I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1800 : Chapter 909 Take Xiegu Pass

However, there is a guard named Cheng Fang, who is Cheng Yi's younger brother.Remember in a second【Bai Xiaosheng Novels】www>

This man looks very mighty, but his personality is timid, which is the complete opposite of Cheng Yi, so Cheng Yi loathes him, so Cheng Yi arranges him in Xiegu Pass, which has no oil and water, and is not important. .

Cheng Fang was also happy to be at leisure, spending all day in the general's mansion in Guanzhong, raising concubines and concubines for fun.It is the same today.

When Pang Tong's army arrived, the soldiers at the pass surrendered without even reporting Cheng Fang, and by the way they captured Cheng Fang and offered it to Pang Tong, so Pang Tong's army entered Xiegu Pass smoothly.

After arriving at Xiegu Pass, Pang Tong led the left and right Sima and other important generals into the general's mansion in Guanzhong. [

This pass is a small pass, and the general's mansion is also dilapidated.But it can barely tolerate people.

In the hall, Pang Tong was kneeling and sitting on the handsome seat. On both sides were important generals in the army. There was a man standing under him.But at the moment, he has a cowardly look on his face, like a coward, just the defender Cheng Fang.

"You said you are Cheng Yi's concubine younger brother, called Cheng Fang?" Pang Tong looked at the man and asked.

"Exactly." Cheng Fang nodded and said.

"Okay, since you are the younger brother of General Cheng, please sit down." Pang Tong said with a pleasant expression on his face.

"Thank you, General." Cheng Fang said with a sigh of relief.

Immediately, Cheng Fang cautiously went to the last seat and sat down.

After Cheng Fang sat down, Pang Tong said with a smile: "In this battle of Hanzhong, we defeated [-] elite soldiers in the pass, surrendered [-], and general Li Yan surrendered. In this way, I have [-] elite soldiers in Hanzhong. This time This general will be the vanguard himself, he will go to Xiegu Pass first, and soon he will conquer Kemei County and attack San Pass. Thinking of such a situation, it really makes people feel relieved."

What Pang Tong said was a bit inexplicable, but many generals had a tacit understanding with Pang Tong. Although they didn't know why, they all raised their fists and said after hearing the words.

"The general is mighty."

"The general is majestic."

"On the day when the great success is accomplished, the Son of Heaven will surely reward you."

For a while, there was a wave of flattery in the hall.

These voices were immediately heard by Cheng Fang. Although this person was cowardly and disliked by Cheng Yi, he was also a person who knew how to repay his kindness. He knew that he could become a rich man because of Cheng Yi's cultivation.

But now that Cheng Yi was fighting outside, there were probably only three thousand guards in Mei County. If Pang Tong's [-] troops entered Mei County, Mei County would not be able to stand it for long, and Cheng Yi's family would be in trouble.

Thinking of this, Cheng Fang's heart suddenly burned with anxiety.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Pang Tong's meeting to end this time.Because of Pang Tong's "courtesy", Cheng Fang received good care.

Soon after, only Pang Tong and his left and right Sima were left in the hall.Only then did Zuo Sima ask: "Why is the general talking nonsense and treating Cheng Fang so politely?"

"The general wants him to spread the news." Pang Tong said with a slight smile when he heard the words. [

"Spread the news? Why is this? If we advance quickly, we will be able to attack Mei County soon, and we can take it down with a little price." Zuo Sima was surprised when he heard this, and he was puzzled.

You Sima also looked at Pang Tong in the same way.

"The general's plan has been told to me, but it is not clear who among the heroes in Guanzhong will be instigated. There are two groups of princes nearby, one of which is Cheng Yi, and the other is a candidate. Mei County, Gu County. Both of these two people should have elite soldiers guarding the garrison. If one of them surrendered because of the plan of the general. If we send troops to attack again, wouldn’t we be killing each other? Naturally, it is a conspiracy. Come on. This general just said that there are [-] elite soldiers. I just want him to bring the news so that the guards of Mei County will retreat and surrender. If he doesn't know how to do it, he can attack and kill again. Late."

Pang Tong had a plan and explained with a smile.

"So that's how it is." The left and right Sima felt relieved and nodded one after another.

It would be great if it surrendered without a fight.They can also preserve their strength and continue to disturb the rear of the Guanzhong heroes.In that way, the chances of the general attacking Chang'an will be greater.

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