I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1818 : Chapter 919 The army is mighty, shocking the enemy

Chapter 910 IX The mighty army shocks the enemy

In the east of Chang'an, on the city, soldiers in armor and holding bows stared at the tiger.Recommended [Bai Xiaosheng Novel Network]:
So majestic, even Fengyun's expression changed.All of a sudden, the strong wind blew up, and the "Han" handsome flag was blowing, like a dragon fighting in the wild, baring its teeth and claws.

Under Shuai's banner, Liu Feng sensed the change in the wind, so he took advantage of the situation and ordered: "Let Wei Yan and Cheng Yi attack the city."

"No." The left and right old guards promised, and immediately conveyed the order. [

"Boom, boom, boom." Not long after, the sound of the horn stopped, and the beating of the drum became louder, like thunder from the sky, like a landslide, extremely majestic.

In front of them, countless soldiers either bowed their backs with arrows, or held short knives, or carried ladders on their shoulders, lined up in a square formation, aggressive.In the rear, Wei Yan and Cheng Yi each rode their horses behind, holding weapons in their hands, and supervised the army.The two had long been excited because of Liu Feng's promise without a fight.Hearing the sound of landslides and thunder, his whole body suddenly boiled.

There is a tendency to be unhappy.

"Kill." Just as the drums were beating and playing the solo, the two of them raised their blades to Chang'an in unison, roaring out the blood in their chests as if they were rushing for thousands of miles.


Following Wei Yan and Cheng Yi, both of them gave the order together, and the soldiers in front roared yes, and each stepped forward to attack Chang'an.

"Dong dong dong."

The sound of war drums beating, the sound of killing, and the sound of marching are as powerful as the earth shaking mountains.This made all the soldiers in the city change their expressions, and Zhong Yao and Sima Yi's expressions changed slightly.


Both of them spit out these two words in their hearts.

"Fire arrows."

As the Han army continued to advance, the distance between the two sides gradually approached, two hundred steps, 180 steps, 150 steps, and one hundred steps.

When the distance between the two sides was close, Zhong Yao waved his right hand and ordered.

"Swish, swish, swish." Immediately, countless archers let go of the attack in their hands.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah."

Many Han soldiers were shot by arrows one after another, or were killed on the spot, or suffered a lot.However, the Han army was well-trained, and the rest of the soldiers did not flinch. Instead, they carried ladders, held short knives, bowed their backs and approached Chang'an step by step.

"fight back."

When they walked to about eighty steps, an officer in front gave an order. [

Immediately, the archers following around the army drew up their bows and shot towards the top of the city.

"Whoosh whoosh."

Immediately, countless arrows also attacked the city of Chang'an, and arrows rained down like rain.

"Raise the shield." Zhong Yao ordered seeing this.

"Promise." A soldier promised, raised his shield and stood in front of Zhong Yao and Sima Yi.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah."

Zhong Yao and Sima Yi were protected by shields, but the rest of the soldiers were not. They fell to the ground with arrows, and the two sides started shooting at each other.

Just as the two sides were shooting at each other, the army of Wei Yan and Cheng Yi approached step by step.The soldiers quickly approached the city wall of Chang'an. Since Chang'an has no moat, the ladder easily leaned against the city.


When the soldiers on the ladder climbed up, countless soldiers holding short blades bit the short blade one after another, and climbed up the ladder with hands and feet.

At the same time, flying stones, logs, and boiling oil flew down from the city. The flying stones and logs hit the soldiers, and immediately turned into a pile of flesh and blood. When the boiling oil splashed on the soldiers, it was even more miserable. His skin was burned, and he fell to the ground, rolling and screaming.

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