I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1824 : Chapter 922 It's Night

Chapter 920 It's Night

The red sun was setting, and night began to shroud.look
The sounds of war drums, fighting, and screams have gradually stopped, and the city of Chang'an has returned to calm.Up and down the city, a large number of soldiers from both sides began to pack up their own corpses, picking up weapons, arrows and other utensils.

When the night completely shrouded, the soldiers on both sides finished packing up.In this way, there are only mottled bloodstains left on the top and bottom of the city, which proves how tragic the fighting during the day was.

In the east, in the camp of the Han army, the soldiers lit a brazier to illuminate the camp. There were a large number of soldiers in armor and holding spears, and they were patrolling the camp energetically, with a chilling air. [

In the large tent of the Chinese army in the middle, it is quite different.

In the big tent, Liu Feng knelt and sat on the handsome seat, with a smile on his face and joy in his eyes.On the left and right are Liu Ye and Jia Xu, and on the bottom are Wei Yan, Wang Ping and seven generals.

Not only Liu Feng had a smile on his face, but also everyone else.Although Liu Feng lured the general to fight for merit with the Qingming sword, he attacked the city more violently.

But that's just a small competition. In terms of the general environment, the generals still have a very consistent concept, and the first priority is to capture the city of Chang'an.

In today's battle, six of the seven armies participated in the attack. Although they did not occupy the city wall, it can be seen that the Wei army has fallen into complete passiveness.

Everyone is naturally happy.

"Da da da."

Just then, there was a sound of footsteps.Immediately, soldiers came in one by one, each carrying meals and drinks.After entering, the soldiers put the food and wine on the case of Liu Feng and all civil and military officials.

After putting it away, the soldiers turned around and walked out.

After the soldiers walked out, Liu Feng picked up the jug, poured a glass of wine into the bronze wine cup, and then raised his glass to all the civil and military personnel: "Chang'an is here, gentlemen, the merit of the general, I respect you all alone."

"Thank you, General." Jia Xu, Liu Ye, Wang Ping, Dong Gai and other civil servants and generals poured wine immediately after hearing the words, and then drank the glass with Liu Feng.

"General, all the generals are magnificent. The Han army is mighty and mighty like the sun. Zhong Yao and Sima Yi in Chang'an seem to be fading away, and only heat is left. At the end, the general will ask the general to order the seven armies to attack Chang'an and defeat them in one battle."

After drinking a glass of wine, everyone felt warm all over, and immediately rushed to their heads.Wei Yan put down his wine glass and said majesticly.

"That's right. The general ordered the attack in turn, but he wanted to preserve the strength of the soldiers, so that the Wei army would not take the opportunity to counterattack and succeed. But since the Wei army has weakened, it is better to attack Chang'an with the seven armies. Duobao City, dominate Guanzhong .”

Not only Wei Yan is majestic, but the rest of the generals are also very majestic. The blood in the battle has not cooled down, and they are still boiling. Hearing Wei Yan's words, he immediately agreed.

Liu Feng thought for a while when he heard the words, and he used the Qingming sword to motivate the generals and arouse the enthusiasm of the generals to attack the city.Taking turns to attack the city today, the effect is also remarkable.

After a day of fighting, there were many casualties among the guards in the city, and even the remaining guards must be extremely tired.Chang'an can be conquered in one fell swoop.

After all the generals competed for merit, and Liu Feng himself thought it over, he suddenly nodded and said: "Okay, tomorrow the seven armies will move together to defeat Chang'an and restore Yongzhou."

"Promise." All the generals were overjoyed when they heard the words, and they suddenly agreed. [

"Since you are the one asking for the seven armies to move together, what if you can't do it alone?" Liu Feng did not continue to encourage, but instead asked sharply.

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