I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1820 : Chapter 920 The Attack is Rapid

Chapter 920

The sun is rising eastward, but the sound of fighting has already reached the sky.look
At the head of Chang'an City, Wei Yan and Cheng Yi led their troops to attack Chang'an, which was unstoppable like a landslide.Zhong Yao and Sima Yi continued to mobilize soldiers to resist.

Blood splattered, howls were endless, and it was extremely tragic.

Listening to the sound of shouting and killing, and watching the mighty offensive of the Han army, Zhong Yao and Sima Yi both looked a little ugly. Both of them are talented men, but not fierce generals. Before the two armies, It is inevitable to suffer. [

"My lord, the Han army is really fierce. We should mobilize the extra troops in the city to repair it." Sima Yi said in a deep voice.Naturally, it is impossible to mobilize all the troops to defend the city. Zhong Yao and Sima Yi still have [-] soldiers deployed in the city. The original plan was to rotate and attack with low-level Han troops, but now they have to be mobilized in advance.

"Order to go." Zhong Yao also felt the ferocity of the Han Dynasty, sighed, and said.

"No." Sima Yi promised, and went down to deliver the order.

"Kill, kill, kill." Wei Yan under the city, Cheng Yi's army did not care about Zhong Yao and Sima Yi's feelings, they continued to attack Chang'an.

"Swish, swish." Arrows were still raining down on the city, and the arrows were like dense raindrops, leaving the soldiers nowhere to hide.Soldiers continued to be shot and killed by arrows on the way.

"Bang bang bang."

Rolling stones, logs, etc. were constantly thrown from the city, and soldiers were hit by rolling stones and logs without waiting for a scream, turning into a puddle of flesh and blood.

"Kill, kill, kill." But this didn't stop the soldiers' footsteps. They fought one after another, as if they were tireless and fearless gods of war.

Under the charge of the Han army, the city of Chang'an became more and more precarious.

"Da da da." Fortunately, at this moment, the sound of marching sounded.Immediately, countless soldiers came up from under the city and began to replenish the number of soldiers on the city.

"Kill, kill, kill." As this group of soldiers rushed up to fill the gap, the city's defenses became stronger immediately.Seeing this situation, Zhong Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

"My lord, 1000 people have been mobilized this time." Not long after, Sima Yi came to Zhong Yao's side and said in a deep voice.

"1000 people, how long can Chang'an be guarded?" Zhong Yao said with a wry smile.I thought they could last for half a year, but now.

Why is the Han army so fierce.Zhong Yao raised his head and looked down, feeling helpless.

"Stay as long as you can." Sima Yi also sighed and said.

The city of Chang'an suddenly became stable again from being precarious.Wei Yan and Cheng Yi, who were leading the battle, naturally felt this change.

"Hmph, press the flag up, and the offensive will increase tenfold." Wei Yan snorted coldly when the word "Wei" set the flag, waved his long knife, and ordered.

Then he rode his horse in.


The flag bearer next to him promised, and immediately followed him on his horse.

"Hmph, how can you be left behind?" As soon as General Wei Yan's flag moved, Cheng Yi, who was in charge of the formation on the other side, felt it. War horses forward.

At the same time, the flag bearer beside Cheng Yi also followed.

Seeing that it was raining on the city, Wei Yan was still there, but Cheng Yi's second general did not change his face, slowly pressed in, and fought to be the first to climb the city.

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