I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1798 : Chapter 908 The future will be long

"General Pang Tong. Novel Rankings
"That's right, they laughed at Gu and turned into anger today, but they don't know what kind of mood they will have in the future when Pang Tong goes out of Hanzhong, attacks Yongzhou, breaks up a little pass, and shakes Yongliang?"

Liu Feng smiled slightly and said.

"It's like being slapped, and I can't say anything." Huo Jun said with a smile.

"That's right. Today they laugh more cheerfully, and they will definitely feel hotter tomorrow. Let them laugh as much as they want." Liu Feng nodded with a smile, and then looked up at Baiyu Qi who was not far away. . [

They were still laughing, and the laughter seemed to be endless, resounding through the world.

However, in the end they stopped because no one cooperated.It's like singing on stage alone. It's hard to sing a one-man show, so it's better to find someone to cooperate with.

Now Liu Feng didn't seem to respond, there was no switch to send out cavalry to intercept and kill them, and he didn't order to shoot arrows. Naturally, this one-man show couldn't continue.

"This Liu Feng is so boring, and we also know what method Liu Feng used to reverse Cheng Yi's plan, so we can retire with success."

the candidate suggested.

"it is good."


The candidate's proposal immediately won unanimous approval, and all the heroes rode their horses one after another and returned to the direction of the company battalion.Sima Yi and Zhong Yao also led the horse back, but they were a few steps behind.

"Zhong Da, what are you thinking?" Zhong Yao asked in a low voice.

But Sima Yi's expression was different, Zhong Yao saw it.

"My lord, I was thinking about Liu Feng's words." Sima Yi woke up from deep thought and replied.

"Liu Feng's words are the words of a decisive battle with us under Chang'an? Zhongda is really worrying too much. I think there are 20 soldiers in Guanzhong who can fight. What will happen if we retreat to Chang'an? It must be us. Defeated, but is that possible? Liu Feng can only occupy Xiongguan to resist us, and the rest can't do." Zhong Yao laughed when he heard this.

"My lord, Liu Feng is not someone who shoots the target for no reason. He must have a deep meaning when he said that." Sima Yi said cautiously after hearing the words.

"Hahaha, Tianli cannot be countered by manpower. Liu Feng is full of tricks, but strength is strength. And he has already used two tricks, we can't fall into the trick again. In the battlefield, he is no match for us. Zhong Da, you are really worrying too much, drink a glass of wine after you go back, and then get a good night's sleep." Zhong Yao still didn't think so, and laughed loudly.

"I hope so." After hearing the words, Sima Yi still didn't feel that he was too worried. He had a premonition that something terrible might happen, but he lacked information, so he really didn't know what it was.Hearing this, he could only smile wryly and said.

In the battle last night, the princes were full of thoughts, and everyone defended themselves.But after asking what trick Liu Feng used, the princes were more at ease.

It's just a distance meter.Just be vigilant.They still have the upper hand, and Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Sun Ce and others are still fighting Liu Feng.

it's nothing.

With such a relaxed mood, the princes returned to the coalition camp with ease and joy, and began to set up defenses.As for the attack, because Liu Feng's strength has greatly increased, he is not in a hurry. [

"Pang Shiyuan, Pang Shiyuan, you should go out of the inclined valley and break through the pass. You must win every battle, be invincible, and give Gu a long face."

At Tongguan Pass, Liu Feng raised his head to the west, his eyes full of anticipation.

Looking forward to Pang Tong's great victory, the heroes in Guanzhong are terrified, causing people's hearts to disperse, so that he can attack Chang'an and acquire the treasure city of Chang'an.

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