu was said to be stupid, Cheng Yi was forced to rebel, which is sad.But what is even more frightening is Liu Feng's strategy, a letter, a letter that is cleverly arranged and created by taking advantage of the gap between the heroes of Guanzhong.

It's just a thin piece of cloth, but it can achieve such a miraculous effect, resulting in such a huge result.This is really unbelievable, unbelievable.

Ma Teng, Han Sui and other fierce generals were addicted to this kind of strategy, almost terrified and unable to extricate themselves.They are fierce generals, not afraid of fighting on the battlefield, but they are afraid of this kind of scheme to kill without blood.

Not to mention Ma Teng, Han Sui, even Zhong Yao, Sima Yi was stunned for a long time.

In the end, Sima Yi regained his composure first, sighed, raised his fist and saluted Liu Feng: "The general uses schemes like ghosts, and I'm being taught by you."

However, Sima Yi is Sima Yi after all, it is impossible for him to admit defeat so smoothly.Immediately afterwards, he took another deep breath, and said loudly: "Today, the general's flag is high, and his words are majestic, and he defeated all the heroes in Guanzhong. It's Xiao Daoer, fighting head-on is dignified and upright. If it's upright, our Guanzhong heroes will not be afraid of the Han Dynasty. If the general dares to leave Tongguan, the general will never come back."

This is to promote one's own strengths and cut off the other's weaknesses.In addition, Sima Yi's majestic voice and sharp words immediately inspired the hundreds of riders who came with him, and they competed with the heroes of Guanzhong to decide the verdict.

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