I am the Crown Prince of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1828 : Chapter 924 I have Chang'an

Chapter 920 I Have Chang'an

The offensive of the Han army has always been fierce, and it has gone to hell as soon as it comes into contact with Pu. This is a major feature of the Han army, and today is no exception.look
When the two sides contacted, sparks burst out immediately.

After climbing up the ladder, countless Han soldiers marched towards the top of the city with both hands and feet.While arrows were raining down on the city, there were also more sharp weapons for attack.

"Bang bang bang." [

"Puchi, puchi."

Countless flying stones, logs, and hot oil and water were thrown down by the soldiers of the Wei army on the city pool. Suddenly, a group of people turned their backs on their backs, and many soldiers of the Han army were thrown down by these things.

However, the offensive of the Han army did not stop because of this.Not only did it not stop, but it became even more rapid.The soldiers continued to climb up without blinking their eyes.

"Kill." After a while of sawing, a soldier finally climbed up the city wall. This was a thin and thin soldier, wearing ordinary armor and holding an ordinary short blade in his hand.

But the soldier's eyes were very fierce. As soon as his feet stepped on the city wall, instead of leaning his back against the female wall to resist, he looked around, quickly found an archer, and walked over.



There was a sound of a blade piercing into the flesh, and a scream sounded almost at the same time. The short blade of this thin soldier pierced into the chest and abdomen of an archer of the Wei army decisively, and took out the liver and gallbladder.

Immediately afterwards, the thin and weak soldier drew out his short blade, blood spattering.The thin and weak soldiers quickly went to find the next target without blinking their eyes.

And just after this thin and weak soldier, many Han soldiers rushed to the city wall, and like this thin and weak soldier, they actively searched for targets to attack and kill.

It took only a moment to start the war, but there was a gap in Chang'an's defense.

"Call for reinforcements immediately." Zhong Yao exhaled and said after seeing this.

"No." Sima Yi promised, and went immediately.

Yesterday Zhong Yao stationed [-] soldiers at the head of the city and [-] soldiers in the city, but he exhausted all the reinforcements and was able to keep the city.

Today, there are only more than [-] soldiers left in the Wei army. Zhong Yao piled up [-] soldiers on the top of the city, leaving [-] soldiers in the city as a reserve.

After a short battle, reinforcements will be called in to rescue them.

No matter it is Zhong Yao, Sima Yi's heart is very heavy, especially Sima Yi. He just invited Zhong Yao to boost morale, and he desperately wants to defend for three days, but he doesn't want the Han army's offensive to be so violent in a short time.

Chang'an's defeat has become very obvious. For three days, Chang'an might not be able to hold out for three days.This made Sima Yi, who was as hard as iron, feel a little desperate.

If Chang'an is broken in two days, the momentum of the Han Dynasty will be even stronger.It's really like the might of God, the army bows its head and surrenders wherever it goes. [

Zhong Yao and Sima Yi's mood was heavy for the time being, the Han army's offensive continued, and it became more and more fierce and hot. Countless soldiers, under the supervision of seven generals, climbed to the top of the city one after another.

Although Sima Yi later led a thousand reinforcements to supplement, it was basically like a mantis holding a car, and it didn't play much role.

After fighting for less than half an hour, the city of Chang'an was already crumbling.

"Kill." A section of the city wall.A general led forty or fifty soldiers to stand on the top of the city and set up a small base, surrounded by soldiers of the Wei army, but this general was very brave, like a tiger, ready to pounce, which made people fear.

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